Fully Vaccinated Franklin Graham Has Heart Surgery for Pericarditis as Samaritan’s Purse Helps Inject People with COVID-19 Shots

    This past March we reported that Franklin Graham, the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, told his 9.6 million Facebook followers that: “I think Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines,” proving that he is one of the Globalists participating in the distribution of COVID-19 gene altering shots. Franklin Graham was just released from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where he underwent heart surgery for pericarditis (inflammation and hardening of the sac around the heart that compresses the heart and prevents it from working properly,) a known side effect of the COVID-19 shots. Members of his organization state that he just developed this condition within the "past few months," and that "he had been experiencing shortness of breath for some time." He and his family are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. According to an article published in Politico in July, Franklin Graham is a friend of NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci's boss, and Collins is also considered a "devout" Evangelical Christian who also promotes the COVID-19 shots to Christians. There can be little doubt that Franklin Graham, who inherited the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Empire, and also runs Samaritan's Purse with branches all over the world, is a Corporate Globalist. Samaritan's Purse raked in close to $1 BILLION in revenues in 2020 (just shy of $900 million), and they frequently partner together with the pharmaceutical industry and the medical system to administer COVID-19 shots and provide pop-up clinics. A look at Samaritan's Purse's financial disclosure IRS Form 990 shows that Mr. Graham makes over $700,000 per year of declared income, has 12 other people on staff that make more than $200K a year, has a private jet, and earned $8,286,443 in 2020 from "investment income." With the world on lockdown in 2020 and many businesses failing, what kind of investment could return those kinds of yields? The main industry that saw record growth in revenues in 2020 under President Trump was Big Pharma, of course, thanks to Trump's CARE Act and other stimulus bills that transferred $BILLIONS from the wealth of the middle class in America to Big Pharma. If we were to look at the investment portfolio of Samaritan's Purse, what might we find? Stocks in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and others?? And what about the Graham family's alleged connection to pedophilia?

      Franklin Graham Reveals He is Part of the Globalist New World Order Agenda – Urges Christians to Get the COVID Shot because “Jesus Christ would Advocate for People Using Vaccines”

      Franklin Graham, the president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, recently told his 9.6 million Facebook followers that: "I think Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines." Ten days before this post, he told ABC News: "I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them." Mr. Graham is either unfamiliar, or doesn't care, that the English word for "medicine" in the Greek language that was used to write the New Testament part of the Bible, is pharmakeia, from which we get modern English words such as pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, etc. However, the modern English translations never translate pharmakeia as medicine. Probably because it is referred to as a bad, sinful behavior, and usually translated as "witchcraft," or "sorcery." It is associated with Satan, the Devil, and not Jesus. Jesus healed by his own power, and not by pharmakeia. Franklin Graham is neither a licensed medical doctor, nor does he appear to be very well educated about the contents of the Bible. I guess it is time to give exposure to the other perspective on the Graham family that is seldom, if ever, talked about in Christian circles.