Grassfed Traditions Adds New Artisan Butters from Grass-fed Milk

    Tropical Traditions announced two new lines of artisan butters crafted from the milk of grass-fed pastured cows in their GrassfedTraditions line of products. Allgäu pure German Butter is from family farms in the Allgäu region of Southern Germany. These families feed their cows only grass and grass hay. Using their local breed, the Allgäu brown cow, the herdsmen in the Allgäu mountain region safely guide the cows down from the mountains to spend the winters in their cozy barns, and are led back up to the Alps every spring. Nordic Creamery is family owned and operated making some of Wisconsin's finest gourmet, artisan butter from the milk of cows on pasture. Award-winning Cheesemaker and Buttermaker Al Bekkum and his family live on the Bekkum-Langaard Farmstead owned and operated by their family since immigration from Norway in 1917. The farm is located among other Norwegian settlers in Westby, Wisconsin within Vernon County's lush, green hills and valleys known as the Coulee Region. This un-glaciated land is recognized for its fertile soil and exceptional grazing land making their butter second to none. These butters are shipped in coolers to all 50 states.

      Why Grass-Fed Beef Is Good For Your Health

      Researchers determined a total of 10 key areas where grass-fed is better than grain-fed beef for human health. Contrary to popular arguments, factory farming is not a cheap, efficient solution to world hunger. Feeding huge numbers of confined animals actually uses more food, in the form of grains that could feed humans, than it produces. For every 100 food calories of edible crops fed to livestock, we get back just 30 calories in the form of meat and dairy. That’s a 70 percent loss.

        Nature Votes Last – Grass Based Health

        by Peter Ballerstedt, PhD
        Nature Votes Last

        Temperature, humidity, soil, sunlight, electricity, vital force, express themselves primarily in vegetable existence that furnishes the basis of that animal life which yields sustenance to the human race. What a man, a community, a nation can do, think, suffer, imagine or achieve depends upon what […]

          9 Steps to Perfect Health – Part 3: Eat Real Food

          by The Healthy Skeptic
          In the first article of this series we talked about the negative impact of 4 common food toxins: wheat, industrial seed oil, fructose and processed soy. In the second article we discussedwhich fats, carbohydrates and proteins are the best source of fuel for your body. In this article we’re going to importance […]

            Add Grassfed Meat to your diet: it has healthy fat!

            Grassfed sirloin roast, with a delicious, nutritious fat cap.
            by Stanley A. Fishman
            Our culture has a phobia about animal fat. The horrid nutritional guidelines just issued by the U.S. government tell us to eat meat only occasionally, and eat only lean meat. This is truly a shame, because animal fat from pastured animals contains many vital […]

              Care and Respect for the Meat on Your Plate: Humanely Raised Food Tastes Better

              by Cooking Up a Story

              If the name Ben Dyer doesn’t mean anything to you, well you just may be missing out. As it happens, Dyer is a bit of a wizard chef, not only in terms of his cooking abilities, but his interrelated entrepreneurial endeavors that are almost avant-garde in style, and purpose.

              Take for […]