Obamacare: America’s Elder Medical Kidnapping Epidemic is Leaving Seniors Homeless

    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts from the Institute for Political Economy says, “The compassionate rhetoric aside, Obamacare makes the poor pay the most…” Who will speak up for our cherished senior citizens being led likes lambs to the slaughter, their assets plundered and their families left heartbroken? When Obamacare incentivized Medicaid, enabling state-sponsored senior citizen abuse, some of the most vulnerable among us became prey instead of being protected and the “care” got taken out of “healthcare.” At a fragile time in their lives, being forced to choose between healthcare and the generational homes their families have grown up in, our senior citizens civil rights are being grossly abused by our government and its henchmen and it must stop. Under the new revisions, states can impose liens on the property of a Medicaid enrollee who is permanently institutionalized during their lifetime. It’s no wonder that Medical Kidnap receives reports from families whose senior citizens are medically kidnapped by the state and placed in nursing homes, even in cases where there are family members at home willing and able to care for their loved ones. Forcedcare must stop. Arm yourselves with information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from having your most precious possessions confiscated and devastated, before it’s too late.

      FDA’s Proposal to Curb Mercury Fillings Was Secretly Overruled by Senior Government Officials

      A recent news report revealed an FDA proposal from 2011 that would have told dentists to avoid using mercury fillings in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people with mercury allergies, kidney diseases, and neurological problems. It also contained a more general alert to dentists asking them to consider alternatives to mercury fillings on all patients. Unfortunately, the FDA’s proposal was rejected by senior officials at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) after a so-called cost-benefit analysis was performed. It was then hushed up. Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin. When mercury gets into the central nervous system, it has a half-life of between fifteen and thirty years. Once it’s inhaled into the lungs, it enters the bloodstream and can accumulate in the kidneys, liver, and brain. The effects of exposure to mercury are devastating. Studies have shown mercury fillings to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmunity, kidney dysfunction, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, neurotransmitter imbalances, food allergies, multiple sclerosis, thyroid problems, and an impaired immune system. Mercury in the nervous system is especially harmful, causing all sorts of problems: tremors, insomnia, polyneuropathy, headaches, weakness, blurred vision, and more. That the proposed FDA warning, half-hearted as it was, remained secret for so long is especially worrisome. How much other information is being withheld from the public at the behest of special interests—or for other political reasons? This story is also a reminder that even the FDA has overseers who exercise control over it. In this case, the agency tried to move in the right direction and was overruled by its political masters. Action Alert! Write to the Department of Health and Human Services and tell them how disappointed you are to learn that this warning from the FDA was rejected and then kept secret. Mercury is a dangerous neurotoxin and should be removed from all fillings to protect the health and safety of all Americans. Please send your message immediately.

        Dentists Take Advantage of Children on Medicaid

        They’re raking in hundreds of millions of dollars across multiple states. Over the past couple of years, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, has been looking into a colossal scandal across the country. Thousands of dentists have been implicated in a series of reports by the OIG. The charge? Highly questionable Medicaid reimbursement bills for excessive and even needless services given to low-income children, often to their great harm. The latest report from OIG looks at California. It identified 335 providers with questionable billing practices who collected $117.5 million from Medicaid for pediatric dental services in 2012 alone. Half of these dentists worked for dental chains, suggesting an organized scam. They are, in fact, gaming Medicaid. It gets worse. OIS uncovered evidence suggesting that over 100 general dentists were either billing for procedures they didn’t do or were performing unnecessary dental procedures. These are only the dentists who got caught. How many others are doing this? What about pediatricians treating children on Medicaid? One can only imagine the depths of this type of malfeasance.

          The Medical Kidnap Business: Bilking Medicaid

          Children for Sale. When we report to the public these cases of medical kidnappings, one of the most natural questions people ask are: why? Why do medical professionals and child social service agency workers take children away from loving parents? One of the main reasons this terrible practice goes on in virtually all 50 sates is because every child who is taken away from their parents by social service agencies like CPS (Child Protection Services), immediately becomes a ward of the state, and the state can bill Medicaid for ALL of that child's medical costs. It has become a multi-billion dollar industry.