War in Israel Escalates as Hundreds Killed in Gaza While Ex Israeli Supreme Court Judge Warns Israel is on Brink of Civil War!

    The situation in Israel continued to deteriorate today as over 110 Palestinians were killed in Gaza today, including babies and young children, while Israeli protests entered their second day and are starting to turn violent, as Israelis in mass turn against Benjamin Netanyahu and his involvement in "Qatar-Gate". Ex Israeli Supreme Court Judge Aharon Barak has warned that Israel is heading to Civil War, as Netanyahu tries to eliminate everyone in the Israeli government who opposes him, including judges. Jerusalem police resorted to using water cannons against their own fellow citizens who were protesting. And as all of this was happening today, Hamas and Yemen both launched bombs into Tel Aviv, closing their airport, and triggering alarms that sent millions of Israelis into bomb shelters.

      WAR! Gaza Ceasefire Ends – Genocide Continues as Children are Massacred

      When Trump ordered the U.S. Navy to start bombing Yemen on Saturday night, which hit residential areas and killed several women and children, I suspected that Netanyahu and Trump had already decided NOT to continue the ceasefire in Gaza, and that bombing would soon resume in Gaza as well. That happened today, and as a result, at least 400 people are reported as killed by overnight bombing, including more children. Netanyahu's Zionist party announced that this was just the beginning. This decision was NOT popular in Israel, where Netanyahu's support is quickly vanishing. Families of the Israeli hostages have taken to the streets to protest Netanyahu's actions. Netanyahu is being accused by some for resuming the bombing to draw political attention away from himself, due to the recent explosive report by Israel’s Shin Bet, their internal Security Agency which is similar to the U.S.’s FBI, which revealed that Netanyahu has in fact been funding Hamas long before the Oct. 7, 2023 terrorist attacks, through Qatar. This is now referred to as "Qatar-Gate" in the Israeli press. Netanyahu is now trying to remove the head of Shin Bet, but the Israeli Attorney General is opposing him. The blood on America's stained hands is now increasing as the bloodthirsty Zionists move to complete the genocide in Gaza to build the Trump Family empire. Look for the Al Aqsa Mosque to be bombed soon in Jerusalem in the West Bank, to make way for Trump's 3rd Temple. Make sure you are on the side of TRUTH, and do not choose political sides, as they all serve Satan. Look for the Heavenly Jerusalem that is promised to come down from Heaven and replace the Satanic earthly one.

        What Kind of a World do We Live In? Palestinian Journalist States that The World Cannot Ignore Trump’s Death Threat to the People of Gaza

        “To the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER!” - U.S. President Donald Trump. These were not the words of some far-right provocateur lurking in a dark corner of the internet. They were not shouted by an unhinged warlord seeking vengeance. No, these were the words of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, the most powerful man in the world. A man who with a signature, a speech or a single phrase can shape the fate of entire nations. And yet, with all this power, all this influence, his words to the people of Gaza were not of peace, not of diplomacy, not of relief – but of death. I read them and I feel sick. Because I know exactly who he is speaking to. He is speaking to my family. To my parents, who lost relatives and their home. To my siblings, who no longer have a place to return to. To the starving children in Gaza, who have done nothing but be born to a people the world has deemed unworthy of existence. To the grieving mothers who have buried their children. To the fathers who can do nothing but watch their babies die in their arms. To the people who have lost everything and yet are still expected to endure more. Trump speaks of a “beautiful future” for the people of Gaza. But there is no future left where homes are gone, where whole families have been erased, where children have been massacred. I read these words and I ask: What kind of a world do we live in?

          Trump Bypasses Congress with Executive Order to Send $3 BILLION in Bombs and Weapons to Israel to Expand War in West Bank

          Once again, President Trump showed that he is ruling the U.S. like a king instead of an elected representative of the people, as he issued another "emergency" executive order and bypassed Congress to send $3 billion in weapons to Israel, as Israel expands their operation into the West Bank, where Palestinians are being attacked and murdered by Jewish settlers that can only be compared to the Nazi groups in the southern U.S. in years past, where Ku Klux Klan members attacked and brutally murdered blacks in one of the darkest eras of American history. While the corporate media is mainly reporting on what is going on in Gaza, Palestinians are being killed and driven from their homes throughout the West Bank, an area that is NOT controlled by Hamas. Please invest a few minutes of your time to view on-the-ground reports of what is happening in Israel from a non-Western and non-Zionist perspective. As the late great Paul Harvey used to say: "And now, the rest of the story....."

            The Trump Jewish Family Real Estate Empire Wants Gaza for Themselves – Palestinians Told to Leave

            This is the first edition under Trump 2.0 of regular reports I plan to publish in the "Zionist Cult Watch" series. President Donald Trump's family is part of this cult, and as I reported in my first article last month about the Trump 2.0 presidency, this Zionism Cult along with new planned vaccines are the two most dangerous policies one needs to be aware of in Trump 2.0. That article was written before the inauguration, and during the inauguration in Washington D.C., Donald Trump became the first president in U.S. history to NOT put his hand on the Bible in front of him as he took his oath of office, giving further evidence that he is, in fact, a converted Jew, since no religious Jew would ever put their hand on a Bible, because they totally reject Jesus as the Messiah, and consider the entire New Testament portion of the Bible as "blasphemy." The most evil and Satanic teaching of Zionism is the belief that one class of people is more privileged and special than all other classes of human beings, which then gives a "moral" reason to hate other groups of human beings, and even mass murder them and commit acts of genocide against them. I repeatedly reported during the Biden presidency that the U.S. is responsible for all the atrocities of the Zionists in Israel, such as the bombing of innocent civilians and children in Lebanon with the exploding pagers and cell phones, because the U.S. is supplying all the arms to Israel, and without the backing of the U.S., none of this would be possible. Israel is the de facto 51st State of the U.S. So while Biden and Harris pretended to be against Israel's genocidal acts of terrorism while at the same time supplying them with weapons and technology to do so, Trump came right out into the open yesterday and admitted that future operations in Gaza will be conducted by the United States, so that there can be no doubt anymore that Israel and the U.S. are one and the same today. In the days ahead watch what happens in the West Bank, and specifically in the city of Jerusalem, where the Zionists have been very open about having President Trump finish the job he started during his first presidency, when he had the U.S. become the first nation in the world to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and establish a U.S. military base there. Their expectations are that Trump and the U.S. military will help them destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, and build a new Jewish Temple, which will most certainly begin World War III in the Middle East.