How To Cleanse With Juicing and Juice Fasting

    Drinking just one freshly pressed juice each day is a reliable way of infusing your body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that can protect your cells against premature aging and disease. A juice fast can actually help the body heal from chronic disease.

      Juicing and Coconut Oil for Weight Loss by Cherie Calbom

      In this interview with Dr. Mercola, Cherie Calbom talks about the advantages of juicing for health, and how juicing helps with Chronic Fatigue and weight loss. She also recommends coconut oil in the diet for weight loss.

      Video transcript here.

      More Info
      The Omega 8003 Nutrition Center

      Virgin Coconut Oil:
      How it has changed people’s lives and how it […]

        Turn Juicing Pulp & Coconut Oil into Amazing Dog Food

        by Mindy

        One of my absolute favorite things to make with the leftover pulp is food for my pooch.  Dogs will benefit from the addition of some fruit pulp to their commercial dog food or raw food diet. Try mixing the pulp and dry food with a little yogurt to make it a more palatable for those picky […]