Study: Maintaining High Blood Levels of Vitamin D Controls Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    Adding to the importance of maintaining high blood levels of vitamin D, a new meta-analysis of 18 human random control trials for controlling inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was published November of 2018. The researchers in China focused on Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), both categorized under the heading of IBD. According to the background data of their report, there are at least 3 million sufferers in Europe and half that many in the USA. Evidently, the researchers' concern was that Asian nations are experiencing a rise with IBD now. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is much more common with some of the same chronic symptoms as IBD, though less serious. Therefore the results of this meta-analysis apply to IBS sufferers as well. The fact that IBD tends to be chronic and incurable by mainstream medicine led to their undertaking this review. They wanted to determine if supplementing vitamin D could prevent inflammatory gastrointestinal tract diseases, create remissions, and maintain them.

      Use of Coconut Oil as Enema Saves Woman’s Colon from being Surgically Removed due to Colitis After Drugs Failed

      A new case study out of Germany just published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology documents the remarkable recovery of a woman who was recommended to have part of her colon removed, including her anus, due to a severe case of Crohn's disease and complicated by diversion colitis. She refused to have a proctectomy (to surgically remove a portion of her colon along with her anus) as recommended by her doctors, and requested a natural approach instead. Therefore, her doctors started daily local administration of three and half ounces of prewarmed coconut oil as a rectal enema. The patient saw immediate results within one week, and after 12 weeks, she was free of pain and returned to work.

        Shona Banda Forced to Leave Kansas to Continue Using Medical Cannabis that Saved Her Life

        Two years ago, a woman with two children was celebrating her renewed life after cannabis oil had taken her out of her deathbed from terminal Crohn’s disease. She had undergone 16 surgeries and several toxic pharmaceuticals, one dangerously experimental. The doctors had finally given up. Shona Banda’s health had worsened until she was bedridden and “waiting to die,” until she started using cannabis oil. The results were miraculous. Shona Banda became a medical cannabis advocate in her home town of Garden City, an hour from the Colorado border, in a dangerous state, Kansas, for that type of activity. After surviving a terminal illness by using cannabis, she was arrested in 2015 and faced a potential sentencing of 30 years in prison. Her son was taken into custody by CPS. Her trial dragged on for two years before she survived the legal system by accepting a second plea deal arrangement earlier this month, August, 2017, despite her initial feeling that she could win the case.

          How People are Healing Serious Gut Disease with Cannabis That Mainstream Medicine Has Nothing to Offer

          There have been several anecdotal reports of cannabis curing cancer. But less discussion has been publicized about cannabis curing Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel and gut diseases that are considered incurable by mainstream medicine. Perhaps the most dramatic story has a woman named Shona Banda at its center. Shona was severely stricken with Crohn's. She was bedridden, and whatever she managed to eat didn’t provide nutrition because her gastrointestinal tract simply wouldn’t absorb nutrients

            Coconut Oil Benefits for Digestive Health

            by Brian Shilhavy
            Digestive Health and Weight Gain
            When we are eating healthy whole foods with the absence of highly refined carbohydrates, weight gain should not be a problem. However, many people who have switched over to healthy diets, and have even limited their carbohydrate intake, still have problems losing weight. One reason is because many […]