Belief in COVID “Vaccines” Now Reaching Religious Fervor: The Shot “Reduces Suffering” Before Death

    A story out of San Antonio, Texas, shows the absurdity that the belief in COVID injections has now reached. KSAT reported that Yvonne Rodriguez is an only child, and that: "she made sure her parents Patricio and Sylvia Elizondo were vaccinated early on against COVID-19." But now they're both dead. Her mother died 3 months ago, and now her father has just died. Both were reportedly fully vaccinated. Instead of considering the possibility that the vaccine might have contributed to her father's death, or at the very least consider it was ineffective in stopping her parents' deaths, she instead continued to believe in the vaccines, and stated:  “I can’t imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine.” As Dr. Cole so eloquently stated in his presentation last week, "This is no longer science." Let's call this what it really is: it is a religion. It is a system of beliefs based not on science, but on belief in the people in charge of this system, who have taken on the role of priests, and the "gods" of medicine and vaccines. And for all the Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues, and Muslim Mosques who pretend to believe in God, but are encouraging their members to go out and trust in the vaccines, many even offering them right there in their houses of worship, you are all IDOLATERS.

      Replacing God with Medicine: 21st Century “Idolatry”

      This article was originally published on October 4, 2015, on our website. But it is far more relevant today, than the day it was written 6.5 years ago. For those of you just now waking up to the corruption and evil in the modern medical system, this article will, at the very least, show that this corruption has been around for a very long time, and that the things you are observing today, as horrific as they are, did not just happen overnight. The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator. The cure for idolatry is belief and trust in God our Creator and Redeemer. Faith in God our Creator and the Redeemer Jesus, is the opposite of idolatry, and recognizes that life depends on God the Creator, and that redemption, the forgiveness of sins and spiritual rebirth, comes from a relationship with Jesus.

        Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century

        A honest look at our present day medical system and its relationship to idolatrous religious practices throughout history involving such activities as child sacrifices. Is modern-day medicine the new religion?

          Sunday Devotional: Are You a Model Believer?

          by Brian Shilhavy
          And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia… They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath. (1 […]

            Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century

            by Brian Shilhavy
            This is what the LORD says — your Redeemer, the Holy One… “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)
            The book of Isaiah in the Old Testament portion of the Bible is one of the most […]