Study: Coconut Oil and Other Natural Products Kill Antibiotic Resistant Clostridium Difficile

    With the rise of antibiotic resistant pathogens, researchers are turning their attention to natural products in hopes of finding cures outside of the patented pharmaceutical paradigm for fighting disease. In a study just published in Journal of Applied Microbiology, Australian researchers studied 22 natural products and their ability to inhibit the spore cycle of Clostridium difficile. Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is mostly incubated in hospital settings, is antibiotic resistant, and very contagious. It can create life-threatening inflammation of the colon. The Australian researchers tested 22 natural products in vitro, and found that three of them "showed inhibitory effects on sporulation of C. difficile. Effects on sporulation, determined using microscopy and a conventional spore recovery assay, showed that fresh onion bulb extract (6.3% v v-1 ) and coconut oil (8% v v-1 ) inhibited sporulation in all four isolates by 66-86% and 51-88%, respectively, compared to untreated controls. Fresh ginger rhizome extract (25% v v-1 ) was also inhibitory, although to a lesser extent."

      Onion Power!

      Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults say they like onions, which is great news since they're one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Rich in vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals, an onion a day may help keep the doctor away. Onions are surprisingly high in beneficial polyphenols, which play an important role in preventing and reducing the progression of diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols also play an important role as a prebiotic, increasing the ratio of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which is important for health, weight management, and disease prevention. Onions contain more polyphenols than even garlic or leeks, and are one of the best sources of a type of polyphenol called flavonoids, especially the flavonoid quercetin.

        The Benefits of Onions and Garlic: Nature’s Weapons against Cancer

        You might not like the smell of onions and garlic on your breath, but you might want to reconsider your dining options. One of the major benefits of onions and garlic is that they (and their allium cousins: shallots, scallions, and leeks) provide serious cancer prevention and fighting power. Packed with allicin, sulfuric compounds, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and selenium to name a few, garlic and other allium vegetables are incredibly nutrient-dense but naturally low in calories. They stimulate your body’s production of glutathione (the most potent antioxidant for your liver) which boosts detoxification throughout your entire system.

          Why You Should Include Onions on Your Dinner Table

          Onions are rich in sulfur-containing compounds and other phytochemicals that may boost heart health, offer protection against cancer and diabetes, boost bone health, and more. Onions have a wealth of beneficial properties. They’re anti-allergic, anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.