US Declares Monkeypox Public Health Emergency – Big Pharma Ready for Windfall Profits, Again

    If there is one thing that the COVID-19 "Public Health Emergency" did with extreme efficiency, it was the fact that $TRILLIONS of emergency funds were redirected out of the U.S. Economy to Big Pharma, creating literally hundreds of new billionaires, and increasing the wealth of existing billionaires to record new highs in revenue. These billionaires and bankers knew full well that their ponzi-scheme economy based on debt could no longer be sustained, and so they created a worldwide "plandemic" which redefined upper respiratory diseases formerly named "influenza viruses" and used fear and massive testing where they could control the results, to implement a unified worldwide approach to bring in massive profits, before the financial system collapsed. By declaring a "Public Health Emergency" they could control health regulatory agencies such as the FDA and CDC to forego their normal approval processes, and rush to market novel new drugs and vaccines that would never have otherwise made it to market. From a business standpoint, it was a brilliant plan, and it worked so effectively, that I do believe they now plan on perpetuating endless "Public Health Emergencies" so the bankers can create more money to send their way, at least until they can eliminate cash and implement their Central Bank Digital Currencies which has the goal of making every citizen of every country slaves to the medical dictators. So it should come as no surprise that a "new pandemic" has now been granted "Public Health Emergency" in the U.S., even though the alleged "virus," the monkeypox virus, has only infected a few thousand people, and is so far only spread among men having sex with other men. And like COVID-19 which was predicted and planned for months before the first cases were allegedly detected in Wuhan, China, by running pandemic simulations, so too monkeypox had a potential pandemic simulated in March of 2021 hosted by the Nuclear Threat Initiative with the Munich Security Conference to “conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats.” They even published a schedule and timeline on just how this new "pandemic" was going to unfold, and so far we are right on schedule. So what comes next?

      Newest Threat to Medical Freedom—Monkeypox “Emergency”

      The World Health Organization declaration of Monkeypox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), was made by one man, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of medical and scientific advisors. Nine of the committee members thought a PHEIC should not be declared and six supported a declaration. “Nine and six is very, very close. Since the role of the committee is to advise, I decided to act as a tie-breaker,” Tedros said in a news conference called to announce the decision.” Perhaps it is the “new math” that leads to the conclusion of a “tie” with a 3-vote majority on one side?  And why did Tedros decide to go with the minority opinion rather than the majority? Rosamund Lewis, the WHO technical lead for monkeypox, said in a July 20 press conference: “About 98 percent of (Monkeypox) cases are among men who have sex with men—and primarily those who have multiple recent anonymous or new partners.” She then said they are typically young and chiefly live in urban areas. So why did Tedros decide unilaterally to declare a global emergency for the vast majority of people who do not fit this profile?

        W.H.O. – 99% of Monkeypox Cases are Among Men, 95% Men who Have Sex with Men – Calls for Global Censorship of MonkeyPox “Misinformation”

        The World Health Organization published recommendations regarding the MonkeyPox "Global Emergency" today, and in doing so, they revealed that this "virus" actually only risks a very small portion of the world's population: men having sex with other men. WHO Director-general Tedros Adhanom then called for global censorship on any "disinformation" that does not follow the WHO approved propaganda, just as they did with COVID-19. So there you have it. Don't let history repeat itself, because we know now that those who researched the truth for themselves regarding COVID-19 (labeled as "misinformation") and determined that it was not a major risk, and therefore stayed clear from the "vaccines" and other novel, new medicines that were quickly authorized for "emergency use," are the ones who are still alive today and still have their hearts and brains in tact.

          MonkeyPox Vaccine Has HIGHER Rates of Heart Disease Side Effects than COVID Vaccines and the CDC Wants to Inject them Into Your Children

          Now that all age groups for children starting with babies 6 months old have been approved to be injected with the deadly COVID-19 vaccines, the CDC announced last week that they also want to start injecting children with a monkeypox vaccine. These are untested vaccines, and the rate of heart disease as a side effect, such as myocarditis, is even higher than the COVID-19 experimental vaccines. Here is what the CDC currently states regarding the rate of myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: "Over 350 million mRNA vaccines were given during the study period and CDC scientists found that rates of myocarditis were highest following the second dose of an mRNA vaccine among males in the following age groups: 12–15 years (70.7 cases per one million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech) 16–17 years (105.9 cases per one million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech) 18–24 years (52.4 cases and 56.3 cases per million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, respectively)" Of course, the CDC is lying, and we have shown this using their own data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which reveals much higher rates of heart disease among young people than they are claiming. The two current vaccines approved for smallpox/monkeypox, however, have even higher rates of myocarditis. The CDC admits that the ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine has a rate of 5.7 cases of myocarditis per 1,000 doses administered. That's 5,700 cases of myocarditis per one million doses! The monkeypox vaccine they want to inject into children, Jynneos, according to the CDC's Dr. Brent Petersen, has zero cases of myocarditis. But according to Dr. Meryl Nass, he is lying (is anyone surprised?) Dr. Nass pulled the 200-page FDA licensure review of the Jynneos smallpox-monkeypox vaccine which documents two studies, and she found that these 2 studies of Jynneos found that 11% in one and 18% of recipients in the other had developed elevated levels of cardiac enzymes (troponin). This implies heart muscle damage of some kind. It was not studied further, and the reviewers admitted they did not know whether myocarditis was caused by the Jynneos vaccine, or not, and that they would need to perform future surveillance to find out. Just taking the lower of the two numbers, 11%, would produce 110,000 cases of heart disease per one million doses! We are well into the Globalists' population control by means of vaccines now, and America's children are in extreme danger from ignorant parents who still believe in vaccines.

            Monkeypox Renamed for Shingles? COVID-19 Vaccines Increase Risk of Shingles by 4,925%

            Monkeypox; or the new name the W.H.O are urgently trying to find for it to make it sound more frightening, is about to become the word of the day in the mainstream media now that they know everyone is bored of hearing about Ukraine. The World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting and will most likely have announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the alleged disease by the end of June. All member states including the USA, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia etc. will be legally obliged to then act and respond. But data made available by the U.S. Government strongly suggests the alleged “monkeypox” outbreak may not be what it appears to be. The disease is nigh on impossible to distinguish from chickenpox/shingles, and the U.S. Gov. data reveals that Covid-19 vaccination increases the risk of developing shingles by a shocking 4925% at the very least.

              Monkeypox is Following the COVID Playbook Step by Step

              Monkeypox is back in the headlines as of yesterday, back to work after a short break. It burst onto the front pages, with concomitant BIG RED NUMBERS and daily case updates a couple of weeks ago, and then went quiet. The press pretty much stopped talking about it. …until they started again. Yesterday it was reported that the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has “upgraded” monkeypox to a “notifiable disease”, meaning any positive test must be immediately reported to the government agency. Ever one for subtlety, the Telegraph’s front page reports this as “monkeypox upgraded to same level as leprosy and the plague” Across the pond, the US CDC has made the curiously synchronised decision to increase their travel alert on Monkeypox to level 2, which recommends people “practice enhanced precautions”. Let’s be clear here – the “monkeypox outbreak” is a joke. Anybody actually taking any of this seriously after the last two years of Covid hysteria needs a major reality check. At this point you should be assuming any disease “outbreak” is a hoax until proven otherwise. Really proven, not “trust me, I’m an expert” proven.

                Plandemic II Launched to Keep Pandemic Funds Flowing to Big Pharma: MonkeyPox

                After weeks of indicating that perhaps the Bird Flu hoax was going to be recycled again as a new "pandemic" to instill fear and continue the state of "emergency" the entire country has been under since 2020 that has resulted in $trillions given over to Big Pharma for their products, mainly the COVID-19 "vaccines," it appears now that plans are in place to actually use the "monkeypox" as the new "pandemic" to further the goals of the Globalists to create new vaccines and control the population. The World Health Organization just announced that they are "convening an emergency meeting on the alarming spread of monkeypox around the world." Just how bad is this new "outbreak" which now threatens the world in a similar way to how COVID threatened to wipe out humanity? Cases of monkeypox in the UK doubled this week - to an "alarming" 20 cases. And it is now spreading to the U.S. at an alarming rate, as one person has reportedly now tested positive for it (determined by the PCR test apparently) in New York City. It appears that worldwide this "alarming spread" of monkeypox is well below 100 cases at this point, which means it would probably not even break into the top 1000 list of current infectious diseases spreading around the globe. So why the media hype and sudden attention by government health organizations like the WHO and the CDC? The first clue that this is a new "plandemic" is to see how Big Pharma is setup to profit from it, because disease management is first and foremost a marketing opportunity, and to create to the proper fear factor, one has to advertise a "new" and "deadly" disease to start the funds flowing through emergency use authorizations. And sure enough, that first criterion for identifying a "plandemic" has been met this week, as Whitney Webb reported: "In recent days, concern over a global outbreak of monkeypox...two companies are already cashing in. As concern over monkeypox has risen, so too have the shares of Emergent Biosolutions and SIGA Technologies. Both companies essentially have monopolies in the US market, and other markets as well, on smallpox vaccines and treatments. Their main smallpox-focused products are, conveniently, also used to protect against or treat monkeypox as well. As a result, the shares of Emergent Biosolutions climbed 12% on Thursday, while those of SIGA soared 17.1%." The second sign to look for, is if this "new outbreak" has already been predicted beforehand, and even simulated in an effort to predict how to "contain the outbreak," much as COVID-19 was weeks before the first alleged cases even showed up, with the pandemic simulation called Event 201. And thanks to some investigations by Polly St. George, there was indeed a simulation of a "monkeypox" pandemic simulated in March of 2021 hosted by the Nuclear Threat Initiative with the Munich Security Conference to "conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats."