Hospital Medically Kidnaps Baby Because Parents Wanted Unvaccinated Blood Supplied by Their Donors

    A court decision in New Zealand today allowed a hospital to take custody of a 4-month-old baby simply because the parents wanted the hospital to use blood from their own donors who have not been vaccinated with mRNA shots for a heart surgery procedure. Former TV news reporter, Liz Gunn, who is with FreeNZ Media and has apparently been the only one giving the parents' side of the story, gave a brief update shortly after the court's decision. She later posted a longer video with an interview with Sue Grey, the parents' attorney. I have been covering "medical kidnapping" for over a decade now, and this story is a frightening warning about the world we now live in post COVID-19, where science and facts are meaningless, and being on the correct side of a political issue is all that matters. So called "courts of law" all over the world now have ruled in favor of medical authorities, not based on evidence and facts, but based on political correctness. We have seen this in the U.S. where even the Supreme Court has upheld rulings on vaccine mandates, such as the one in New York City, where sports players and entertainers were exempt from COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but city employees, such as police, firemen, sanitation workers, etc., were not exempted. These parents did not refuse medical treatment nor their doctors' advice, according to their own testimony, but simply wanted to have unvaccinated blood supplied by approved pediatric donors. The doctors disagreed, saying that vaccinated blood is perfectly safe, and in the end the parents apparently lost custody of their baby simply because they were labeled as "conspiracy theorists" and dared to disagree with the doctors.

      Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice

      Essentially, our lives rocked along with the usual family squabbles, snotty noses, heat rashes and teenage pimples … nothing really major to concern ourselves over. Until the youngest, our daughter, started at College! Then all hell broke loose! In her final primary year (Year 8), we’d received notices regarding Gardasil. Some friends cautioned outright against it; others were 50/50 and still others were, like: Why wouldn’t you if it can prevent cancer? We came to the conclusion that we should go ahead. About six months later, things began to crumble... I refuse to allow this vaccine to continue harming our girls and am doing everything in my power to bring it to the attention of the media and authorities.

        “HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”

        This was a very hard video to post. My 12 yr old daughter was fine before her vaccine, now this is her life.