Human Rights Group Says Overhaul of Psycho-pharmaceutical Industry Should Begin with Investigation into the Drugging of 6 to 12 Year Olds

    A United Nations Health Rights expert, Dr. Dainius Pūras, has issued a report calling for mental health care to move away from a biomedical (drug) model. The mental health industry watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights says the drug model has led to 8.4 million children — 1 million aged five or younger — being prescribed psychiatric drugs in the U.S. alone.

      How the Government Destroyed Dr. Loren Mosher’s Research Proving Therapy by “Non-professional Caregivers” was Superior to Psychiatric Drugs

      Psychiatrist Loren Mosher (who earned medical degrees from both Harvard and Stanford) was the highly esteemed founder of the experimental Soteria Project, which was subtitled “Community Alternatives for the Treatment of Schizophrenia” from 1971 to 1983. The Soteria Project proved that patients with first-onset psychotic breaks could be successfully treated - even cured - outside insane asylums by non-professional caregivers, in unlocked neighborhood facilities and without the coercive use of neurotoxic, dependency-inducing and dementia-inducing drugs. Five years before his untimely death in 2004, and long after he was hounded out of the NIMH and mainstream psychiatry for doing the right thing, Dr. Mosher wrote: “Despite what the pharmaceutical companies would have us believe, we don’t need ‘a better life through chemistry.’ The Drug May Be Your Problem will help debunk this myth and provide practical advice on how to avoid psychiatric drugs and get off them.”

        When does Ordinary Life Become a Mental Illness? When Psychiatry and Big Pharma say so

        You must be crazy. Psychiatry and Big Pharma say so. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American psychiatry’s manual of mental illness diagnoses, was published last year. It’s supposed to “revolutionize” diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. If you and I submit passively to it, it probably will.