Data on Serious Hospital Errors Will Now Be Withheld from the Public

    Preventable medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer, claiming the lives of 210,000 Americans each year. More than two million people are affected by hospital-acquired infections each year, and 75,000-100,000 people die as a result of those infections. The federal government has quietly decided to “solve” the problem of hospital acquired conditions by burying the data.

      Dangers of Hospital Stays

      by Dr. Mercola
      Dr. Andrew Saul has over 35 years of experience in natural health education, and holds a number of certificates for teaching clinical nutrition.

      He’s a recipient of the Citizens for Health Outstanding Health Freedom Activist Award, and was named as one of the seven natural health pioneers by Psychology Today.

      Dr. Saul is […]