How Much Longer will the World Continue to Look to Medical Doctors to Save Them?

    "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalms 23:1-4) These famous words penned by King David are known to many believers around the world, but how many of us actually believe them? My guess is very few, if any, actually believe these simple truths written in Psalm 23, and also expounded upon in so many other places in the Bible, that God is very capable of taking care of our needs, and that the entire needs of the human race were met by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and his resurrection from the dead. I would guess that most people who claim to believe in the words of Psalm 23 only believe in them when they are not "sick." If they are "sick," then the medical doctors are their "shepherd," and instead of the "rod and staff" of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ, they look to the stethoscope and the rod of  Asclepius, or the Caduceus, the rod with the serpents intertwined around them, as the symbol and authority for their health.

      Does Medical Science Need Evolutionary Science?

      Is evolutionary theory "critical" to medicine? A poll of doctors from 2006 found that at least 34 percent of U.S. physicians think intelligence played a role in the origin of humans. That's a very significant portion of doctors who support intelligent design. On the flipside, evolutionary science has hindered medical research by promulgating the now-defunct concept of "junk DNA". That's the evolution-based idea that most of the DNA in human cells is useless junk. It's now known that the vast majority of our DNA has function, but evolution discouraged research into "junk DNA." In this regard, with its faulty understanding of "the human person" as being the result of strictly blind physical mechanisms, evolution has obstructed "advances in medicine." Many other examples could be given. For another, evolutionary science has wrongly assumed that many organs are "vestigial" and thus unnecessary or unimportant. Those organs include the appendix, tonsils, coccyx, and thyroid. It's now known that each of those organs plays an important role in human physiology. By presuming nonfunctionality or reduced functionality in these organs, evolutionary science did great medical damage to many patients.

        Is There a Vaccine Against Fear? What You Need to Know About Medicine in the Media

        Confessions of an Ex-Ad Woman Part III

        The other day, we watched a commercial for a new drug that promised relief for neuralgia, but added that it might cause lupus, cancer, heart problems, and rashes that could indicate a life-threatening disease. As the commercial wrapped up with a warm and fuzzy moment, […]