Iowa Social Worker Sued After Lying to Court to Remove Children from Parents

    Former Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) social worker Chelsea Gray may finally be facing justice for her part in lying to a judge in 2018 that caused 4 children to be wrongly removed from their parents. District Associate Judge Adam Sauer had ruled in 2018 that Chelsea Gray had delivered fabricated reports and trial testimony that helped convince a judge to terminate the legal rights of the mother and father of four northern Iowa children. The judge said Gray's testimony was riddled with "lies and misrepresentations." "What does not, or at least should not happen, is that an agent of the government, charged with the task of safeguarding the welfare of children, would completely fabricate contact with a family in order to mask non-compliance with the agency's policy," Sauer wrote. He added, "Providing false testimony of any kind is an unfathomable violation of the trust that the people in the State of Iowa place in their public servants and cast a dark and permanent shadow upon all of us." However, even after this ruling, apparently nothing was done to hold Chelsea Gray or DHS responsible for these actions, even after a county attorney found 10 other cases where Gray allegedly gave false information, and reported this to the attorney general's office. Earlier this month (April, 2019), however, criminal charges have now apparently been filed against Gray for perjury, presumably by one of the families that suffered from her false testimony.

      The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children

      As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News, legislative efforts are underway in many states to remove parental choice for childhood vaccines, with new proposed bills removing religious and philosophical exemptions to childhood vaccines which are mandated as a requirement for school attendance. In general, the public is opposed to removing parental consent to vaccines, and most bills seeking to remove parental authority have been met with stiff opposition and been defeated at the state level. One bill that was successful, was SB277 which was passed in California in 2015 removing the religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines. Today, the only option parents in California have to get an exemption to vaccines as a requirement for school attendance, is to get their doctor to sign a medical exemption. However, the pro-pharmaceutical lobby in California has not been satisfied with the results of SB277, and are now going after doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccines. Most doctors in California now fear writing medical exemptions to vaccines as they would risk losing their license to practice medicine in California. Parents who now want to protect their children from the dangers of the CDC vaccine schedule, either by refusing certain vaccines or following a different vaccine schedule, are left with almost no options. As a result, many parents are choosing to homeschool their children to escape the mandatory vaccine mandates. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the vaccine extremists, who believe that ALL vaccines are safe for ALL children ALL the time, by force if necessary, are now targeting homeschool children. Several states are proposing new laws that would require homeschool families to allow government-represented medical professionals to come into their homes to approve them as home schools, including checking the children's medical records to ensure they are following the CDC vaccine schedule.

        Iowa Judge Blasts Corrupt Social Worker and CPS for Lying and Giving False Testimony to Kidnap Children

        An Iowa judge recently reprimanded the Department of Human Services (DHS) after a social worker was found to have repeatedly lied to the court about parents in order to have their parental rights to their children terminated. According to the Associated Press (AP), District Associate Judge Adam Sauer criticized the testimony of social worker Chelsie Gray for being filled with "lies and misrepresentations." Judge Sauer dismissed the state's petitions to terminate parental rights on an Iowa couple's 4 children, finding that they had been "unfairly stripped of their parental rights." He also ruled that "referrals for new foster case placements shall stop immediately," because the original ruling was based upon false information. Unfortunately, as hundreds of thousands of parents have found, false testimony by social workers, and even doctors, is often standard fare when it comes to taking children from their families. We have found this in our own investigations of hundreds of cases, where allegations written by social workers or Child Abuse Pediatricians are filled with discrepancies and statements that are readily demonstrated to be incorrect. On the basis of false allegations, lies, and hearsay, without evidence, families are being ripped apart. They are victims of generational genocide, and the children are more likely to end up as victims of sexual assault, child sex trafficking, or death. Yet, the lack of due process and the corruption within the system is the rule, not the exception.

          Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine

          The VAXXED film crew continues interviewing people who are vaccine damaged around the country. They were recently in Iowa, and interviewed the family of Sydney Weggen. Sydney states that before Gardasil she used to dance up to 5 hours every day, but now she does not dance at all. Sydney began to have appetite problems, not being able to eat much. She began to lose weight. She lost over 20 lbs. before her 12th birthday and became anemic. Doctors thought at this point it was a psychiatric problem, and not physical. The parents were told it was "all in her head." As her condition continued to deteriorate, blood work done suggested there was something physical going on, and she was referred to the university hospital to check for some autoimmune sickness, such as Crohn's Disease or Lupus. After being admitted to the University of Iowa Hospital, they ran further tests. Her right lung was found full of fluid. But the doctors could not figure out what the problem was, and so they waited for more specialists to look at her. As they waited, her weight dropped to only 66 lbs., and her parents realized that she was dying.

            Iowa State University to Pay Students $900 to Eat Experimental GMO Bananas

            Iowa State University researchers are moving ahead with a long-delayed project in which a dozen students will be paid to eat one genetically modified banana each. Earlier this week, activists delivered petitions calling on the project’s halt to university officials and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is funding the project. The activists said more than 57,000 people signed the petition. “ISU students are being asked to be the first to consume a product of unknown safety,” the activists said in a prepared statement. “The study is not being conducted in a transparent manner, and concerned ISU community members have not been able to receive answers about the research design, risks, nature of the informed consent given by the subjects and the generalizability of the study.” The trial is expected to take place sometime this year.