Dr. Phil Exposes Medical Kidnapping and Shaken Baby Syndrome False Diagnosis with North Carolina Family

    In December of 2015, North Carolina mother Marty Peele contacted Health Impact News through their MedicalKidnap.com website in the hopes that we would tell her story of how her "miracle baby" had been taken away from her and the father of the baby with allegations of "child abuse." Local media had published stories portraying them as child abusers, in spite of the fact that Marty had suffered 8 miscarriages, was well respected in her community and church, and had worked with other family's children for over 17 years. Doctors had even testified that their child was suffering from infantile rickets, which would cause brittle bones. But they still did not get their baby back after 19 months, so they contacted Health Impact News, and we published their story at MedicalKidnap.com. The Peele family's ordeal has now appeared on the Dr. Phil show, and joining them on the show were several doctors who gave their expert testimonies in Marty's defense, confirming that there was a medical reason for Micah's broken ribs, and that it was not a result of child abuse. Testifying on the show were Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) genetics and pediatrics expert, Dr. David Ayoub, radiologist and published rickets expert and lecturer, and Dr. Doug Benson, orthopedic surgeon who has been involved in the case for some time. Also a guest on the show is attorney and child advocate Areva Martin who said: "The system has just run amuck on this case."

      Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested

      When police arrested North Carolina mother Marty Peele on charges of child abuse last summer, her friends say they knew there had to be another explanation for 4 month old Micah's injuries. They say that the picture that was painted by the media was inconsistent with what they know of Marty, and that she couldn't possibly have done the things that she has been accused of. Petreana Anderson is one of Marty's friends who considers herself "a pretty good judge of character." She told Health Impact News: "I hate that they [the media] painted her as a monster. That woman wouldn't hurt anybody." Local media reported that Marty was accused of breaking 12 of Micah's ribs and 2 shoulder blades, as well as leaving deep bite marks. However, several expert doctors have now issued reports that there are indeed very plausible explanations for Micah's injuries, and they strongly assert that he was not abused. Child Protective Services has ordered her not to have any contact with her baby, or with any other child under age 18, and she is facing a criminal trial for felony child abuse.