Ukrainian Mercenary NATO Forces Invade Russia Targeting Civilian Populations – Russia Labels Invasion as “Terrorist Attack”

While most of the world has been holding their breath and waiting for an Iranian response to Israel's recent assassinations in Tehran and Beirut, a Ukrainian military group reported to consist of NATO mercenaries invaded Russia and drove into the Kursk region of Russia, where there were no military bases or military operations, and attacked civilian neighborhoods who obviously offered little to no resistance. Russia responded quickly to the surprise attacks, but apparently this was a carefully planned invasion with highly trained NATO para-military personnel. Russia is calling this a terrorist attack since the NATO armed forces only attacked civilians where there were initially no Russian troops or military operations. It is being reported that the mercenaries are mainly from Poland and Georgia. Russian forces reportedly captured one of the Ukrainian soldiers who stated that the mercenaries were communicating in English and Polish on military radios, and that his brigade was “made up of those who used to be in jail”. The captured soldier also claimed that his commander ordered them to shoot civilians, both those unarmed and those armed, and then loot their homes. U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal traveled to Ukraine and praised the surprise attacks on civilians in Kursk, and called for the U.S. to give Ukraine more weapons, including calling for retired F-16 pilots from NATO countries to join in and train these mercenaries on how to fly the recent arrival of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets. Senator Graham also admitted that these forces are using American-made weapons that are providing jobs in the U.S. Russia has issued stern warnings about retaliation. As the leading member of BRICS this year, Russia may soon have more than just military options to strike back against NATO countries, as it was just announced a few weeks ago that BRICS will soon have a financial system similar to SWIFT, which would cut off financial transactions among BRICS nations, which includes China and Iran, from the U.S.-led SWIFT banking system. This could be the last straw in collapsing the U.S. and western financial systems.