N.Y. Judge Orders Trump Admin to Allow Mahmoud Khalil to Talk to His Attorneys as Protests Grow

    A judge in federal court in New York ruled today that the Trump Administration, who arrested Mahmoud Khalil over this past weekend with no warrant, and who was being detained in Louisiana with no contact allowed between him and his attorneys and his wife who is 8 months pregnant and is a U.S. Citizen, had to allow Khalil access to his attorneys so he could appear in court. Meanwhile, protests have erupted in New York over Khalil's arrest, and many Jews are also among the protesters. At least a "dozen" protesters were allegedly handcuffed by police earlier today, but it is not clear yet at the time of this writing if they were actually charged or detained. Some news reports are claiming that the reason why Khalil was taken from New York to be detained in Louisiana is because he was not charged with any crime, and therefore they did not have to comply with Khalil's attorney who filed a habeas corpus, because it lacked jurisdiction. Did the Trump Administration Make a Huge Mistake by not Knowing Mahmoud Khalil was a Legal Resident of the U.S.? While many media sources have now stated the same thing that I published when this story broke, which is that this is a "test case" for the Trump Administration on deporting students who protest against the Israeli government, it would appear that Trump's Zionist officials did not even know that this man was no longer a student, and was not even in the U.S. on a student visa anymore. And they also seem to be completely ignorant of the differences between visas and Green Cards, which represent permanent residents in the U.S. who no longer need visas. Fox News, just a short while ago as I began to write this article and should know better by now with everything that has come out in the news the past few days, deliberately LIED to the American people by bringing in "legal experts" on to their show who stated incorrectly that Khalil's "visa as a foreign student" had been revoked, and that the "law is on Trump's side." Well, how can a "legal expert" claim that the law is on the side of Trump if they misrepresent the facts of the case? By law, only an immigration judge in immigration court can revoke a Green Card. The Trump Administration seems to have learned this over the past couple of days, because they are now backtracking on stating that they are going to immediately deport Khalil, because as a permanent resident, he will get his day in immigration court.

      The U.S. Government Does not Want You to Know the Truth About How the COVID Shots are Killing and Injuring People

      With almost half of the American public now convinced that the increase in "sudden deaths" is linked to the COVID-19 shots, it is time to understand that the U.S. Government does NOT serve and protect the people, but instead serves and protects the interests of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the rest of the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers. The evidence now is overwhelming that the U.S. Government completely violated the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States that allows for dissenting information and the right to criticize those in public office, by partnering with the Big Tech companies that control Social Media, such as Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to censor information about the COVID-19 "vaccines" that contradicted the U.S. Government's propaganda. These are criminal actions that have led to the deaths and injuries of millions of people. And this was not an accident. This was premeditated murder, as the U.S. Military funded and operated the entire campaign of unleashing weapons of mass destruction on their own citizens, all in the name of "population control" and "saving the planet." As has almost always been the case throughout human history, the side of TRUTH is almost always the minority side, and to take a stand for TRUTH is to sacrifice oneself for the cause of liberty. The compliant ones are the ones who are now dead or crippled, the defiant ones are the ones still standing and telling the truth. The U.S. Government is not on your side. They are your enemy, because they serve Big Pharma and Big Tech, not you.

        Freedom to Dissent and the New Blacklist in America

        Anyone who defends the informed consent ethic and criticizes the use of coercion to force compliance with one-size-fits all vaccine policies is called an “anti-vaxxer” and subjected to personal attacks on his or her intelligence, integrity, motives and patriotism in the name of protecting the public health. The litmus test question is: Are you or have you ever been anti-vaccine? If you hesitate, qualify your answer, express doubt or admit to being currently or previously associated with a person or organization labeled as “anti-vaccine,” it is over. You are publicly condemned as an “anti-vaxxer” and a danger to society for infecting others with your opinions, values and beliefs. You are blacklisted and turned into a horrible warning for any person like you who is even thinking about speaking up. Do you want to be forced to use every new vaccine Big Pharma produces and public health officials mandate without your voluntary informed consent? And what will be done to you if you refuse to comply? Will you be able to get a driver’s license or passport, shop in a store, go to a football game, enter a hospital emergency room, get on a bus or plane, or simply leave your home if you cannot show proof that you have complied with government vaccine policies? Will your unvaccinated children be taken from you? Will you be criminally prosecuted and imprisoned? What has happened this year are signs that America may well be stumbling down the trail toward totalitarianism by allowing our inalienable rights to be taken away.

          Stop State Monopolies on “Approved” Nutritionists Backed by Big Corporate Food

          In recent years we have made a lot of progress working together to protect free speech and ensure an open marketplace for qualified nutrition professionals. We have now sent letters to legislators in over a dozen states, warning them that their restrictive nutrition boards are violating federal law in the aftermath of recent court rulings. None of the letter recipients have admitted guilt yet—they wouldn’t. A second wave of letters is now directed to key lawmakers in these states—to the people who have the power to change the actual laws currently on the books governing how state dietetics and nutrition boards operate. ANH-USA will also be working with legislators to amend state laws to reflect these recent court victories. In the end, we may have to pursue legal action in order to get reform.