How to Eat Fermented Foods at Every Meal

Fermented foods have taken off in popularity in recent years with some recommending the consumption of at least one fermented food at every meal. They aid digestion by providing enzymes and probiotics and have been shown to have a host of benefits for everything from gut health to cancer to brain functioning. So there is no question that eating fermented foods daily – and even at every meal – is a great idea. While the practicality of such an endeavor can seem overwhelming, a bit of strategy and awareness will make these foods fall effortlessly into the meal.

Repairing your Microbiome: Making Kefir at Home

Cultured dairy is a traditional food in many cultures. When refrigeration isn’t available fresh milk can only keep for a couple of days before it spontaneously cultures, as in sour or clabbered milk. Adding a starter culture – be it from a previous batch or other source – has long been the method of creating consistent flavors and textures in ones cultured milk. Milk kefir is one of these cultures. Thought to originate in the Caucuses Mountains, this culture is added to fresh milk and allowed to culture for 12-24 hours, sometimes even longer, and results in a tangy, flavorful milk with the consistency of a pourable yogurt. Milk kefir has many health benefits, and can be made at home.