Physician-Senator Continues Push to Make Oregon a Medical Police State

    Oregon Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward is at it again. In February, Senator Hayward (who is a physician) introduced a bill to take away the right to informed consent and vaccine choice and mandate vaccines for all children statewide. The bill was vehemently opposed by her constituents in the state, and made national headlines. The bill was withdrawn as it did not have enough support in the State Legislature. Now, she has introduced a new bill, SB895, which would require schools to publish vaccination exemption rates by disease and get parents granted exemptions in the past to either consult their doctor or watch an educational video about the decision against vaccinating. This new bill passed the Senate Education Committee this week on a 4-3 party-line vote with Democrats in favor. Opposition from an informed constituent base that includes attorneys and physicians apparently means nothing to Dr. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, who believes the entire state should be coerced into accepting her view, even though her first bill was overwhelmingly defeated. She's seems absolutely determined to make Oregon into a medical police state.

      Medical Tyranny in Action in Oregon: Doctor and Senator wants Medical Freedom for herself, but Not Oregon Citizens

      At a recent public hearing in Oregon to discuss a new proposed law to take away informed consent and the ability of parents to refuse vaccines for religious and philosophical objections, attorney Robert Snee pointed out that the American Medical Association's own code of ethics allowed for religious and philosophical objections to vaccines among doctors. The sponsor of the bill in Oregon to take away parental rights to make these medical decisions for their children is also a doctor. When attorney Snee pointed out an article published in the American Academy of Family Physicians by the sponsor of bill, where she disagreed with her doctor and rejected his advice regarding a drug she was taking while breastfeeding her new born child, the hearing became quite interesting. The Oregon Senator and doctor who has sponsored this bill was sitting directly across from the attorney, and she became quite agitated. She basically argued that she had a right to make a "personal decision" for her and her baby based on her own research, which disagreed with the doctor who was a specialist in this area. She was angry at the attorney for bringing this matter up, but the attorney replied that he and other citizens of Oregon simply wanted the freedom to make the same medical decisions for their families. Medical tyranny in action in Oregon: watch it in this video.