FDA Sharing Patients’ Private Medical Records in Order to Harass Integrative Doctors

    It appears that the FDA is working with state medical boards behind the scenes -- sometimes in violation of the law. Professional medical boards are launching investigative actions against integrative physicians not because of patient complaints, but because of materials forwarded to them by the FDA before they are made public. These boards are treating the FDA documents as if they were formal complaints. In other words, the US Food and Drug Administration, which is barred from interfering with the practice of medicine, is in fact deliberately but secretly ignoring the rules -- something practitioners and consumers alike need to be warned about.

      Your Private Medical Records Are Being Sold to Drug Companies

      Not only are your private medical records being sold to drug companies, but half of all US states leave enough information in the records that YOU can be clearly identified. Hospitals and other medical organizations are supposed to be bound by HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) to keep medical records private. Patient information that is shared is supposed to be stripped of key identifying information (this is known as the Safe Harbor rule). However, HIPAA and other privacy legislation is riddled with so many loopholes that it has been estimated that over 800,000 organizations can access your private records.