AMA Prepares Gag Order for Medical Dissenters

    The American Medical Association’s latest attempt to shore up their medical monopoly could have stiff consequences for practitioners who don’t toe the line. Action Alert! Angered by what they call “quack MDs,” the AMA recently decided to “actively defend the profession.” In particular, it plans to "create ethical guidelines for physicians in the media, write a report on how doctors may be disciplined for violating medical ethics through their press involvement, and release a public statement denouncing the dissemination of dubious medical information through the radio, TV, newspapers, or websites." Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr. Oz Show was specifically mentioned as being responsible for the type of behavior and “pseudoscience” that the AMA would like to curtail. Keep in mind that the AMA is not the voice of the medical profession. Its membership has slipped to the point where it represents only 17% of MDs, and many of those are free memberships given to medical students, yet it remains the fifth most powerful special interest on Capitol Hill, spending $19.7 million on lobbying in 2014. This gives it the clout to influence Medicare prices, make recommendations that shape national policy, and rake in about $218.8 million a year from its government-granted CPT medical code monopoly.

      Will Foods Contaminated with Glyphosate have to Carry a Prop 65 Cancer Warning to be Sold in California?

      In late March, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO), determined that glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup—is a Class 2 A “probable carcinogen.” This determination is nothing short of devastating to Monsanto and other chemical technology companies that rule our food supply, and recent “astroturf” attack on Dr. Oz reveals just how desperate they are to quell rising concerns. Not only is the IARC considered the global gold standard for carcinogenicity studies, it’s also one of the research agencies from which the California agency of environmental hazards gets its data to declare carcinogens under Prop 65. So, eventually, foods containing glyphosate will likely have to carry a Prop 65 cancer warning label to be sold in California.

        Dr. Oz Strikes Back at Corporate-sponsored Doctors Tied to GMO Industry

        This week Dr. Oz did something on his show that he stated he has never done before: criticize other doctors in his profession in public. He stated that he was compelled to do so after a vicious smear campaign was waged against him by corporate-sponsored doctors allegedly tied into the GMO biotech food industry. Dr. Oz had no choice but to take on publicly, via his TV show, 10 doctors who signed a letter calling for his removal from Columbia University Medical school. None of the doctors attacking him in the letter were from Columbia University, where Dr. Oz says he has "proudly" served on their faculty for almost 20 years. So Dr. Oz chose investigative reporter Elisabeth Leamy to uncover just who these doctors are who attacked him, and reveal their conflict of interest and ties to the biotech GMO industry. For those of us in the alternative media, Leamy's report did not reveal too much new that had not already been uncovered in the alternative media, particularly by Mike Adams at Natural News. Natural News actually goes into far more detail exposing these ten doctors and the forces behind them.

          Dr. Oz Warns About Mercury in Flu Shots

          Dr. Oz spent considerable time covering the issue of thimerosal being used as a preservative in the annual flu vaccine. Thimerosal contains mercury, a well-known neuro-toxin. Dr. Oz interviewed Dr. Mark Hyman and former U.S. Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his show to discuss mercury in vaccines. While it is certainly worthwhile to warn the public of the dangers of mercury in the flu vaccine, Marcella Piper-Terry of points out several facts regarding this issue that were not covered during the show, and how Dr. Oz did not exactly get his facts straight on a few things. Sadly, this is representative of the current level of knowledge concerning vaccines both among the mainstream media and modern-day physicians. Parents of vaccine-damaged children do their homework and research well, and in many cases are more educated on this issue than both the mass media and many doctors.

            Should Dr. Oz be Silenced?

            As Dr. Oz's popularity with Americans grows—and with it a new openness to integrative medicine—mainstream medicine is alarmed. Last year, when he was a second-year medical student, Benjamin Mazer took it upon himself to ask both the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) and the American Medical Association (AMA) to address what he called “medical quackery” on television and in other media. He suggested that they consider regulating the advice of celebrity physicians like Dr. Mehmet Oz—asking, in effect, that they do something to gag him.