Los Angeles Father Who Had Son Die in DCFS Care Loses Custody of Daughter Also

    Yesterday we reported the story of Jason Janbahan and how he lost custody of his 5 year old son to LA County DCFS due to a charge of "medical neglect," and then saw his son die from medical complications while staying in a foster care group home. Mr. Janbahan told his emotional story during an interview with the National Safe Child Show. On Monday September 28, 2015 Mr. Janbahan returned to dependency court in Los Angeles regarding the custody of his only remaining child, his daughter Sarah. Unfortunately for Mr. Janbahan, just months after the death of his son who died a tragic death while in DCFS care, he also lost his daughter when a judge in dependency court put his daughter into permanent placement. Before the hearing, Jason went to the sheriff's station to file charges against the social workers and county counsel alleging illegal conduct, fraud and collusion.

      Medically Kidnapped Child in LA County DCFS Care Dies – Father Vows to Fight Criminal Social Workers

      A report written about LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) revealed that during an 18 month period, of the thousands of children who were taken away from their parents and family members, 571 of them died while under the supervision of LA County DCFS. On Sunday September 28, 2015 Jason Janbahan appeared on the National Safe Child show to tell his story, and how a corrupt social service agency in LA County was responsible for the kidnapping and death of his 5 year old son. Having his son removed from his home due to a charge of "medical neglect," in spite of the fact that medical reports showed that his son was in normal health, once under the care of a foster mother in a group home, the 5 year old boy's fragile immune system deteriorated rapidly, and he died while in the custody of LA County DCFS.