Darwinian medicine is not new

    by Michael Egnor
    Evolution News and Views
    Jerry Coyne has a post on Darwinian medicine, which is a new branch of evolutionary biology that studies the evolutionary causes of disease and claims to provide evolutionary insights that are of therapeutic value.
    I’m a professor at a medical school and I have several decades of experience […]

      Journal Apologizes and Pays $10,000 to Mathematician After Censoring Article Criticizing Darwin

      by John G. West
      Evolution News and Views

      In one of their favorite soundbytes, members of the Darwin lobby like to assert that intelligent design scientists do not publish peer-reviewed research. That claim is manifestly false. But the fact that intelligent design scholars do publish peer-reviewed articles is no thanks to Darwinists, many […]

        Life, Purpose, Mind: Where the Machine Metaphor Fails

        by Ann Gauger, PhD
        Evolution News and Views

        [This article is authored by Biologic research scientist Ann Gauger, whose work uses molecular genetics and genomic engineering to study the origin, organization and operation of metabolic pathways. She received a BS in biology from MIT, and a PhD in developmental biology from the […]

          Is the Human Genome Garbage? Biologist Jonathan Wells Says No in New Book, The Myth of Junk DNA

          by Robert Crowther
          Evolution News
          Forty years ago scientists discovered that more than 95% of our DNA does not encode proteins. Since then the non-protein-coding portion was labeled “junk” and attributed to molecular accidents that have accumulated in the course of evolution.
          Now, biologist Jonathan Wells exposes The Myth of Junk DNA (Discovery Institute Press 2011) and shows that […]

            Inconvenient Fungus Genetic Data Leads to Epicycles in the Tree of Life

            by Casey Luskin
            Evolution News and Views

            We recently posted a rebuttal to Richard Dawkins’ overstatement of the molecuar evidence for common descent. The article cited a number of cases where those who use molecular data to build phylogenetic trees have encountered conflicting trees depending on which gene is being used to construct the […]

              Do you believe Richard Dawkins exists?

              Photo by Matti Á, flickr.com
              by Ellen Barrington
              Creation Ministries International
              Do you believe in Richard Dawkins? If your answer was yes, why? Most of us have assumed Dawkins’ existence based on very little evidence. I for one have never met him. And though I’ve seen a couple of pieces of video footage, a few pictures […]

                For Darwin Day: False Facts & Dawkins’ Whopper

                by Evolution News & Views
                Darwin Day, February 12, is coming up tomorrow, and we want to do our part to mark the occasion. Much of what Charles Darwin said makes perfect sense to us and is worth celebrating.
                Seriously. Take this famous quote, for instance, from Darwin’s Descent of Man (1871, p. 385):

                False facts are highly […]