Pennsylvania Children with Genetic Disorder Medically Kidnapped, Mother Falsely Accused of Abuse

    Pennsylvania mother Jessica Battiato has been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - a rare inherited connective tissue disorder which can cause brittle bones which may be easily broken. When she took her first-born son to the doctor more than a year ago for a swollen leg, she was shocked to learn that he had 18 to 20 fractures in his body. Cesar was seized by child protective services. Since that time, experts have diagnosed him with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, low vitamin D, and infantile rickets. However, after more than a year, the state has still not released Cesar back to his parents. In April, Jessica gave birth to another baby. Jessica hid her pregnancy from Berks County social workers out of fear that they would take her baby from her as soon as he was born. This fear appears justified, as social workers around the country often seize babies, even breastfeeding babies, right from the hospital, especially if another child in the family is already in the system. Jessica was afraid, so she sought prenatal care and gave birth on April 27 in another county. She and the boys' father Cosme were able to bond and spend those very important early weeks bonding together. Then, when baby Julius was 7 weeks old, Jessica says that she applied for Medicaid for him. That was when their family time ended. Their new baby was taken by Berks County Children and Family Services, and Jessica is once again being accused of child abuse.

      Pennsylvania Mom of Medically Kidnapped Child With Rickets Tells Her Story to FOX News

      A Pennsylvania mother now reportedly has the backing of a couple of world-renowned medical experts who say that the evidence supports her story that there is a medical reason for her baby boy's injuries, and that she did not abuse her son. Local media, including FOX 29 in Philadelphia, is now picking up Jessica Battiato's story, which was first reported by

        Medical Kidnapping in Pennsylvania: Parents of Baby with Rickets Accused of Abuse

        Pennsylvania mother Jessica Battiato is frustrated with a doctor and a system that refuses to look for the medical cause of her baby's condition, instead placing the blame on the parents. Since her son Cesar, now 5 months old, was taken by child protective services 2 months ago, her son has been diagnosed with rickets and hypotonia by a radiology expert. However, CPS seized custody of Cesar in April, based on accusations by Penn State child abuse specialist, Dr. Kathryn Crowell, that Cesar's injuries could only be caused by abuse. Dr. Crowell has been accused of falsely testifying against parents before. In a 2009 case she accused a parent of child abuse which led to a father spending over a year in jail. A jury later overturned the conviction. Jessica wants answers for her baby, and she wants her baby back home, not in a foster home. "My son needs medical attention. He doesn't need to be neglected by the state."