Has a New “Golden Triangle” Emerged to Keep American and Israeli Zionist Aggression in Check?

Much of the news in the alternative media the past few days has been very apocalyptic, suggesting that we are on the brink of an escalation of world conflicts into a nuclear conflict with Russia. And yet, as easy as it is to cover both sides of any current geopolitical issue by simply reading the English news sites published by all countries currently involved in conflicts around the world, it seems as if few bother to do so, and simply regurgitate a narrative that is the most popular among their readers and entices the most clicks. Is Russia really about to escalate their conflict with NATO into a full blown nuclear war? Not according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who addressed the issue when he met with the heads of the world’s major news agencies in Russia yesterday, and reportedly stated: "Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as this table? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?" I know that most Americans will object at this point and state that Putin's words cannot be trusted, and while I do not disagree with that, there is plenty of other evidence to look at, which I will present in this article today, to suggest that Putin is not lying when he says Russia has no desire to take on NATO. What are the Chances of an Attack on the U.S. Mainland? At this point, almost zero, in my opinion. And the biggest reason is that until our financial system crashes and the U.S. can no longer pay their financial obligations, all these countries will continue to prosper from doing business with the U.S. Sam Parker, writing for Behind the News Network, has just published a 3-part series titled: The Covert War between Iran & Israel. He covers a lot of history, from a non-western and pro-Islamic perspective, about the relations between Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China. He refers to Iran, Russia, and China as the emerging "Golden Triangle in Eurasia". Read this very carefully, because if this (or most of it) is true, World War 3 is all but over already.