SC Family Reunited at Easter Almost 3 Years After Child Abuse Doctor Falsely Accused Mother

    The Headleys were reunited this week, but it was a day they had begun to doubt would ever arrive. In July of 2015, Dr. Nancy Henderson-Hines of Greenville Memorial Hospital reportedly accused Danielle Headley of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Based on her accusation, a family was kept apart for 2 years and 9 months. Children were placed into foster care where they suffered abuse, trauma, and even sodomy. A marriage was almost ripped apart. Reputations were destroyed. An innocent woman faced the possibility of spending 30 years in prison for a crime that didn't occur. It's over now. None of the doctors from Greenville Memorial Hospital, including Danielle's accuser Dr. Nancy Henderson-Hines, showed up at court on Monday, March 26, 2018. They were reportedly no longer willing to testify in Danielle Headley's criminal court case. Danielle told Health Impact News that her lawyer told her Monday that the prosecutor, known as a solicitor in South Carolina, said: "We are dropping everything. We don't have any evidence." Two years and nine months of trauma for Danielle, William, and their 4 sons, as well as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, is over. There was no evidence that she hurt her son. There never was.

      Medically Kidnapped South Carolina Boys Come Home After 15 Months

      There were squeals of delight, tears of joy, and hugs all around at the Headley residence in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on Thursday. After almost 15 months in state custody, the 4 Headley boys are home, and their parents want to thank everyone who has prayed and stood by them during the most difficult season of their lives.

        South Carolina Boys Medically Kidnapped Still Not Returned to Parents – Suffering in State Custody

        The Headley family out of South Carolina has endured many hardships since their four boys were taken into custody in July of 2015, because the mother disagreed with a doctor regarding the care of her youngest son, and wanted a second opinion. One of the hardships they have endured was recently discovering mold in their home - a likely culprit in the health problems of their children. However, when it was suggested that mold might be the culprit for some of the children’s illnesses, a court-appointed expert rejected the possibility. Now, parents William and Danielle await a phone call to find out when their next court date will be, and it is uncertain when the boys will get to come home. Ironically, recent developments in the air quality at the Spartanburg County courthouse related to mold, the same mold that was found in the Headley home, has forced the courthouse to shut down for a while, extending their reunification date even further.

          Medically Kidnapped South Carolina Boy Raped in Group Home – Attorney Speaks Out on State Abuse

          The nightmare facing the Headley family just keeps getting worse. In a horrifying new development, William and Danielle Headley learned Friday that their oldest son, age 11, was raped at the group home where Child Protective Services placed the 4 Headley boys after medically kidnapping them. The family's attorney states: "I have a sick feeling in my stomach every time that I think of this horrific incident. I struggle to find words to console my clients. Dr. Henderson injected herself into a loving family in an effort to make the children 'as safe and healthy as possible.' The term child abuse specialist has taken an entirely different meaning. By allowing Dr. Henderson to abuse these children, the State and its system failed. When will the failure be recognized?"

            South Carolina Family Destroyed: Forced Vaccines, Sexual Abuse, Bruises Show Harm in State Care

            The Headley boys of South Carolina aren't coming home any time soon, according to a recent hearing in family court. While their parents, William and Danielle, continue to fight to get them back, the family says that the boys are suffering in CPS custody. They are currently being held in a group home, and the parenting of their children by the government is quite concerning to the family. The children are reportedly being forced to have vaccines that they have medical exemptions for, are losing weight, are being sexually abused, and are showing up to visits with bruises. The state is also reportedly ignoring evidence that would clear the parents. Danielle Headley still faces criminal charges of child abuse and neglect, but no trial date has been set. Greenville Memorial Hospital and Child Abuse Specialist Nancy Henderson have accused her of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, or medical child abuse, after the Headley's youngest son Jack, now 4, was in and out of the hospital for much of his life. The family received documents last week summarizing the findings of the family court, and there are a number of things that are concerning to the family, things which should be concerning to every family in America with children.

              South Carolina Medically Kidnapped 4 Year Old Went Missing From Foster Care, Found After Police Search

              The past few months have been a nightmare for the Headley family, but last Saturday night may have been the worst yet for the South Carolina family whose children were medically kidnapped this summer. While 4 year old Jack was under the care of the Child Protective System, he was reported missing by the foster mother. He was found in some bushes about 4 hours later, but the thought of what could have happened to their little boy has concerned family and friends asking for some answers. They don't understand how the state could take their child from them, and then allow him to go missing under their watch. An Amber alert was never issued, and family members question why. Failure to issue an Amber alert or to provide a description and photo when the child is a foster child unnecessarily put the lives of foster children in jeopardy. According to the FBI, in 76 percent of the murders of an abducted child, the child was murdered within 3 hours of the abduction. Time is of the essence in reporting missing children, and the first 3 hours are the most crucial. Do not children who have been taken into "protective" custody by the state deserve to have Amber alerts and accurate descriptions if they are missing? How does the state justify having less, not more, protection of those children in its care? Jack was removed from his own home and his own family out of alleged concerns for his safety, yet it was under the care of a state-provided foster family that he was lost.

                South Carolina Mother Arrested For Child Abuse After Questioning Doctors and Losing her Children

                Danielle and William Headley's four boys were seized by South Carolina Child Protective Services in July, following frustration by the parents over the care that their youngest son, Jack, now 4, was receiving at Greenville Memorial Hospital. A Child Abuse Specialist has accused Danielle of Munchausen by Proxy, and last week, Danielle was arrested on charges of Child Abuse and Neglect. The family is devastated and maintains that Danielle is innocent of any wrong-doing. It has been over 100 days since any family member has been permitted to see the children.

                  Grandma Denied Custody of Grandchildren Who were Medically Kidnapped in South Carolina

                  On July 10, 2015 in Spartanburg, South Carolina, the Spartanburg County Police walked right in the front door of the Headley family home while Danielle and her four boys were sleeping, and proceeded to remove all four boys from the home. Danielle had made the mistake of asking for a referral to another hospital for their youngest boy, who has had health problems since he was born. Now, all four of her boys have been kidnapped by the State, and the boys Grandmother, Brenda Bradshaw, wants to know why the State will not turn the boys over to her care.

                    Four Boys in South Carolina Medically Kidnapped When Parents Ask for Second Opinion

                    A parent’s worst nightmare happened on July 10, 2015 in Spartanburg, South Carolina for the Headley family. The Spartanburg County Police walked right in the front door of the Headley’s home while Danielle and her four boys were sleeping. William Headley had left for work earlier that morning and the front door was unlocked because the family felt safe in their community. Danielle stated that a female officer, later identified as Investigator Tracy Moss, walked into her bedroom and asked if she was Danielle Headley. Danielle replied that she was. Danielle states: “The cops busted into my house, didn’t knock or identify themselves. She (the investigator) said they have a search warrant and you need to get up and get up now!” Investigator Moss proceeded to demand that Danielle remove Jack from the crib in her room, unhook his feeding tube and bring him into the family’s living room. When Danielle walked into the living room, her three older boys were lined up on the couch. Danielle stated that: “Apparently she got my kids from their bedrooms before she came into my room.” According to Danielle, there were five or six officers to assist executing a search warrant for all electronics and medications in their home. The Emergency Removal Order served on that day states that they were contacted by Greenville Health System, Dr. Nancy Henderson, and the Headley’s four children needed to be removed due to mother being suspected of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Danielle had made the mistake of asking for a referral to another hospital for their youngest boy, who has had health problems since he was born. Now, all four of her boys have been kidnapped by the State, and they are threatening to vaccinate the youngest boy who has health problems tomorrow against the parents wishes, even though he is known to have severe reactions to vaccines.