The U.S. Stands Alone in the World Supporting Genocide Against the Palestinian People

In my extensive coverage of the Israel - Hamas war since it started, I have reported that the ongoing genocide of an entire race of people, the Palestinians, is vehemently opposed by a vast majority of the world's population. More than half the Israeli population does not support Netanyahu's reign of terror, and the majority of Jews living in the United States also do not support the annihilation of the Palestinian people, where recent polls have shown that about two thirds of the population of the U.S. do not support Israel's action, but instead support a ceasefire. And now, since yesterday, December 8, 2023, we can add the United Nations Security Council, where a resolution to call for a ceasefire in this horrible war with over 10,000 people now murdered, most of whom are women and children, failed by the only vote cast to oppose that ceasefire, the vote of the United States, who is  a "permanent member" of the Security Council, with the authority to override everyone else's votes. Does any rational-thinking U.S. citizen still believe that the U.S. can take on almost the entire world, risking the security of our country, by choosing to stand with Netanyahu's reign of terror?

Christians Continue to be Murdered in Gaza – Netanyahu Supported both Hamas and Al Qaeda Terrorists?

It was widely reported this week in both the U.S. Corporate Media as well as in non-Western media sources, that Gaza's oldest Christian Church was bombed leaving many people dead, including children. Former U.S. Representative Justin Amash has reported that some of his family members were killed in this attack. Amash is Palestinian, and was the sole member of the Libertarian Party in Congress. Sadly, what is often missing from the Zionist Western Media coverage of the war in the Middle East which seeks to pit Muslims against Jews, is the fact that there are very significant numbers of Arabs who are Christians, and always have been Christians, and are frequently murdered in these Israel/U.S.-Muslim conflicts. Instead, pro-Zionist politicians, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, are supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing of entire Arab nations. In my own community where I am currently staying, I frequently visit a "Middle Eastern" grocery store to stock up on supplies for the Middle Eastern dishes I love to prepare, having spent many years of my younger adult life living in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, where I developed a very fond taste for Middle Eastern food. The small store is owned and operated by Syrians, and they are part of a Syrian Orthodox Christian community, and all part of the same church. And yet, it never ceases to amaze me how on any given day I can walk into this store and observe BOTH Muslim and Christian Arabs all smiling and laughing together, sharing their common Arab heritage. One of those customers runs his own small kabob restaurant in town, and he is a Palestinian Muslim. But these Arab people share their common Arab heritage, and get along just fine. The Middle Eastern Christian Arab store owner makes sure that his meat is certified "Halal" so his Muslim customers can purchase it. Religion does NOT separate them at all, as they all accept each other's religious differences. But there is one issue that they are all united on: The loss they have all suffered from the murder and slaughter of innocent people in their homelands by U.S. and Israeli military sources who continually bomb them.