Measles Vaccine Failure: The Glaring Problem Officials Are Ignoring

It is far from uncommon for vaccines—including the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and MMR-plus-varicella (MMRV) vaccines used in the United States—to fail to live up to their textbook promises. As of 2019, in fact, leading vaccine scientists admitted that “the ability of the current measles vaccine to sustain long-term protective immunity and adequate herd immunity in settings with no wild type virus exposure” is “still a subject of debate.” Right at the starting gate, anywhere from 2% to 12% of children who receive their first measles-containing vaccine exhibit “primary vaccine failure”—defined as vaccine non-responsiveness. For largely unknown reasons, this subset of children (and also adults) fails to mount the expected antibody response after either an initial vaccine or a booster shot. Even in those for whom the vaccine appears to “take,” vaccinated individuals “have lower levels of measles-specific antibody than do those with immunity derived from exposure to wild-type” measles virus. Secondary vaccine failure (waning immunity) is also a built-in feature of measles (and other) vaccines, with vaccine efficacy acknowledged to be “lower and not life-long compared to the wild type virus infection.” Studies show that levels of measles antibody progressively decreasewith increased time since vaccination. Moreover, additional boosters do not solve the problem. In a CDC study of 18-28 year-olds who were given a third dose of MMR vaccine, protection petered out in less than a year—a fact that forced the study’s authors to argue against a routine third dose.

The Historical Facts on Measles and the Measles Vaccine Censored by Mainstream Media

This year, the fear mongering about measles has reached epidemic proportions in America. A day doesn’t go by without media outlets publishing angry articles and editorials spewing hatred toward a tiny minority of parents with unvaccinated children, who are being blamed for measles outbreaks. The remedy is always a call to track down, persecute and punish any parent whose child is not vaccinated. While most of the public conversation in the past two decades has been focused on children, who have suffered convulsions, encephalitis and encephalopathy after MMR vaccine reactions and become chronically ill and disabled, there hasn’t been much discussion about measles vaccine effectiveness or what measles was like before and after the vaccine was licensed in the mid-20th century. This is a special report on measles vaccine failures based on evidence published in the scientific and medical literature that is not being discussed in public conversations about measles vaccine policies and mandatory vaccination laws. When vaccine policy and law precedes the science, we all pay the price. People should not be forced to use vaccines that not only cause harm but also, clearly, fail to work as advertised.

Cardiologist: Measles AND Mumps Infections Could Save Millions of Lives

Reading that title is sure to shock many people. After all, who would make such a claim, let alone a cardiologist. Here is the proof to back it up. A study from 2015 in the journal Atherosclerosis found that men had 29% fewer heart attacks and 17% fewer strokes if they had a history of childhood measles and mumps. Women suffered less events as well, but not to the same extent. According to the CDC, an estimated 790,000 heart attacks occur in the U.S. every year. So according to data from the JACC study in 2015, there could be 229,000 LESS heart attacks per YEAR if these people had measles AND mumps as children. Measles and mumps appear to reduce stroke risk as well. 135,000 less people would suffer from a stroke PER YEAR if all of these people had measles AND mumps as children. Scientists are not studying benefits of childhood infections. Doing so would be career suicide. There is not much money to be found in health, only in sickness and pharmaceuticals.

Physician Group Exposes False Government Measles Statistics – Opposes Mandatory Vaccination

Government Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, and Threaten Public Health. Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an organization of doctors and scientists who encourage using statistics to safeguard public health, recently flew in doctors from across California to educate members of the Senate Committee on Health about the risks of measles vs. the risks of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine—which are explained in PIC’s opposition letter to California SB 276, a bill that would allow only state public health officers the right to grant or approve vaccine exemptions to children at-risk of vaccine injuries. PIC’s doctors included Dr. Shira Miller, Dr. Lionel Lee, Dr. Edmond Sarraf, Dr. Melanie Gisler, and Dr. Charles Penick. Misinformation concerning measles data is rampant.

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Now Questions Vaccines After Researching Them – “The Science on Vaccines is Settled” is Wrong

First and foremost, everything you've ever heard or read stating that "the science on vaccines is settled" is wrong. Five years ago, I stood firmly in the pro-vaccine camp. As a physician, we were never taught specifically about vaccines, although we learned about the forms of immunity our bodies possess. We were told that vaccines worked, they were crucial to public health, and that we could trust the CDC, WHO, and other health agencies which had only our "best interests" at heart. Since retiring from practice, I've actually had the time to research the topic and discovered just how naive I was. This is just a "brief" summary of what I've learned. I could add pages and pages on each vaccine.

Why Aren’t Mumps Outbreaks Considered “Epidemic” When There are Thousands More Cases of Mumps than Measles?

The mainstream media (MSM) would have you believe that we have a national emergency on our hands. You would think that tens of thousands must be infected and dying from measles. Well, you would think wrong. According to the CDC, from January 1 to April 11, 2019 there have been 555 cases of measles across the US. I don’t think we have a national emergency on our hands with measles, but we may have one with mumps. Mumps is part of the MMR—measles, mumps, and rubella–vaccine. You might think that the MMR vaccine is very effective against preventing infection from mumps. Well, you would only think that if you have not been reading about the problems with the mumps part of the MMR vaccine. And, it is hard to read about it since the MSM does not cover it. What the MSM fails to tell you is that Merck, part of the Big Pharma vaccine cartel, has been in Federal Court since 2010 on fraud charges in conjunction with the mumps vaccine. From January 1 to March 29, 2019, there have been 426 mumps infections reported to the CDC. In 2016-2017 there were nearly 12,000 cases reported. For comparison, in 2016-2017, there were 206 cases of measles reported to the CDC. The MMR vaccine should have never been approved. It was never properly tested against a placebo just like nearly every other vaccine on the market. There were concerns that combining three live virus vaccines (measles, mumps, and rubella) together might cause an increase in adverse effects. There are thousands of reports of adverse effects from the MMR vaccine. Why anyone would think that combining three live virus vaccines together in one shot is safe is beyond me.

Rockland County NY Health Department Goes Door to Door Looking for Unvaccinated – Media Lies About MMR Vaccine Risk

In spite of an injunction preventing Rockland County, New York, from banning unvaccinated children from public places issued by a state Supreme Court Judge, County Executive Ed Day and Rockland County Commissioner of Health Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert are proceeding with a new ban, and going door to door warning people of the ban. The new ban apparently allows for religious exemptions, as required by state law. But for those who fail to comply, they are being threatened with a $2000 a day fine. New York attorney Robert Krakow filed a lawsuit against the vaccination ban on behalf of a group of parents, arguing it was "arbitrary, capricious, contrary to law and in violation of petitioners' rights under the United States Constitution and New York State law." An Associated Press article reporting on the lawsuit incorrectly wrote: "Their attorney, Robert Krakow, claimed the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine 'can cause many vaccine injuries, including encephalitis and death.' Medical experts have debunked those claims and proven that the vaccine is safe, but opposition to vaccines persists." The "claims" made by attorney Krakow are based on actual cases he has litigated in the federal vaccine court, where his clients have been awarded damages due to the MMR vaccine. And the potential side effects of "encephalitis and death" are actually listed in the MMR drug manufacturer package insert. So the corporate media's claim that "Medical experts have debunked those claims and proven that the vaccine is safe" is 100% false.

NYC Sends “Disease Detectives” In Jewish Neighborhoods Looking for Unvaccinated – Attorneys Prepare Lawsuits

A day after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency over measles outbreaks in Jewish communities of Brooklyn, and ordered forced vaccinations of everyone not yet vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, the Washington Post is reporting that the Health Department has sent "disease detectives" into the community to force compliance: "On Wednesday, the city sent 15 to 20 disease detectives into the community, some with Yiddish interpreters, a day after Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vow to quash the outbreak with $1,000 fines and misdemeanor charges for anyone in certain areas who refuses to be immunized. The workers, wearing blue Health Department jackets, conducted interviews in the homes of people who may have been exposed to the dangerous, highly contagious virus and checked the immunization records of all those they may have had contact with. Others pored over records for the same information at a federally funded health clinic in the heart of the community." John Marshall, chairman of emergency medicine at Maimonides Medical Center, is reportedly threatening to call the police on parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. The Washington Post reported: "Marshall said he threatened to call police on parents who were refusing to send a feverish child to the hospital in an ambulance for fear the authorities would learn all their children were unvaccinated. 'The ones who are so vehemently anti-vaccination, I don’t know how to convince them,' said Edward Chapnick, director of Maimonides’s infectious disease division." The Mayor and the Health Department are assuming that by declaring a state of emergency over recent measles "outbreaks," that they have the legal authority to suspend certain laws in place protecting the rights of residents of NYC to opt out of vaccines due to religious beliefs, and HIPAA privacy laws which would prevent them from pulling up medical records of children to see if they have been vaccinated or not. In the meantime, attorneys are saying that they will file a lawsuit challenging the emergency order by Friday. Attorney Michael Sussman, who successfully represented parents in Rockland County, New York last week and convinced the state Supreme Court to overturn the County's ban on unvaccinated children, is one of the attorneys planning to file a lawsuit in New York City.

Parents of Unvaccinated Children Sue Rockland County – Judge Rules in Their Favor and Ends the Ban

Two lawsuits were filed this week by parents of unvaccinated children in Rockland County, where unvaccinated children had been banned from public places, including schools and daycare centers. Earlier today (Friday, April 5th), Supreme Court Judge Rolf Thorsen sided with the parents and issued a temporary injunction against County Supervisor Ed Day's emergency order, effectively ending the ban. Robert Brum of the Rockland/Westchester Journal News reported: "A judge today halted Rockland County Executive Ed Day's emergency declaration barring children who are unvaccinated against measles from schools, places of worship and other public areas. Acting state Supreme Court Judge Rolf Thorsen's injunction stated that the 166 cases cited by the county since the measles outbreak began last October did not rise to the level of an epidemic or constitute a disaster. Day's reliance on executive law in issuing the emergency declaration "may have been misplaced," the decision stated. Thorsen agreed with the families who sued the county when they said their children would continue to miss school, and the parents would continue to incur monetary expenses as a result of the order. The families asserted that the children posed no threat to other children at a school where there had been no reported cases of the measles."

As Vaccinated Adults Continue to Spread Measles Many Question Real Reasons Behind N.Y. Ban on Unvaccinated Children in Jewish Communities

As Rockland County, New York, became the first community in the United States last week to issue a state of emergency and ban all unvaccinated children from public places, including schools, many questions about the rationale behind the ban have gone unanswered, leaving many to speculate about what the real reason was to invoke such an intrusive government order that many feel violates constitutional civil rights. First, if the goal of the emergency order and ban was to stop the spread of measles, why were only unvaccinated children banned? Not only can unvaccinated adults also be carriers of the measles virus, it is well-documented that adults who received the MMR vaccine as children may no longer have immunity against measles, and allegedly need booster shots as adults. Also, health officials in Rockland County have stated that during this 6-month period, over 17,000 MMR vaccines have been administered in their county. Given the fact that the MMR vaccine is a "live" virus vaccine where the vaccinated individual can be contagious for up to 30 days, could the mass vaccination campaign be a contributing factor in the measles outbreaks? Since the measles cases in Rockland County have mostly occurred in Jewish communities, there have been claims that Orthodox Jews are primarily "AntiVaxxers." Lev Facher, writing for STAT News, reveals that rates of vaccination among Jewish populations is about the same as non-Jewish populations, and that the real reason many are opposing mandatory vaccinations is a distrust in local government. Both pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine sentiments are represented in those who oppose government intrusion into private lives, and the denial of civil rights in trying to force medical procedures upon individuals who do not want them. Statistics clearly show that the vast majority of the American public vaccinates their children. And yet, efforts to force vaccinations on those who don't want them seem to be opposed by a majority of those on both sides of the vaccine issue. So who benefits from policies like this? Back in 2015 when the corporate pharma-funded media broadcast the Disneyland Measles "crisis" as something akin to the apocalypse, sales of Merck's measles vaccines, along with their other vaccines, soared.

BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State – Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places – Health Dept. Goes Door to Door

Rockland County Executive Ed Day held a press conference earlier today to announce that he had declared a "state of emergency" regarding the New York state county's 153 cases of measles over a 6-month period, and placed a ban on all children under the age of 18 from appearing in any public area, which includes schools, malls and places of worship. Mr. Day said that this was the "first such effort of this kind nationally." The emergency ban is clearly targeted towards parents of unvaccinated children, as Mr. Day stated: "Parents will be held accountable if they are found to be in violation of this state of emergency act. And the focus of this effort is on the parents of these children. We are urging them once again, now with the authority of law, to get your children vaccinated." Mr. Day tried to downplay fears of police checkpoints and random checks for vaccination status, but he also stated that any parent found to be not in compliance with the emergency order would be referred to the district attorney's office for possible prosecution. "If we have a situation where it comes to our attention that a parent is willingly, knowingly, not allowing a child to be vaccinated, under the emergency order, it will be referred into the district attorney." The Rockland County Health Department, who recommended the emergency ban, has reportedly been going door to door and calling homes within the community in an effort to deal with the measles "epidemic."

Fully Vaccinated Children Actually Spreading Measles – And the Government Knows It

We are witness to an orchestrated frenzy that has been revved-up by vaccine stakeholders – i.e., those who have a direct or indirect financial stake in vaccines– through the corporate / academic institutions that employ them. Their unified objective is to achieve maximum utilization of vaccines, and total compliance with vaccination schedules set by the government in collaboration with vaccine manufacturers. Contrary to the barrage of “fake news” promulgated by government public health officials and the media to influence public opinion, the fact is, most childhood infectious disease “outbreaks” include both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. What’s more, when the infection has been tested, vaccine strain has often been identified as the cause of infection. In 2015, a “measles outbreak” in California’s Disney Land garnered nationwide front page publicity and dire warnings by public health officials and vaccine “authorities”. They generated high public anxiety. This fearmongering led to the demonization of unvaccinated children, who were perceived as the spreaders of disease. Never disclosed to the public, but known to CDC officials is the following evidence that has finally been published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2017): “During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data).” Rebecca J. McNall, a co-author of the published report, is a CDC official in the Division of Viral Diseases, who had the data proving that the measles outbreak was in part caused by the vaccine. It is evidence of the vaccine’s failure to provide immunity. But this crucial information has been concealed, and continues to be withheld from the public.

Dr. Brownstein on Mandatory Vaccines: “We Don’t Live in Nazi Germany where Medical Procedures were Done without Consent”

Over the past week, we have been inundated with mainstream media stories about the measles ‘epidemic’ in Washington state where 68 have been infected. Nationwide, there have been 159 cases identified through February 21, 2019. The headlines today might make you think that measles is as deadly as Ebola. That is absurd. But, just look at what is happening around our country after a small and predictable measles outbreak. There was a US Congressional hearing last week about the measles ‘epidemic’ and another one is scheduled in the US Senate next week. At these hearings, the Powers-That-Be are calling for mandatory vaccinations and eliminating parental choice when it comes to vaccines. As I previously stated, with the amount of media coverage this measles epidemic is receiving, I would not fault you for guessing that many must be dying from measles. In fact, no one has died. Folks, we don’t live in Nazi Germany where medical procedures were done without consent. We don’t live in Communist countries where there is no choice. At least, I don’t think we do.

Medical Doctor of 50 Years: Current Measles Hysteria Not Based on Science but “Scientism,” a Quasi-religious Faith in Vaccines

Dr. Richard Moskowitz has been a licensed physician since 1967. He received his B.A. from Harvard in 1959, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude in General Studies (Biochemical Sciences). He received his M.D. from New York University in 1963. After finishing a Graduate Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Colorado, he completed his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Denver. In 2015 when the first measles hysteria broke out in the corporate media, Dr. Moskowitz was gracious enough to allow us to republish his article, The Case Against Immunizations, which remains one of the most brilliant pieces of writing on the topic we have ever published, drawing upon his knowledge of the subject, as well as decades of clinical medical practice. Dr. Moskowitz has just written another article on the subject of "measles outbreaks" in 2019, and the renewed call for mandatory vaccinations. He exposes the fallacy that the "science is settled" when it comes to measles and vaccines: "Contrary to what we’re being told, the science is far from being settled when it comes to vaccine effectiveness. These assumptions are not science, but merely scientism, a reverent, quasi-religious faith characterized by dogmatism in the name of science, which stifles the critical thinking, questioning, and doubting of allegedly settled truths that real science requires, and helps explain why the news media refrain from reporting deaths or injuries from vaccines."

Federal Government Moves to Restrict Vaccine Exemptions as they Pay Out Billions of Dollars for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

In response to several measles outbreaks that have been reported across the US by the CDC, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee is planning to meet on March 5 to discuss vaccine-preventable diseases and efforts to boost vaccination rates and fight vaccine hesitancy. A House subcommittee is holding a similar hearing next week. Ahead of these hearings, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has warned states offering vaccine exemptions that the federal government may intervene. This attack on exemptions is unprecedented. We must ensure that Congressional members are properly educated about the numerous safety issues that have been demonstrated. We must also respond in force to protect vaccine exemptions from federal interference.

“No Forced Vaccination” Message Back Up in Times Square as Americans Fight for Human Rights

There have been 101 cases of measles that have been reported in 10 states since the beginning of 2019, hardly a public health emergency in a U.S. population of more than 320 million people where 94 percent of school children have received two doses of MMR vaccine and only two percent of children have a vaccine exemption for any reason. In what looks like a repeat of the “measles in Disneyland” media feeding frenzy that stampeded California state legislators into eliminating the personal belief vaccine exemption in 2015, the tiny minority of parents who have made a conscious choice not to give their children every one of the dozens of doses of federally recommended and state mandated vaccines are being once again relentlessly stereotyped, demonized and bullied. In what appears to be another well-orchestrated campaign to pressure state legislatures to remove all personal belief vaccine exemptions in the U.S. and further restrict already narrow medical exemptions to vaccination, forced vaccination proponents are whipping up irrational fear to justify attacking human rights, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. It is a spectacle unworthy of a nation where human rights and civil liberties have been valued since the ratification of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution in 1789 and the informed consent principle became the anchor for medical ethics after World War II.

N.Y. Health Department Orders All Unvaccinated School Children to Miss 21 Days of School Over Measles “Outbreak”

The Rockland County Health Department in the State of New York has notified schools that students who are not vaccinated for measles cannot attend school for 21 days, due to a "measles outbreak" where 33 cases have allegedly been confirmed in the county. This directive includes those who have legal vaccine exemptions for either medical or religious reasons. Parents and members of the community are, of course, outraged at this tyrannical action being conducted by the Health Department, which is run by unelected medical professionals and administers "free" MMR vaccines purchased by the CDC (with U.S. taxpayer funds). When these "outbreaks" of measles occur, and action is taken to target those who are not vaccinated, many facts are left out in educating the public regarding the truth about measles and the measles vaccine. So here are the facts about measles and the measles vaccine, all of which are easily verified by anyone with an Internet connection. 1. There is NO measles vaccine. Only a 3-combo vaccine that includes measles (MMR). 2. Merck, the Manufacturer of the MMR Vaccine, is Being Sued in Court for FRAUD. 3. The MMR Vaccine is Linked to Autism. 4. More People Die from the Measles Vaccine than from Measles. 5. Measles Rates were Declining Long Before the Vaccine was Introduced.

Minnesota Somalis Have World’s Highest Rate of Autism – MMR Vaccine Link?

This winter, Minneapolis area health officials reported 76 measles cases among Somali-Americans. Mainstream media outlets, most recently, John Oliver in a 28 minute rant, vilified Somali-Americans for low vaccine rates and blamed Andrew Wakefield, MD and the so-called “anti-vaccine movement” for misleading Somalis about vaccine safety. Like most other journalists, Oliver never explained the story behind this story; the children of Minneapolis’s Somalis suffer  the highest known rate of severe autism in the world—one in 32, according to University of Minnesota researchers. Many Somalis believe that their children’s injuries are related to vaccines. “My perfectly healthy son started having seizures within minutes after his 18-month vaccines,” Abdulkadir Osman Hassan told me in June “and the seizures have never stopped.”  Hassan’s boy, now 14, is severely autistic. “I quickly determined I was not alone.” Somali parents had already started a support group and were sharing with each other the terrible reactions their children were having to vaccines. “We don’t have a word for autism in the Somali language,” explains Hassan, who has an Associate’s Degree in Childhood Development. “We never saw it in our country. We never heard of it. The adults in our community don’t have it, only our children.” Hassan immersed himself in the science trying to understand what had happened to his son. “We researched vaccine safety long before we knew there was an ‘anti-vaccine movement’. I read the scholarly studies and I read 14 books and I cried every time I finished a book because it’s exactly what happened to us.”  Hassan complains that, despite a decade of pleading from his community, public health officials have refused to investigate the high occurrence of autism in their community or to explain whether Somalis have increased susceptibility to neurodevelopmental injuries from vaccines.

Dr. Brownstein: Does Somali Measles Outbreak in Minnesota Prove Need for More Vaccines?

Somehow, a measles outbreak of unvaccinated Somali citizens in Minnesota is supposed to drive a stake in those of us who raise questions about the safety and efficacy of FDA-approved vaccines.  According to the powers-that-be, this outbreak of measles is proof that we need more vaccinations, not less. I beg to differ.  And, I will make my argument citing the Brady principle. 

Measles and Mumps Protect Against Heart Attack and Stroke

Breaking news. Measles and mumps protect against heart attack and stroke! Could the mass vaccination program of the U.S. lead to an explosion of heart attacks? Myocardial infarctions are already the leading cause of death in the world today. The situation could get much worse. A prestigious journal reported that men who had measles and mumps as children suffered 29% less heart attacks and 17% less strokes! Women with a history of both infections had a 17% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 21% lower risk of stroke. The journal Atherosclerosis recently published these shocking findings in the June 2015 issue.