War Breaks Out in the Middle East – Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage

    Tensions in the Middle East escalated this week, and it appears that a full-blown war has now started with the attacks in Israel earlier today. Attacks that have killed hundreds of people started before the attacks in Israel today, however. Earlier this week, at least 100 people in Syria were reportedly killed in a deadly attack at a military college in Syria’s Homs province. The Syrian Government said it was a terrorist attack by “known international forces,” which implies they were funded by the U.S. who has had a military presence in Syria for over a decade now opposing the current Syrian Government. This news was barely mentioned in the U.S. media, which instead focused on another attack that happened at the same time in the northern part of Syria, where Turkish forces attacked Kurdish military installations in retaliation for a suicide bombing in Ankara, Turkey. The U.S. actually shot down a drone that was reportedly operated by Turkey, a NATO ally, and this is what was headline news in the U.S. media that day. And then today, Saturday, October 7th, all of the news headlines are concerning a "surprise" attack by the Palestinian group Hamas against Israel, and the Israeli response, where hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians are reported as killed. Unfortunately, the U.S. media, BOTH the corporate media as well as most of the alternative media, are strongly pro-Israel and very one-sided in their coverage of what is currently happening in Israel. So what I want to do in this article is quote non-U.S. media sources to give the other side of the story that you are not likely to read in the Western Media. And just a reminder for some of our newer readers who may not know much about me, I have spent a significant portion of my adult life, in my earlier years, living in the Middle East. I was fluent in Turkish at one time and spent many years in Turkey, including working with Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War, and I have also lived in Saudi Arabia for several years where I taught English at the university level. Most Americans have never even met or befriended a Muslim, let alone visited or lived in a Muslim country, and have bought into the propaganda that lumps all Muslims into one category (Jihad terrorists), and also vilifies anyone who dares to mention anything negative about Israel, and the Zionist agenda which most Evangelical Christians (wrongly) believe is a fulfillment of prophecy. I have a BA from one of the top Zionist Evangelical schools in America, so I know the Zionist view very well, having been trained in it. But I have been studying the Bible for over 40 years now, and have never embraced the Zionist view, even while a Bible School student back in the early 1980s, because the modern day Zionist views are not taught anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the opposite is actually taught.

      Beijing and Moscow are Uniting the Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni and Shia Muslims Making Peace

      We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.