FDA Turns Its Back on Women with Menopause – Seeks to Restrict Access to Estriol

    With their great safety profile and excellent health benefits, it isn’t surprising that one third of women who use hormone therapy choose estriol and other safe, effective, and natural bioidentical hormones to manage the symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, the FDA is poised to remove access to these hormones and to leave ailing women with no other option but more dangerous alternatives. ANH-USA is leading the charge to protect these crucial hormones, but we need your help to enlist members of Congress to get the FDA to back off.

      Big Drug Companies Threaten Natural Hormone Therapy

      Big drug companies want the entire hormone therapy market to themselves. If they’re successful, the price of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could go through the roof. And you won’t be able to get the therapy in the right form, either. In 2014, TherapeuticsMD, a drug company specializing in women’s healthcare, was granted two new patents for the company’s combination bioidentical-estradiol-and-progesterone drug. The patents are for the particular “recipe” of bioidentical hormones (presumably a particular ratio of estradiol to progesterone, combined with a proprietary solubilizing agent), and for the “method”—that is, the claim that this formulation is a method of treating menopause symptoms in women. The company is also in the midst of conducting a Phase III clinical trial on this drug, meaning that it could be very close to coming to market. Keep in mind that this is occurring against the backdrop of the FDA’s war on natural medicine.

        FDA Approves a Dangerous New Antidepressant—for Hot Flashes!

        The FDA has approved the first non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes associated with menopause. The drug is paroxetine mesylate (marketed as Brisdelle). Paroxetine, an SSRI, is the active ingredient in two drugs for depression and other psychiatric disorders, Paxil and Pexeva. What is not mentioned is that the FDA’s Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee voted 10 to 4 that the overall risk-benefit profile of the drug did not support approval—that the benefits over placebo were “minimal,” and that all of the severe side effects associated with SSRIs, such as suicidal thoughts and osteoporosis, outweigh the minor benefits.

          Coconut Oil is good for combating brain fog and weight gain from menopause according to doctor

          The Best Memory Food You Aren’t Eating
          One doctor claims you can strengthen your brain, lose weight and more with this miracle oil


          What if somebody told you there’s a versatile food you can eat every day that would improve your memory, reduce menopausal symptoms,and help you lose weight?  You’d add it to your shopping […]