Teen Girl Develops Leukemia After Gardasil Vaccine – Life Back to Near Normal After Mother Gives Her Cannabis Oil

Hayley Willard was one of the first to receive a Gardasil vaccination at 15 years of age in Newfoundland, Canada in 2010. Up until then, she was a very active extroverted person who was actively involved in figure skating competitions. Her mother Dana explained that Hayley was a healthy, enthusiastic daughter until Gardasil came into her life, although she had minor short-lived adverse reaction from vaccinations before. But after her Gardasil shot she was showing signs of autoimmune issues. Her energy level decreased, she was easily fatigued and looking pale. Then she became sluggishly lethargic with low energy, began gaining weight, was having migraines, and other symptoms. She complained that she was not feeling right and beside herself. Her skating became erratic and she injured herself while practicing. Cysts were discovered in her ovaries, an area that was never an issue with Hayley before. She began having anxiety attacks that were unusual for her and inexplicable. None of the doctors would even imply that the Gardasil vaccine had anything to with her condition. They wanted to prescribe antidepressants instead. But Dana was intuitively suspicious and began researching on the side effects of Gardasil and other vaccines. She soon began realizing it wasn’t a coincidence that her health issues began immediately after Hayley’s HPV vaccination. Her immune system had been compromised severely. Many reported adverse events that Dana discovered from the HPV vaccine included what Hayley was experiencing, often even worse. But the worst event occurred in 2013 when Hayley was diagnosed with leukemia.

Mainstream Medicine Admits Medical Cannabis is Effective in Treating Leukemia – But Only Synthetic Patented Version

There has been a bit of a stir recently over mainstream medical analysis that supports cannabis for treating leukemia. Unfortunately, most of it involves cannabis as an adjunct or supporting treatment for chemotherapy, while the rest supports synthetic THC for leukemia. An example of this is a 2016 study referenced in a June 2017 issue of Herb in the article “Is Cannabis Effective Against Leukemia,” which surprisingly cautiously skirted the issue of curing leukemia with cannabis. The study referenced, "Dronabinol has preferential anti-leukemic activity in acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia with lymphoid differentiation patterns," which basically examined the efficacy of a pharmaceutical drug called dronabinol, the active synthetic THC compound of Marinol . The study was very favorable, concluding: "Our study provides rigorous data to support clinical evaluation of THC as a low-toxic therapy option in a well defined subset of acute leukemia patients." So this synthetic THC drug dronabinol is okay with the FDA, and the DEA has it listed as a Schedule III controlled substance. Yet the whole plant cannabis commonly known as marijuana with its balanced assortment of 80 or so cannabinoids and terpenes and flavonoids that contribute to a safe synergistic entourage effect of healing is still listed as Schedule I, dangerous, addictive, and without medical merit.

Vitamin C Stops Cancer

There are continual advances in science (as well as always some controversy), but new research supporting vitamin C's potential in preventing the advancement of several forms of cancer is some of the most promising and remarkable that's emerged in a while. More specifically, vitamin C may stop leukemia stem cells from multiplying, which could prevent certain forms of blood cancer from advancing, the journal Cell reveals, along with pancreatic, colon, liver and ovarian cancers, according to several other notable medical journals and scientific reports.

Mother Forced to Give Son Chemo, Even Though He is in Remission

A Colorado mother is being forced to put her son, who is suffering from leukemia, back into toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatment that almost killed him, even though his cancer is in remission. When her son almost died from the first round of chemotherapy, she took him to Colorado so she could give him medical marijuana which is natural and has none of the side effects of chemotherapy. In spite of the fact that there is solid scientific research on cannabis healing cancer, it remains not only a drug not approved by the FDA, but a criminal illegal drug federally. Colorado recently passed laws allowing it to be distributed in that state. But under threat of the CPS taking her child away, she was forced to obey a medical doctor to allow chemotherapy to resume again.

Splenda® Sucra-Highs and Sucralose: Miracle Sweetener or Cause of Leukemia?

While millions around the world consume foods and beverages sweetened with Splenda (sucralose) with abandon, an accumulating body of research indicates that this synthetic chemical is far from safe, may contribute to obesity and blood sugar disorders, and more recently has even been linked to leukemia in animal experiments.

New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia

A new study published in the Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases indicates that the biopesticides engineered into GM crops known as Bacillus Thuringensis (Bt) or Cry-toxins, may also contribute to blood abnormalities from anemia to hematological malignancies (blood cancers) such as leukemia.