Harvard Law Professor Calls for Ban on Homeschooling While Everyone is Forced to do it

    Harvard Family Law Professor Elizabeth Bartholet is at it again. At a time when schools all across the nation are closed, with many parents of school-aged children also out of work and families confined to their homes during a nationwide lock down that is undoubtedly causing much stress, and forcing families to homeschool even if they have never done it before, Elizabeth Bartholet has come out publicly and called for a ban on homeschooling. Her comments were published in the Arizona Law Review. Bartholet believes children are best educated in schools, where teachers are "mandated reporters" and can report suspected child abuse to local Child Protective Services (CPS). Bartholet's disdain for religious teaching, especially conservative Christian teaching, is also very obvious. Ironically, these same "conservative Christian" groups that she attacks have actually invited her to some of their conferences in the past. She was one of the main speakers at the 2014 Together for Adoption Conference in Greenville, South Carolina, for example. The theme of the 2014 conference was "Urgency & Complexity: Biblical & Ethical Approaches to the Orphan Crisis," and it was sponsored by such well-known groups as Focus on the Family and Lifeline Children's Services. This highlights a problem that I believe I have been the only one to address so far: the double standard Christian churches and organizations have when they object to someone like Bartholet's views on homeschooling and her dim views of conservative Christians, but her views are fair game if it involves Christians taking other people's children through adoption or foster care, all in the name of "Orphan Care," where they conveniently redefine the meaning of "orphan" to justify their own child trafficking. I get scathing responses from Christians every time I bring up this topic, but the fact remains that while teachers in public schools are one of the primary means of removing children from their parents into the custody of the State through CPS and then put into foster care, foster care could not survive today without the Christian Churches and organizations that make up the bulk of the agencies overseeing foster care. It is not surprising that Bartholet's views on banning homeschooling were published in the Arizona Law Review, as Arizona has one of the worst records of medical kidnapping and abusing parental rights of any other state in the U.S., and they have been caught licensing pedophiles as foster parents as part of the nation-wide epidemic of child sex trafficking.

      Tell Congress Homeschoolers Do NOT Want Government Money!

      It has been said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. As homeschooling families know too well, government money will eventually lead to government control. That's why HSLDA is opposing a bill introduced by our friends in Congress, Rep. Steve King (IA) and Rep. Andy Harris (MD). Though well-intentioned, H.R. 610 is ultimately ill-advised. It calls for sending all federal education dollars to the states in the forms of federal grants so that the states can then give the money as vouchers to public, private, and homeschool students. But HSLDA has repeatedly told our friends on Capitol Hill that our members and many other homeschooling families know that government dollars will eventually result in government regulation. Although we are grateful for our friends on Capitol Hill, and although we know that representatives King and Harris are well-intentioned, they need to hear loud and clear from the homeschool community. Even though the vouchers created by H.R. 610 would be voluntary, we believe that this would be a slippery slope toward more federal involvement and control in homeschooling. If you do not want federal government "help," if you just want to be left alone, this is the time to speak up.

        CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family

        Claire Rembis was sick, and had to spend 3 days in the hospital. Her attack of pancreatitis paled in comparison to what happened next. The mom from Plano, Texas, came home to a nightmare that no parent should ever have to face. CPS came and took her children, all 11 of them, because a "well-meaning" couple, members of her oldest son's former youth group, didn't think that the 16 and 14 year olds could handle babysitting their siblings while their dad took the baby to the hospital to visit Claire. The 16 year old made a dramatic escape and eluded CPS for days, until a judge allegedly determined that the seizure and removal of the children was illegal, and allowed them to return home. Has it really gotten to the point where a mother cannot get sick without risking losing her children to the State? The traumatized family's problems are not over, unfortunately. They must vacate the house where they are currently living by August 8, and CPS is continuing to harass the family by allegedly attacking their homeschooling program and requiring the mother to stop breastfeeding their 3 month old baby. They show up at their home unannounced whenever they please, and the family fears that the children could be kidnapped back into State custody at any time.