Golan Heights Arabs Tell Netanyahu he is Not Welcome but he Sneaks in Anyway as China Backs Palestinian Solidarity

The Western media narrative today continued to portray the bombing and murder of Arab children in the occupied territory of the Golan Heights over the weekend as a "terrorist attack" by Hezbollah against Israeli citizens, while the voices of the Arabs who actually live there and experienced these horrible deaths are not being reported. Fox News is an example of this media charade that completely ignores the voices of the victims: "Israel set to counter Hezbollah following terror attack: 'response will be swift, harsh and painful' The looming Israeli reaction against the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist movement in Lebanon is said to be imminent in response to the group’s rocket attack on a children’s soccer field on Saturday, resulting in the murders of 12 young people. On Monday, Netanyahu visited Majdal Shams and announced on X that Israel’s response to the massacre of children at the location "will come and it will be severe." Netanyahu told the Druze Israeli community: 'We are brothers. We have a covenant of life but, I regret that it is also a covenant of bereavement and sorrow. We embrace you.'" "We are brothers"?? Seriously? How are these Syrian Arabs in the occupied Golan Heights any different from the Arabs in occupied Gaza and the occupied West Bank? Has he ever called them "brothers"? What is not being reported in most Western media outlets is that the local people protested his coming, and even tried to stop him, calling him a war criminal. The families of the children who were murdered refused to meet with Netanyahu. As I publish this early on Monday, 7/29/24, Israel's Security Cabinet has allegedly approved an all out war against Lebanon and escalated the war in the Middle East, and it is based on a lie that Lebanon bombed and killed Israeli children, when in fact the children who died were children of Syrian parents who maintain their Syrian identity in the occupied Golan Heights. They are no more Netanyahu's "brothers" than the Palestinians are, but most Americans will trust Netanyahu anyway, as is evidenced by the numerous standing ovations he received last week in the U.S. Congress celebrating his lies.

Israel Bombs Syrian Arabs in Occupied Golan Heights and Blames it on Hezbollah in False Flag Attack

While the U.S. Media is echoing the claims of Benjamin Netanyahu and others in his cabinet that Lebanon shot a rocket into the Israeli occupied territory of the Golan Heights which killed 12 children, which were Syrian Arab children and NOT Jewish children, Syria and other nations in the region are reporting that this tragedy was a false flag attack by Israel itself. Hezbollah has obviously denied attacking their fellow Arabs, which doesn't even make any sense, especially because Hezbollah has not shied away from taking responsibility for REAL attacks they have made into Israel, as it makes them a hero in eyes of the people in the Middle East. This obvious false flag attack by Israel is apparently being used to justify an all-out war against Lebanon, even though this particular incident killed NO JEWS, only Arabs, no matter which side's version is true.