United Nations Monitors Your Interaction with Alternative News Sources that Oppose Vaccines

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been monitoring independent health sites and their users in an attempt to identify 'anti-vaccine influencers' and their effect on lackluster vaccine sales. If you have visited one of the following websites or Facebook Pages, the United Nations has been monitoring you to find out how they can stop people from refusing vaccines: GreenMedInfo.com, Mercola.com, Vactruth.com, Mothering.com, Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines, Thinking Moms' Revolution, The Refusers, Natural News, Worldtruth.tv, Cafemom.com, VaccineInjury.info, EverydayHealth.org, LeftBrain/RightBrain, Zen Gardner – Just Wondering

As State-sanctioned Licensing Boards Continue to Proliferate, the Trend of Limiting Free Speech is Increasing

State licensing boards are trying to prevent unlicensed citizens from even talking about certain subjects. As these state-sanctioned licensing boards continue to proliferate, the trend of limiting free speech is increasing—almost without exception as a tool for the board to protect the professional turf of licensed practitioners. In the 1950s, only one in twenty US workers needed government permission—for that is what licensure is—to pursue their chosen occupation. Today, it is closer to one in three. Yet there is little evidence that licensing protects public health and safety or improves products and services. It does, however, increase consumer costs and reduce opportunities for workers.

FDA Violates Free Speech to Limit Supplement Access

The FDA continues to trample free speech in order to limit your access to supplements. Their actions have scary implications for the government regulation of Internet searches and speech. It's time we all stood up and said “Enough is enough!”.

Dietetic Association and State Health Board Seek to Restrict Free Speech on Nutrition

Non-Registered Dietitian (RD) nutrition professionals are being targeted by certain states’ RD monopoly laws, despite the fact that many of them have advanced degrees and a tremendous number of clinical hours to their credit. The goal of this attack is to pass “scope-of-practice” laws in each state whereby only RDs can legally offer nutrition services. These monopoly laws restrict a competitive and open market for nutrition professionals, where consumers and employers (including hospitals) are able to decide what credentials, education, and experience they want in a nutrition provider.

FDA Now Censoring Consumer Free Speech on the Internet

by Alliance for Natural Health

Or, to be more precise, demanding that supplement companies do it on their orders. Action Alert!

The US Food and Drug Administration has recently issued warning letters to two different supplement companies. Here is what triggered one of them: supplement company AMARC Enterprises “liked” a Facebook customer testimonial about how their product helped “keep […]

“Approved” Nutrition Advice Bought Out by Processed Food Companies

New World Order Dietitians from Sentient Dietitian on Vimeo. 

Health Impact News Editor Comments: The article below by Dr. Mercola explains how the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics threatens your First Amendment rights and attempts to censor anyone else giving out different nutrition or diet advice. But the video above, which a user recorded walking through the 16th International […]

EU Quashes Free Speech in Health Claims

by Alliance for Natural Health

Europe has rejected 95% of the health and nutrition claims under review. What does this mean for us?

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluated 2,037 health claims—that is, statements that a nutrient or food contributes to or has a positive impact on a particular health condition—and authorized the use of only […]

Codex Committee Wants to Limit Your Access to Information on Health Benefits of Food and Diet Internationally

by Alliance for Natural Health

Not even nutrient-related disease! Our executive director’s gripping report from the front lines.

As we discussed last week, ANH-USA represented US consumers at the international Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, which met last week in Germany. Our executive director, Gretchen DuBeau, reports that the committee made […]

Dietetics Board Wants to Limit Free Speech and Your Choices for Independent Nutrition Information


by Alliance for Natural Health

Working on a tip from ANH-USA, a reporter discovers internal documents detailing the true motives of the dietetics board.  Action Alert!

In July we reported that the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition is being sued because the board wanted to prevent a blogger, Steve Cooksey, from offering free nutrition advice based on […]