Maryland Bills Would Allow Doctors to Vaccinate Minors without Parental Consent and Against Parents’ Objections

    Two new Maryland bills: HB87 sponsored by Delegate Marc Korman and companion bill SB135 sponsored by Senator Brian Feldman, would allow minor children to consent to vaccination without parental consent. HB87 and SB135 authorize a health care provider to administer vaccines to minor children 16 years and older after obtaining “consent” of the minor child, even when the parent of the minor child objects to the immunization. Parents are not required to be notified when their child has been vaccinated. HB87 has been scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, February 12, at 1:00 p.m. in the Health & Government Operations Committee. SB135 has been scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, February 18 at 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Finance Committee.

      Pro-Vaccine Maryland Parent Outraged over Corruption in Mass Gardasil Vaccination Policies

      Maryland parent Josh Mazer is a pro-vaccine parent. He has stated: "A properly administered, robust vaccine policy is instrumental in promoting the public welfare." (We disagree on this point.) However, there is one vaccine he does not promote, and after the local health department started promoting this vaccine to 12 and 13-year-old children without parental consent or knowledge, he decided to do some investigating behind this large public campaign of mass vaccination. The vaccine in question is Merck's HPV vaccine Gardasil, which is well-known to the readers of Health Impact News, but less so among the general public. Mazer was notified of the policy earlier this year (2018) by a "a career public school nurse" who told him that she was "being forced" to market Gardasil to 11 and 12-year-old kids at her school. Mazer decided to investigate why this was being presented as a "public health crisis," but none of the local health department officials gave him any useful facts or information to justify the mass HPV vaccine campaign. So he filed a Public Information Act request with the local government Prevention and Health Promotion Administration. He learned the state health department received $91.6 million just since 2012 from pharma funded non-profits to promote the HPV vaccine in Maryland. Bingo. Welcome to our world, Mr. Mazer.

        Mother Who Was Sexually Trafficked as a Child in Foster Care Has Her Own Baby Medically Kidnapped – Fears for Her Safety

        A Maryland couple followed the advice of their doctors, and now their baby has been taken away from them by Child Protective Services. First time parents, Jennifer Guskin and Scott McFalls, were concerned about their baby's weight, but none of the three pediatricians they consulted noticed that baby Iris had a tongue and lip tie. By the time they found a doctor who figured it out, CPS had already decided to take their baby from them. It is the kind of nightmare scenario that could happen to any family. Doctors may not always be able to figure out why a child isn't gaining weight, but as soon as the baby is diagnosed with failure to thrive, Child Protective Services is often quick to blame the parents and seize the child. Unlike most families, Jennifer Guskin and Scott McFalls know all too well what kinds of horrors possibly face children taken by CPS and put into foster care. Jennifer was adopted as a baby herself, and she has recently gone public with horrific details about her childhood and how she became a victim of child sex trafficking and experimentation. Jennifer and Scott recognize the danger that their baby is in, and that thought terrifies them.

          Maryland Father Accused of Abuse over Broken Bones – Both Children Removed from Home of Loving Parents

          Max and Justine Gibbs were blessed with their second child on February 15th, 2014 in Lexington Park, Maryland. When their daughter was 8 weeks old, Max noticed her leg was swollen. With Justine being a nurse, they trusted the medical profession and believed that they would provide assistance to their daughter. Hospital test results showed 3 ribs and one femur were fractured in their daughter. The questioning of abuse began and the Gibbs described the questioning as an interrogation. Maintaining his innocence, Max was arrested on 2 counts of child abuse and 2 counts of assault. Max had never been in trouble with the law, he was terrified and couldn’t believe what was happening. Max and Justine took matters into their own hands and started researching. Justine went through testing and was diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. This type of EDS is classified as loose joints and chronic joint pain, a connective tissue disorder. Believing their daughter to also have EDS, the Gibbs requested that she see a geneticist. The judge will not clear Max of all charges until the geneticist sees their daughter, and talks to the CPS abuse specialist. Although the doctor has contacted the abuse specialist, not just by phone several times but additionally by email, the abuse specialist has not returned any communication. The abuse specialist is now stating, according to the Gibbs family, that she does not have to abide by the court order and speak to the doctor. So their daughter still remains unseen by the geneticist, even though there is a court order in place, as CPS plans to adopt out both children.

            Maryland Couple Sues CPS Over Unlawful Seizure of Their Children

            The Meitiv Family in Montgomery County Maryland is reportedly beginning litigation against Maryland CPS and possibly Montgomery County Police as well, for the unlawful seizure of their children this past weekend. As we have seen in so many other cases we have covered here at Health Impact News, there were no criminal charges filed against the parents of Meitiv children, and the alleged "victims" of parental abuse or neglect were incarcerated by force, in a total violation of their civil rights. The children were walking home from the park when police and CPS detained them for hours, not even allowing them to call their parents. Danielle Meitiv, the mother, has posted an article on her Facebook Page showing that the neighborhood they live in has recently been voted one of "The 10 Most Caring Suburbs In America," and yet she now fears to allow her children to walk alone in their neighborhood due to the threat of kidnapping by local police and CPS. Such is the sad state of affairs in the United States of America today, where parents fear having their children kidnapped by government authorities more than they fear other criminals who could harm their children.