Success Treating Lyme Disease Naturally Without Antibiotic Drugs

    We recently published an article exposing why the CDC has suddenly come out and finally acknowledged that the number of people suffering from Lyme disease is much higher than what is being reported. The CDC and others have a significant conflict of interest and profit motive to introduce a new Lyme vaccine. In that article we asked people to contact us and tell us how they have overcome Lyme disease naturally without the traditional treatment of months or even years of antibiotic treatment. We received some very good feedback. If you are suffering from Lyme disease, please be assured that there are many people out there overcoming it without dangerous antibiotic drugs. Many people who responded stated that they used homeopathy successfully. If you don't know much about the history of homeopathy practice, read the excellent article "American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America," to see how homeopathy was the prevalent method of healthcare in early America, before the pharmaceutical companies took over. Among the testimonies from people overcoming Lyme disease naturally, one name was mentioned as someone who had helped quite a few people, and that person is Dr. Cindee Gardner who treats people all over the world from her office in Pittsburgh. She has successfully treated people for Lyme disease without antibiotic drugs. Dr. Gardner is an internationally renowned Homeopath, Molecular Biologist, Herbalist, Nutritional Counsellor & Educator, spanning a career of over 28 years. Dr. Gardner has written a very comprehensive article on treating Lyme disease naturally, and she has allowed us to republish it..

      Ginger Treats Osteoarthritis with Topical Application

      Research from Australia’s Edith Cowan University has confirmed an ancient treatment – that osteoarthritis pain and mobility is reduced with the application of ginger root topically. The researchers recruited 20 adults between the ages of 35 and 90 years old – average age of 64 years old. All of the volunteers had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. 85% of the patients had osteoarthritis of the knees and/or hips. The researchers randomly divided the patients into two groups, and treated half of them with a ginger (Zingiber officinalis) compress, and half with a ginger transdermal patch – a patent-pending product from New Zealand. The patients applied the patch or compress daily. They were monitored weekly with a Health Assessment Questionnaire throughout the 24 week study. The patients in both groups experienced significant improvement in pain, fatigue, well-being and mobility after only seven days, and this improvement increased through the study. Researchers concluded that “This pilot study suggests ginger therapy using both the ginger compress and ginger patch has the potential to relieve symptoms and increase independence for people with osteoarthritis.”

        FDA Bans Natural Pain Treatment to Protect Patented Drug that does Same Thing

        Some 92% of back pain sufferers were relieved by this natural treatment, and gout sufferers too, but now it’s banned to make way for an expensive new copycat FDA approved drug. Colchicine, the active compound in the herb Colchium autumnale, is a powerful healer. It should only be used with qualified professional supervision, but can be very effective. Now this powerfully effective natural medicine is gone, thanks to the FDA.

          Dr. Offit Ignores Data that Conflicts with his Agenda to Attack Supplements and Promote Drugs

          Dr. Paul A. Offit, chief of the infectious diseases division of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, thinks vitamins should be treated as drugs, stating that people receive enough nutrients through their regular diet and do not need supplements. He ignores data that conflicts with his agenda and only cites studies that suggest negative effects of supplementation and excludes important evidence to the contrary. This approach could very well be due to the fact that he will soon be publishing a book bashing alternative medicine.

            Pharmacists Want to Classify Herb as a Drug to Protect Anti-depressant Drugs

            by Alliance for Natural Health
            A Natural, Inexpensive, Easily Accessible, Safer Treatment for Depression?
            Not if pharmacists have their way! Action Alert!

            Pharmacists Planning Service (PPS), a “public health, consumer, and pharmacy education” nonprofit, is petitioning the FDA to change the designation of St. John’s Wort from “herbal dietary supplement status” to “behind pharmacy counter status” (BPCS)—a designation that requires pharmacist […]

              Lavender Is Effective Against Drug Resistant Staph Infection

              by Heidi Stevenson

              Lavender has long been a favorite plant for use in essential oils and for its lovely scent in sachets. Those are useful and pleasant effects, but hidden inside this unassuming and easy-to-grow plant are abilities that modern medicine can’t provide. Among other benefits, lavender can counteract drug resistant staph infections (MRSA) and fungal infections.

              And […]

                Licensed physicians put their careers on the line if they offer natural remedies

                by Alliance for Natural Health

                A reader asks an important question about the laws threatening integrative doctors. We lay it all out.

                We recently received this question from David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM, vice president of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation:
                I continually hear physicians say (at conferences) that it is illegal for them to […]