Safer and Healthier Alternatives to Root Canals
Is a root canal procedure a gamble you really want to take? The complexity of interactions and time delay before oral toxins express noticeable symptoms, compared to fast-acting snake venom, work well for the institution of dentistry and dental insurance companies, but it does not bode well for you. Institutions are by nature invested in the status quo. The insurance industry’s business model is no different from most other business models – it values their bottom line over your health. We are left on our own to tease out root causes of disease. It is only after the scare of cancer, the exhaustion of chronic fatigue, a nervous system derailment causing Parkinson’s tremors, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or Bell’s Palsy, or even autoimmune issues such as lupus or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), that some people make the difficult decision to consider a “dental revision” to help their body recover. A dental revision is no less than removing all possible toxic stressors of oral origin – dead teeth, dead jawbone, heavy metals like mercury, nickel, and chromium, gum disease therapy, and often, removing meridian blockers like implants. A dental revision may seem like a drastic and expensive step, but what is the cost of poor health to which these contribute?