Black Cumin Seeds: Nature’s “Miracle” Herb that Heals Better than Drugs

    One of the most healthy things you can do is to immediately stop consuming toxic oils that are recent additions into the human food chain, which include soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, and most industrialized polyunsaturated oils that only exist today because of modern technology. Replace those toxic oils with traditional fats and oils from clean sources that have nourished the human race for thousands of years, and those include coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, sesame seed oil, butter, beef tallow, and lard. Animal fats need to come from clean animals that have access to pasture and are not pumped full of vaccines and drugs. Although unknown to most Americans, black cumin seed oil is another traditional oil that has been consumed by populations in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East for thousands of years. Nigella sativa is the Latin name, and it is known by various other names such as: black caraway, fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, kaljeera, habbat al-barakah, among others. It is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Isaiah, in chapter 28, verses 25 and 27. Black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who ruled Egypt from 1333 BC to 1324 BC, and they were found in a pilgrim flask in Turkey from the ancient Hittite empire, dating from around 1650 BC. The Islamic Prophet is reported to have stated that black cumin seeds are "the remedy for all diseases but death." Black Cumin Seed oil is not just a culinary oil, but a healing oil. A search in the U.S. Government database PubMed for Nigella sativa will return over 2000 peer-reviewed studies on its healing properties, including ongoing research and studies published this year (2023). Once you learn that healing is 100% obtainable outside of the medical paradigm which has become thoroughly evil and part of the Satanic world system, you will be free from their bondage and wonder how in the world you ever trusted them in the first place.

      New Research: Black Seed Oil Effective in Treating Alzheimer’s and Ischemia Organ Damage

      A centuries-old healing agent, Nigella sativa (N. sativa) aka black cumin seeds, often pressed to create black seed oil, has been scrutinized by science to confirm what traditional healers have known for ages: N. sativa is preventative and curative for many ailments without the side effects of modern pharmaceutical drugs. Two recently published journal articles looked at how black seeds can heal organ ischemia damage and prevent or help Alzheimer's disease.

        New Studies on Black Cumin Seeds Reveal Healing Powers for Asthma and Cancer

        Black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) is an ancient natural healing remedy from the Mideast and India. Its phenomenal healing powers for so many ailments and diseases inspired the phrase "black seed cures everything but death." This year, 2018, two peer-reviewed published studies on black cumin seed were added to the long list of international studies confirming its safety and efficacy. The diseases tested using Nigella sativa (N. Sativa) are enough to fill a medical manual. The two recent studies focused on asthma and renal (kidney) cancer. Both were concluded with positive results. The fact that both studies were done with the intention of finding plant-based solutions to replace pharmaceutical drugs instead of trying to find active ingredients for pharmaceutical companies to synthesize and sell at high prices is unique. It’s also interesting that this sort of endeavor is going on outside the USA and most Western nations. The fact is that this ancient Mideast remedy has been thoroughly researched over the past few decades with positive results for many ailments and diseases that are common today. The literature is there, the “science is in,” but it’s willfully ignored by mainstream medicine and media on this side of the Pacific. Black cumin seed empowers one to take responsibility for one’s own health.

          Study: Black Seed Oil Relieves Pain Associated with Arthritis

          Black cumin seed oil, technically known as Nigella Sativa or N. sativa, has been used for thousands of years for several maladies, disorders, and both infectious and non-infectious diseases, especially throughout ancient Mideast, Egypt, and Greece. Currently, black cumin seeds and oils (from the seeds) are used as traditional medicines in the Mideast as well as parts of Africa and Asia. It's principal and most abundant bioactive phytochemical ingredient is thymoquinone. In addition to the multitude of anecdotal reports demonstrating efficacy and safety, there has been a growing curiosity among modern medical researchers who have been researching black cumin seed oil’s thymoquinone for the past few decades. Two more studies have been added in 2018, both relating to black seed oil's ability to relieve arthritis. One was a review article and the other a human trial study.

            Study: Black Seed Oil Helps Parkinson’s – Can be Used for Anti-depressant and Anti-anxiety Treatment

            A recently studied virtue of black cumin oil is its positive effects on neurological and psychiatric systems. A meta-study of several studies analyzing black cumin for several neurological applications includes “… the pharmacological actions and the therapeutic potential pertaining to the central nervous system, particularly effects on psychiatric and neurological dysfunctions, …” The meta study, Neuropsychiatric Effects of Nigella sativa (Black Seed) A Review was published in the journal Alternative and Integrative Medicine. It reviews in detail studies from international sources where researchers have observed positive results from black cumin seed. The researchers reviewed articles published on studies about the effects of Nigella Sativa, its oil and active components, on various clinical conditions concerning the central nervous system. The black cumin seed positive-effect pharmacological categories are: Anti-convulsant effects from epilepsy, Anti-Parkinson's effects, Neuroprotective effects, Anti-depressant effects, Anti-anxiety effects, Effects on improving learning and memory, Effects on drug tolerance and drug dependence, Effects on encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and malaria, which both affect the brain

              Black Cumin Seed Oil: Ancient Seed is Cure for Many Modern Diseases

              Black cumin seed oil continues to receive serious attention from medical researchers around the world. Since Health Impact News first published two reviews of black cumin seed oil research in the summer of 2014, there have been another 215 scientific papers published about this amazing oil. This article will provide you with a summary of recent findings from early 2016, which can be applied to a variety of health concerns. Topics in this article include: learning, memory, and anxiety; oral health; diabetic health; radiation exposure; male infertility; female infertility; breast pain; preventing paralysis from aortic surgery; lead poisoning; corneal injury; and MRSA infection.

                Black Seed Oil Cures Many Cancers According to Numerous Studies

                Black cumin seed oil inhibits cancer cell activity and can even kill some types of cancer cells. Scientific research has shown that black seed oil (Nigella sativa) is an effective treatment for cancer in animal studies, and can be as effective as anti-cancer drugs for some types of cancer. Black cumin seed oil and its extract thymoquinone have powerful benefits for various inflammatory diseases, including liver cancer, melanoma skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and brain cancer. Despite several decades of very positive research on using black seed oil against cancer, researchers have rarely advanced their work into human clinical testing, even though the benefits are strong and the risks of negative side effects are extremely small. As you will learn from the research findings that I will discuss, the use of black seed oil for cancer prevention and treatment has proven to be a powerful strategy for many forms of cancer. Yet black cumin seed oil still has not been recognized as beneficial by mainstream medicine. I will examine some of the political pressures that might be holding back clinical research with human cancer patients, and will consider why drug companies may wish to suppress the use of black seed oil.