Low Iodine In Women Before Pregnancy Associated with Lower IQ in their Children

I have been practicing holistic medicine for nearly 25 years. Among all the items I have found successful, one stands head and shoulders above rest: iodine. Iodine is one of the most fascinating essential elements. After checking thousands of patients (along with my partners), I can state with confidence that the vast majority of our population is iodine-deficient. Sadly, most are severely iodine deficient. The consequences of iodine deficiency are severe and include cancer and diseases of the glandular tissues including the breast, ovary, uterus, prostate, pancreas, and thyroid. Iodine is also necessary for a fetus to develop normally. It is well-known and accepted that iodine deficiency in a pregnant woman can result in a lowered IQ in her child. Researchers in England examined the relationship between maternal preconception (before the child is conceived) iodine status and their offspring’s cognitive function (IQ level) at age 6-7 years.

Iodine Supplements Used Successfully for Diabetes and Other Diseases at Higher Doses

The importance of iodine supplementation is a topic found in the alternative health media, mostly to regulate thyroid activity. But the importance of iodine for other organs and its function as a disease fighter and preventive are not well known. The fact is that all our cells use iodine for optimum functioning. While more are beginning to realize the importance of iodine for proper thyroid function and protecting the thyroid against radioactive iodine-131 from nuclear bomb testing and nuclear plant disasters such as the most recent Fukushima catastrophe, the importance of iodine supplementation is underestimated nutritionally and medically, while iodine fears, are greatly exaggerated. Dr. Guy Abraham, the national father of higher dosage iodine calls such fears about iodine “idophobia”.

What Can You Do to Prevent/Treat Ebola and Other Viral Infections

With the Ebola virus in the news, I thought it might be time to comment on what steps you can take to prevent becoming ill. Keep in mind that conventional medicine has no effective treatments for the Ebola virus. Due to a slow international response, Ebola has spread rapidly. It is a scary infection as the death rate is very high—from 50-90%. Initially, the Ebola infection can mimic the symptoms from the flu or other upper respiratory infection. However, as it progresses, it can lead to very severe muscle aches, liver and kidney failure along with bleeding out of various areas of the body. Needless to say, Ebola is something to be taken very seriously. As I previously stated, there is no conventional treatment for the Ebola virus. That does not mean that you are powerless to do anything to combat it. There are many effective natural anti-viral therapies that may prove effective against Ebola. It would be nice if the Powers-That-Be would begin testing these therapies. But, that would make common sense. Instead the Powers-That-Be are actively discouraging the use of alternative therapies even though they have nothing to offer. It is a sad situation. Keep in mind that Ebola, like any viral infection, can only be cured by a strong immune system. We are designed with a powerful immune system that should mount a response to an infectious agent. However, the immune system can only mount a vigorous defense if it has the raw materials available to it. For over 20 years, I have been checking every patient for their nutrient status. Unfortunately, most are deficient in the basic raw materials that the immune system needs to function optimally. I say, if you become ill with a viral illness, do the basics to help optimize your immune system. I will show you the four most important items you can use to aid your immune system to fight any illness.

Taking Thyroid Hormone Increases Breast Cancer Risk By 200%

A study found that women who take thyroid hormone for at least 15 years have 200% increase in the risk of breast cancer as compared to women who did not take thyroid hormone. You read that correctly: a 200% increase risk of breast cancer in women who took thyroid hormone as compared to women who did not take thyroid hormone. How could that be? The answer is simple: The increased breast risk in thyroid supplemented women is due to iodine deficiency.

Iodine Supplementation Cautions from Dr. Tenpenny

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
NaturalNews.com is putting out a lot of good information about the uses of iodine and disaster planning. I’m working on an article about iodine that will be done soon. In the mean time, I wanted to share a few important points.
Iodine chemistry, iodine/thyroid issues are really complex. When it is ingested, it is rapidly […]

Treatments for Nuclear Contamination: Iodine – Glutathione – Natural Chelation – Clay – Baking Soda


by Dr. Mark Sircus
It is too early to call everyone in North America to prepare for a radiation cloud streaming down radioactive particles from the accident in Japan. According to the media and government, America is not at risk due to radioactive fallout from the recent Japanese nuclear accidents in several reactors but that […]