California Christian Homeschool Family Torn Apart as Children are Medically Kidnapped, Forced into Public School, and Mother is Forced out of Family Home

    When the Daugherty family decided to visit Seattle, Washington, for a 4 day whale watching trip to celebrate their son's 10th birthday, they had no idea that a trip to the emergency room would turn into a nightmare that would rip their family apart. They were more than a thousand miles from home and from their own doctors, when chronically ill Zachary began running a fever and showing signs of an infection. When his parents took him to the emergency room at Seattle Children's Hospital, they blindly walked into a web of controversy involving some of the most notorious Child Abuse Specialist doctors in the country, with connections to Medical Kidnap stories we have published spanning from Boston to Arizona, California, and Washington. California parents Kevin and Erin Daugherty learned that the conflict between Boston area doctors involved with the notorious Justina Pelletier case didn't stay in Boston. It has spread all the way from the East Coast to the West Coast of America. Their son Zachary has been caught in the crossfire of differing philosophies of different doctors. Orange County CPS in California has now seized custody of Zachary and his sister Zoe as well, and these formerly homeschooled children are now forced to attend public school. The children are only allowed to see their mother on supervised visits 4 hours per week, as the state has forced the mother to move out of the family home and separate from her husband against their will.

      Texas Mom Blamed for Baby’s Accidental Gardasil Vaccine Injuries Fights to Get Medically Kidnapped Daughter Back

      The Gardasil vaccine is not intended to be given to children under 9 years of age and has not been studied in babies. It is a vaccine developed for sexually active young women to prevent the humanpapilloma virus and cervical cancer. In recent years, it has been given to teen-age boys as well. It is perhaps the most controversial vaccine in America and around the world today. Yet when a 4 month old baby in Texas was mistakenly given the shot intended for her teenage brother, her mother has been blamed for causing the symptoms that followed. Everywhere Anita Vasquez turned for answers for little Aniya's condition, it seemed that no one she talked to was willing to make the obvious connection between the vaccine and her illness. In the effort to cover-up or deny any effects of the medical error, a family is being sacrificed. In a cruel twist of irony, the fact that Anita refuses to give up her quest for answers and the fact that she has medical knowledge (because she is a nurse by trade) is being viewed as "evidence" that she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy (or "factitious disorder") - a rare mental disorder by which someone, usually a parent, intentionally makes a child sick in order to gain attention. Baby Aniya was seized by Child Protective Services on May 2, 2017, and placed into foster care with strangers. Her big brother has struggled with blaming himself ever since. He loves his baby sister very much. In the latest development in their story, CPS social workers have cut off all of 14 year old Alfred's visits with Aniya. The Vasquez family just wants to be a family again, but CPS appears to be blaming everyone except the most likely culprit - the vaccine that she never should have received, the vaccine that she was mistakenly given right before her symptoms started.

        Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Label Destroys Families – Covers Up Vaccine Injuries

        In my first article titled Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths, I described what Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is, the man behind the label, Sir Roy Meadow, and his involvement in the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunization, an organization that sanctions vaccines in the UK. From extensive research it appears that Sir Roy Meadow did not work alone. Another professional who has been found to be deeply embroiled in the vaccine injury cover-up, is a Professor David Southall.

          Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – A False Diagnosis to Blame Parents for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths?

          Over the years there has been a growing epidemic of parents claiming to have been falsely accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP). Many of these parents state that they were only accused of suffering from the condition after they reported that they believed that their child had suffered a vaccine injury. MSBP is a diagnosis given to a parent or caregiver to describe certain aspects of their behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child, to unnecessary painful tests or medical interventions, such as scans, x-rays and surgical procedures to gain the attention of the medical profession. In this investigative report, Christina England reveals that Professor Sir Roy Meadow was the first professional to use the term Munchausen syndrome by proxy in a paper published by The Lancet in 1977. Sir Roy Meadow has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, and in 2005 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct by the General Medical Council in the Sally Clark case, and lost his license to practice medicine. Sally Clark spent 3 and a half years in prison because of false testimony given at her trial by Sir Roy Meadow, where she was being accused of killing her two infant children.

            World Renowned Medical Anthropologist Compares Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labeling to Witch Hunts

            Dr. Helen Hayward-Brown is a medical anthropologist/sociologist who completed her doctorate on false and highly questionable accusations of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. She completed two post-doctoral fellowships with the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney, in addition to her teaching and advocacy work. Dr. Helen Hayward Brown joins Tammi Stefano on The National Safe Child Show to discuss the widely discredited "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" label. This label has proven to be not only destructive of families but also obstructive of justice. Dr. Helen explains: "What actually happens in many of these cases, in about 70%, the mothers pick up that there’s been some kind of medical error. Sometimes they’ve made a complaint, sometimes they’ve actually started legal proceedings but as soon as that happens very often the parent find that that’s what they’re labeled in and that discredits the mother. It also means that if they child is removed from the family then the family can’t get a second opinion with what’s going on with the child’s health."

              Teenage Girl Speaks Out About Being Medically Kidnapped in Los Angeles

              The week following Tammi Stefano's interview with Jewels Stein on the The National Safe Child show, she had Jewel's daughter Dakotah on the show to get her perspective on being medically kidnapped and alienated from her mother. This was the first time The National Safe Child show interviewed and published the perspective of a victim who is a minor, and Dakota's mother Jewel gave her consent to allow Dakotah to appear on the show. Dakotah's inside perspective gives the public an incredible view of a corrupt system of doctors and social workers that destroys families, and she has a very powerful message she wants heard. Her story also gives hope to the hundreds of thousands other foster children currently trapped in such a corrupt system.

                Four Boys in South Carolina Medically Kidnapped When Parents Ask for Second Opinion

                A parent’s worst nightmare happened on July 10, 2015 in Spartanburg, South Carolina for the Headley family. The Spartanburg County Police walked right in the front door of the Headley’s home while Danielle and her four boys were sleeping. William Headley had left for work earlier that morning and the front door was unlocked because the family felt safe in their community. Danielle stated that a female officer, later identified as Investigator Tracy Moss, walked into her bedroom and asked if she was Danielle Headley. Danielle replied that she was. Danielle states: “The cops busted into my house, didn’t knock or identify themselves. She (the investigator) said they have a search warrant and you need to get up and get up now!” Investigator Moss proceeded to demand that Danielle remove Jack from the crib in her room, unhook his feeding tube and bring him into the family’s living room. When Danielle walked into the living room, her three older boys were lined up on the couch. Danielle stated that: “Apparently she got my kids from their bedrooms before she came into my room.” According to Danielle, there were five or six officers to assist executing a search warrant for all electronics and medications in their home. The Emergency Removal Order served on that day states that they were contacted by Greenville Health System, Dr. Nancy Henderson, and the Headley’s four children needed to be removed due to mother being suspected of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Danielle had made the mistake of asking for a referral to another hospital for their youngest boy, who has had health problems since he was born. Now, all four of her boys have been kidnapped by the State, and they are threatening to vaccinate the youngest boy who has health problems tomorrow against the parents wishes, even though he is known to have severe reactions to vaccines.

                  Medical Director of LA Child Welfare Testifies Under Oath That He Does Not Know the Law Regarding Seizure of Children

                  Dr. Charles Sophy is the Medical Director for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Los Angeles County DCFS reportedly has the largest amount of children taken away from their families and put into foster homes of any other agency in the United States. When California attorney Shawn McMillan uploaded a video of a deposition of Dr. Charles Sophy, the Medical Director for Los Angeles County DCFS, whom he deposed in a case he is currently litigating to his YouTube account, I took special interest to listen to the video and learn more about this medical director who is responsible for the lives of so many children in LA County. In addition to his role as Medical Director for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, Dr. Sophy also maintains a private practice as a Hollywood doctor and has appeared in reality TV shows such as "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." In this video deposition, however, it would appear that Dr. Sophy is not well versed in the Constitutional laws regarding when a child can be taken out of their home and away from their parents, and he states that he has never supplied such training to his social workers.

                    Devastated Parents of Children Medically Kidnapped in Virginia Fight Back

                    A nightmare story that has become all too familiar to those of us at Health Impact News, parents in Virginia reached out to us to expose a corrupt system that has ravaged families all across America, and is completely out of control. Trying to find solutions to medical problems for their family, these parents did what families all across the United States do every day: they took their children to see medical doctors. Not finding solutions to their family illness, these parents pressed on to find answers. The result was that they were allegedly accused of having a mental disorder, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, and even denied medical care. Worse, their children were terrorized and kidnapped out of the hospital by force. “My daughter ran screaming and crying to an old folks’ home next to the hospital, locked herself in the bathroom, and called me. When I got there from our house down the street from hospital, my son was inside of a van with no handles on the inside and my daughter was in the bathroom surrounded by six to eight police. One cop from Shenandoah County looked at my fourteen year old son and saw tears in his eyes and asked in a mean way, 'What is wrong with you, why are you crying?!?' It was awful." Lane and Susan have their children back now, but they want the world to know their story. They feel their children have been scarred for life: "My daughter is now back with me and is no longer a child, she left me believing in fairies and Santa and came back waking screaming every night, scared to death of being taken." This family has lost their home, their jobs, and their health, but they are not done. They are fighting back, and currently have a pending lawsuit in federal court. Here is their story.

                      Years After Medical Kidnapping, Woman Claims She Was Not Victim of Munchausen or Abuse by Mother

                      It was a heartbreaking case that ripped a 9-year-old girl from her South Florida family and sent her mother to prison for years. Exactly 19 years ago... Jennifer Bush was placed in state care amid allegations that her mother, Kathy Bush, was deliberately making her ill in an unusual — and some say now discredited — form of child abuse called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. After shunning attention for years, Jennifer Bush is publicly defending her mom for the first time and agreed to release a written statement this week and answer a few, limited follow-up questions from the Sun Sentinel. "Jennifer made it very clear: She thinks her mother never abused her," said Fort Lauderdale lawyer Robert Buschel, who defended Kathy Bush in her criminal trial.

                        Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: A Fake Psychiatric Disorder Used to Medically Kidnap Children?

                        A Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy diagnosis lacks scientific validity. The Munchausen syndrome by proxy profile used by doctors contains paradoxes that make it very difficult, almost impossible, for mothers to prove their innocence. For example, being an over-protective parent is part of the Munchausen syndrome by proxy profile, but so is being a negligent parent. Read how one family lost custody of their vaccine-damaged daughter to a Munchausen syndrome by proxy diagnosis in a medical kidnapping case. It took months to regain custody of the girl, but it was too late. The child died a short time later.