Young Oregon Girl with Cancer Medically Kidnapped from Mother and Sexually Abused in Foster Care

    In February 2018, Kylee Dixon, then 11 years old, was rushed to the hospital in excruciating abdominal pain. Tests later confirmed she had a tumor in her liver known as Undifferentiated Embryonal Sarcoma. After 6 months of Chemotherapy with no improvement in Kylee’s health, and the tumor in Kylee’s liver remaining the same size, the mother and daughter had enough. Christine claims, even with medical evidence showing improvement with the treatments she was giving Kylee, DHS moved forward with their neglect allegations against her and Kylee was removed from her mother’s care. Kylee was first placed into a juvenile detention facility where, according to Christine, Kylee was denied the naturopathic treatments and medications to control Kylee’s pain. This caused Kylee to suffer severe withdrawal.   Christine also claims, while at this facility, Kylee was beaten by gang members, who were also being held in the facility, and Kylee’s life was threatened when the facility tried to give Kylee a medication she was severely allergic to. Christine allegedly received a call from a case worker, December 23rd, confirming sexual abuse Kylee endured while in foster care, but DHS will not tell her where her daughter is. Christine warns everyone: “Our kids are being harmed in these cases and it’s not okay. They will continue to do this until we, as citizens, stand up and say Enough is Enough!”

      Oregon Mother Jailed for Recommending Non-Chemo Cancer Therapies for Daughter

      Christina Dixon of Oregon is the mother of a now 13-year-old daughter with liver cancer. When Christina’s daughter was 11, she was rushed to Oregon Health and Science University due to excruciating pain, which was diagnosed as Undifferentiated Embryonal Sarcoma, a rare kind of liver cancer that happens mainly in children. Many of us know and have seen the effects chemotherapy has on a body, let alone an 11-year-old body. According to oncologists at Oregon Health and Science University, this right is not up to the patient, or even the parent when it come to questioning, which this mother didn’t do or even consider other methods of treatment. It’s apparent this mother was to sit idly by as she watched her daughter agonize for 2 years with no results. Christina started using alternative treatments which include vitamins, herbs and pure CBD oil to treat her daughter’s cancer once she was release from OHSU in June of 2018. Records from Clackamas County juvenile court indicate a dependency petition was filed on March 26, 2019 claiming: “The mother has neglected child’s medical needs, which creates a risk of harm to the child.” Christina and her daughter were located in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 13, 2019, after Nevada police received a tip from the FBI and sheriff’s office that the two were staying in a hotel in Las Vegas. The daughter, now 13, was taken in “protective” custody of Nevada police and later transferred back to Oregon. This past week, Christina was arrested on charges of "first-degree custodial interference and first-degree criminal mistreatment." There is a DHS hearing on August 19, 2019 at the Oregon City Court House at 2 p.m. and supporters are asking the public to show up in support of Christine and Kylee.