FDA Announces Deaths of Two Pfizer Vaccine Trial Participants as it Prepares to Issue Fast-track Authorization

    The FDA released a 53-page "briefing document" for the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine today in preparation for its December 10, 2020 meeting to discuss giving emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccine to Pfizer, the world's largest pharmaceutical criminal organization. As is to be expected, the U.S. Pharma-controlled corporate media sang praises for Pfizer in the report in all of their press releases today, giving us a strong indication that the FDA is going to issue an EUA to Pfizer on Thursday. When we look outside the U.S. corporate media, however, we can see that other countries noticed the fact that people died during the Pfizer COVID vaccine trials, a detail completely left out of the U.S. press releases. Why would anyone trust a drug company that is on record as having the largest FRAUD settlements in U.S. history with the DOJ? In 2009 they reached a fraud settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice for $2.3 BILLION, the largest ever fraud settlement in the history of the DOJ at that time. And they have continually been tried in court for FRAUD by the DOJ multiple times since 2009! The FDA will more than likely approve this dangerous experimental vaccine anyway, because they are simply an extension of the pharmaceutical industry, deriving most of their revenue from Big Pharma. Scott Gottlieb now sits on the board of directors of Pfizer, and he is the former director of the FDA. No doubt current members of the FDA have also been promised lucrative careers in the pharmaceutical industry once they leave their government jobs, and therefore they are highly motivated to give Pfizer the green light to start mass vaccinating the public with their new COVID vaccine, which most certainly has not been proven either "effective" nor "safe."

      Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

      In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world. What could possibly motivate these doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health professionals to make such an impassioned plea? What do they have to gain by taking the time to educate the public on the hidden dangers of a new class of vaccine about to be inflicted upon the citizens of countries around the world? They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives. So why are they doing this? Why are these doctors and professionals being censored so much if the new COVID vaccines are in fact "safe and effective"? What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don't want the public to know? They are doing this because they are doctors and scientists who actually understand the REAL science here, and who know the devastating potential consequences of those who choose to get this very toxic and dangerous vaccine, and they are trying to save as many people as possible from the carnage this vaccine is going to cause, which will include DEATH, brain injuries, life-long autoimmune disease, infertility, and more. Please watch this video and their urgent pleas, and then share it with as many people as you can, because time is short!

        UK Government Warns Doctors About Infertility Possibility with Pfizer COVID Vaccine, But NO Warning to Patients!

        As we reported earlier this week, the U.K. became the first nation to issue emergency authorization for the Pfizer experimental mRNA COVID vaccine, with jabs expected to start with the public any day now. The UK Department of Health and Social Care and the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has just published guidelines for the roll out of Pfizer vaccine. There is a 10-page document for UK Healthcare Professionals, and a shorter 5-page document for recipients. This is public information (for now), and Health Impact News has secured copies of each. The longer document for doctors has a warning about the possibility of infertility being a future side effect, while the shorter document for patients does not. So after someone reads the shorter leaflet prior to deciding whether or not to get the vaccine, the only way a young woman would know about the warning about potential infertility issues, would be if they asked their doctor or other healthcare provider a specific question about fertility. And even then, it is dependent upon that doctor having completely read the longer document, and answering the young woman's question on fertility issues accurately. If you live in the UK, please print out the longer document published for the doctors, and make sure everyone you know who is considering getting this vaccine reads it, and not just the shorter document published for "recipients."

          Will the U.S. Government Bribe the Public to Take the New Experimental COVID Vaccine by Offering $1500 in Stimulus Funds?

          In a story published at CNBC yesterday titled: "Would you be willing to get a Covid vaccine in exchange for a $1,500 stimulus check? How one bold proposal would work." It appears that this article was written as a "trial balloon" to see how the public would react to receiving a new stimulus check in exchange for getting the experimental COVID vaccine, which many Americans are now hesitant about. President Trump has previously announced that when the vaccine is ready, it will be offered for "free" at Walgreens and CVS to those who are targeted to receive it first, which are mainly seniors. Apparently the lure of a free vaccine is not currently being seen as incentive enough to convince enough people to line up and receive it. So with many Americans unemployed and waiting expectantly for the Government to give them a new "stimulus check," they are floating the idea of bribing Americans who are down and out and might be desperate enough to take the risk of a new, experimental COVID vaccine in exchange for money. The idea comes from U.S. businessman John Delaney, a former Democratic congressman for Maryland who also ran for president in 2020. “We have to create, in my judgment, an incentive for people to really accelerate their thinking about taking the vaccine,” Delaney said. To execute the plan, the government could create a system where people would receive a number once they were vaccinated. Once they enter that along with their Social Security number, they would receive a check. I am not sure who instructed Delaney to float this idea out to the public, but it reads like a carefully worded script, as it included the obligatory terminology to try and calm the public's fears that the vaccine will not be "mandatory." “If you’re still afraid of the vaccine and don’t want to take it, that’s your right,” Delaney said. “You won’t participate in this program." Not "this program," but after "this program" is complete and people have sold their souls for $1500, what will be the next "program" to vaccinate the remainder of those who "don't want to take it?"

            BREAKING! UK First to Approve Pfizer COVID Vaccine as Former Head of Pfizer Research Says Vaccine Can Make Females Infertile

            In breaking news today, the U.K. became the first country to issue emergency authorization for Pfizer's new COVID vaccine, with the first doses being delivered "immediately" and injections expected to begin in the U.K. next week. FiercePharma reports: "Pfizer and BioNTech have made history. The two companies’ BNT162b2 has become the first COVID-19 vaccine allowed in the Western world as drug regulators in the U.K. doled out an emergency use authorization on Wednesday, ahead of decisions by the U.S. and Europe, which are expected soon. For the broader vaccine world, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s decision means the world now has the first mRNA shot authorized for widespread use, opening up a brand-new chapter for vaccine development." This announcement today comes one day AFTER an emergency STAY OF ACTION was filed with the European Medicines Agency by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former head of Pfizer research. This STAY OF ACTION is very similar to the one filed last week with the FDA in the U.S. by Dr. Sin Hang Lee, and demands that clinical trials be STOPPED until there is an accurate testing mechanism in place to correctly identify SARS-CoV-2, since the PCR test is very inaccurate. Dr. Yeadon, the former head of Pfizer research, also went public recently in a viral video recording where he states that the COVID Pandemic is over, and that it is being kept alive by false narratives using the faulty PCR tests. In their STAY OF ACTION filed yesterday, one day BEFORE the U.K. issued emergency use authorization, Dr. Yeadon stated that this vaccine can make females infertile. Time is short now, especially for those of you in the U.K., as the vaccine is in route and will be deployed very soon. Like sheep being led to the slaughter, those who believe the Corporate Media narrative and fear for their lives from COVID, will line up to get this vaccine. The only thing stopping them from literally taking the "mark of the beast" with this new vaccine, is YOU!

              Dr. Northrup Discusses “Worst Case Scenarios” with New COVID Vaccine Dangers

              Vaxxed film director Polly Tomney interviewed Dr. Christiane Northrup a few weeks ago about the new planned COVID vaccines. Dr. Northrup is apparently a target of the Big Tech and Big Pharma censors, as Polly states at the beginning of the interview they had decided NOT to announce this interview in advance in hopes of getting it out to the public more before it was taken down. It is a hard interview to find online, but we found a copy, and we have published the first half of the interview that deals specifically with the COVID vaccines in the pipeline. Please note that there are literally hundreds of new COVID vaccines in the pipeline, and that Dr. Northrup is discussing the "worst case" scenarios here, specifically for the new class of DNA COVID vaccines that are being developed with nanotechnology. So while the first vaccines that are distributed may not have all the aspects that Dr. Northrup discusses here (although they may!), everything she discusses is backed up by facts that are easily referenced and verifiable, such as specific patents and technologies that are already being developed. This is part of the transhumanism agenda, which itself is very well documented, including here at Health Impact News. The technology now exists to have complete control over individuals by injecting them with these nano-particles, where they can monitor everyone's activity from what you ate that day, to whom you slept with, everywhere you go, and so much more. And that's if you survive horrible side effects of the vaccine. Doctors like Dr. Northrup and Dr. Igor Shepherd, whom we featured in yesterday's article, are putting their careers and even their lives on the line to get this information out to the public. That's how important this information is!

                COVID Vaccines “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction” says Wyoming Medical Doctor and Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department

                Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team. I was able to have a conversation with Dr. Shepherd after he did a talk for “Keep Colorado Free and Open." Dr. Shepherd wrote to me, and I was able to get a copy of his important talk. He has taken great risk to do this talk about the horrors of this new ‘Covid-19’ vaccine, so I recommend that all watch and listen. It is a fairly long talk and questions are answered at the end, but it is worth every minute of your time. He calls them “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and became a Military Doctor in St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the Strategic Rocket Force. He is an expert today on bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness. His view is that these vaccines are very similar technology to the bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully understands that the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive concerning this enemy takeover. He believes that this fake pandemic is the means by which a communist global government will be ushered into existence; one that cannot be voted out.

                  “Stay of Action” Filed Against FDA to STOP Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials

                  An ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION has been filed with the Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the new Pfizer COVID vaccine that has been submitted for "emergency use authorization" (EUA). It is widely expected that the FDA is going to grant EUA fast-track approval to Pfizer's experimental COVID vaccine within days. The STAY OF ACTION is a Petition for Administrative Action Regarding Confirmation of Efficacy End Points of Phase III Clinical Trials of COVID19 Vaccines. The STAY OF ACTION is based upon the faulty PCR tests that were used in the vaccine trials: "Before an EUA or unrestricted license is issued for the Pfizer vaccine, or for other vaccines for which PCR results are the primary evidence of infection, all “endpoints” or COVID-19 cases used to determine vaccine efficacy in the Phase 3 or 2/3 trials should have their infection status confirmed by Sanger sequencing, given the high cycle thresholds used in some trials.... PCR test results have been widely acknowledged to lead to false positives." The Petitioner of this ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION is Dr. Sin Hang Lee, a pathologist and founder of Milford Molecular Diagnostics, a CLIA-certified diagnostic laboratory in Milford, Connecticut. Dr. Lee is a world-renowned expert on DNA sequencing-based diagnostics. He has trained and taught in some of the world’s most prestigious institutions and has published scores of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.

                    Doctors Urge the CDC to Make the Public Aware of Painful Side Effects of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines

                    A group of doctors is urging the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make the public aware of the painful side effects that will come with the experimental COVID-19 vaccines that have been rushed through the testing process. Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association (AMA) is worried that lying to the public will cause them not to pursue the full COVID-19 vaccine treatment, which is expected to take at least two doses. “We really need to make patients aware that this is not going to be a walk in the park,” Fryhofer said during a virtual meeting with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a group of outside medical experts tasked with advising the CDC. “They are going to know they had a vaccine. They are probably not going to feel wonderful. But they’ve got to come back for that second dose.” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who works as director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, says their agency is working on providing a guidance of sorts for health care officials about the side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. However, the CDC does not seem too concerned about educating the public about the dangers of these experimental vaccines. Big League Politics reported months ago on how initial guinea pigs for these shots experienced horrific side effects.

                      Is the UK Expecting a “High Volume” of COVID Vaccine Adverse Reactions?

                      The UK is preparing for a mass Covid vaccination campaign, anticipating the injection of millions of citizens with the experimental vaccine. As the date approaches to launch this unprecedented measure, the UK’s top health body, the MHRA, makes a shocking, urgent request which begs the question: ‘Is the Covid Vaccine safe?

                        Are Websites Critical of Vaccines About to be Wiped Off the Internet as a New COVID Vaccine Becomes Available?

                        British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives. In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives. A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations involved. Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the US military recently funding a CIA-backed firm—stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State—to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed. Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end. Essentially, the power of the state is being wielded like never before to police online speech and to deplatform news websites to protect the interests of powerful corporations like Pfizer and other scandal-ridden pharmaceutical giants as well as the interests of the US and UK national-security states, which themselves are intimately involved in the Covid-19 vaccination endeavor.

                          How They Will Make the COVID Vaccine Appear to be Working

                          I’ve described how the major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever. The whole plan to gain FDA approval of the vaccine is a stark fraud. Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success. My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels. For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient. When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.” Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot. After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US. What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur. Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall. This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

                            “The COVID Vaccine Should be Tested on Politicians First. If They Survive, the Vaccine Is Safe. If They Don’t, Then the Country Is Safe.”

                            Polish Author, Monika Wisniewska, suggests that: “The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, then the country is safe.” Sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. It is dead-serious. One may want to add to this very sensible proposal that the very first to be vaccinated with his own Moderna human genome-altering vaccine, should imperatively be the czar of vaccines, Bill Gates. But no special fabrication for Mr. Gates. The real thing. Controlled by independent honorable virologists, immunologists and DNA-specialized biologists. 

                              How CDC/WHO will Fake the Effects of the COVID Vaccine to Make it Look Like a Success

                              Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization? In no particular order—- ONE: Rework the definition of a “COVID case.” Presently, the CDC absurdly allows doctors to diagnose a person with COVID who has a cough, or chills and fever, and lives in an area where cases are being claimed. No test necessary. So change this practice, once the vaccine is approved. Demand testing for a diagnosis. State that cough alone is not enough. Chills and fever must also be present. Require fever to be above 100. These and other changes would automatically shrink the number of cases. The drop in numbers would be attributed to the vaccine. This “definitional shrinking” was, in fact, deployed in the 1950s, after the introduction of the polio vaccine. TWO: Order a change in the way the PCR diagnostic test is done. The practice of amplifying the original test sample from the patient occurs in cycles, or jumps. The greater the number of cycles, the more likely the test will result in a COVID diagnosis. Therefore, order a reduced number of cycles for all testing labs. Outcome? Fewer COVID diagnoses. Fewer case numbers. “The vaccine is working.” Committing these crimes are a walk in the park for public health agencies. And appointing official mouthpieces to carry lies to the public is as easy as training little Faucis to sit up and bark.

                                If You’re Still Wearing a Face Mask will You be able to Refuse the COVID Vaccine?

                                Those who walk through every retail door they want as a paying customer, and every church door they want as a parishioner, and every space they want as a visitor, and figure out how to do it without the mask — even if they only start demanding that standard for themselves starting this moment — those are the ones who won’t take a vaccine. Those are the ones who will know their boundaries, know how to communicate their boundaries, know how to defend their boundaries, and consequently, will be ready for whatever comes next. They aren’t saying to themselves “I’ll lay in bed six more months, and if it’s really bad then, I’ll stand up for the first time in twenty years.” Some people, unfortunately, are telling themselves that exact fairy tale as they press the snooze button and roll over, getting comfortable with everything happening around them. I don’t know what comes next. You don’t know what comes next. But I know the tools I need to be a free man in this world.

                                  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Wants Investigation on Potential Life-Threatening Anaphylaxis if Injected with Moderna’s COVID Vaccine

                                  On August 26, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) wrote a letter to Dr. Jerry Menikoff, Director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP), asking for an investigation into serious safety concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Moderna. Moderna’s version of the vaccine, championed by Dr. Anthony Fauci and funded with $500 million in taxpayer dollars through Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, contains polyethylene glycol (PEG), a molecule to which approximately 72% of the American population have antibodies and 8% have highly elevated levels of antibodies.  People who have pre-existing PEG antibodies could experience life-threatening anaphylaxis if injected with PEG-containing substances such as the Moderna COVID vaccine. Additionally, antibodies to PEG can both decrease the effectiveness of the vaccine and increase the risk of side effects. CHD board chair Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also wrote a personal letter to Dr. Fauci emphasizing that these serious safety concerns must be addressed, urging that trial participants be advised of the unique risks associated with PEG. At the time of publication, no response was received from either the OHRP or Dr. Fauci.

                                    FDA Commissioner Hahn Will Consider COVID Vaccines for Fast-track Approval Before Phase 3 Trials Finish

                                    FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, who already has the blood of tens of thousands of Americans on his hands because of his refusal to issue an approval for the outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine according to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, now is saying publicly that the FDA will consider issuing a fast-track approval for the many COVID vaccines still being developed, even if they have not completed Phase 3 trials. The FDA has received a lot of criticism lately for developing public health policy based on politics, and many fear that the rush to get a new COVID vaccine in place is being fueled by politics, to have one before the November 3rd elections. Hahn denies this, but the public isn't buying it. It is hard to believe that science is driving the market push for a new COVID vaccine when there isn't even a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2 yet, as all the 100+ COVID tests currently in the market have also been fast-tracked by the FDA. How many people will be seriously harmed, perhaps for life, or even killed by an untested new vaccine that is supposedly going to protect people from a virus that is obviously no more dangerous than the seasonal influenza, and has never been isolated in a laboratory?

                                      Russia Shocks the World by Approving First COVID Vaccine – Big Pharma Throws Temper Tantrum – Will They Apply the Same Criticisms to Their Own Vaccines?

                                      Russia shocked the world today (August 11, 2020) by announcing that they had approved a new COVID vaccine. The U.S. trade publication FiercePharma reported: "As global vaccine players rush to deliver COVID-19 vaccines, Russia shocked the world Tuesday with news that it had approved a locally developed inoculation." The reaction from the U.S. pharma-funded corporate media was quick, and critical, given the fact that the U.S. Government has already invested more than $7 BILLION on COVID vaccine development through "Operation Warp Speed," and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has spent at least another $18 BILLION on COVID vaccine development, and apparently none of that money made its way to Russia. Apparently recognizing the symbolism of the Star Trek theme in using "Warp Speed" to describe U.S. Government COVID vaccine development, the Russians named their new COVID vaccine "Sputnik V," the first rocket to reach space during the Cold War era in the space program race with the U.S. back in the 1960s. The outrage from the U.S. media and the mass murderers who are squelching the natural cures that already exist for COVID so that they can capitalize on COVID vaccines they plan to inject into every single person on the planet, can be characterized as a "temper tantrum." For the first time since the COVID Plandemic, they were all unified in their opposition to a COVID vaccine. And their reasons seem to have nothing to do with science, and everything to do with politics.

                                        Trump Wants COVID Vaccines in 6 Weeks Contradicting Big Pharma Vaccine Producers Who Claim it Should Take Longer

                                        Reuters reported yesterday (July 13, 2020) that a White House "senior administration official" said: “If you say exactly when will literally the vaccine materials be in production and manufacturing, it is probably four to six weeks away, but we will be actively manufacturing by the end of summer.” The White House "Warp Speed Initiative" to fast-track COVID vaccines is led by General Gustave Perna, who is the Chief Operating Officer. President Trump has previously stated that the U.S. military would be involved in administering the COVID vaccines once they are ready. “You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.” Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the former chairman of GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccines division, serves as Chief Adviser for Operation Warp Speed. Like most of the President's advisors on vaccines, Dr. Slaoui has strong ties to Bill Gates. President Trump's administration's claims that vaccines would be ready by the end of summer contradict what pharmaceutical company executives who produce vaccines are saying on the timeline to bring these vaccines to market. Kyle Blankenship, writing for FiercePharma, reported today: "Players in the COVID-19 shot race have long said they would begin manufacturing as early as this summer despite warnings that a vaccine would likely not be available for public use before the end of the year." In another article published today by FiercePharma, Eric Sagonowsky reports that Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier said officials are doing a “grave disservice” to the public by talking up the potential for vaccines later this year. “What worries me the most is that the public is so hungry, is so desperate to go back to normalcy, that they are pushing us to move things faster and faster,” Frazier said. “Ultimately, if you are going to use a vaccine in billions of people, you’d better know what that vaccine does.” These are dark days. Many people are dying, not due to COVID, but due to our government lying to us and treating their citizens like criminals, while REAL criminals are being released from prison, and the corporate and government criminal cabal goes along with business as usual, while the majority of the American populace still have no clue as to what is really going on, and are being led like sheep to the slaughter.

                                          “Bill Gates We Are Not Your Lab Rats!” Africans Protest COVID Vaccine Trials Among Poor

                                          Testing on an experimental COVID vaccine began on 2000 "volunteers" in South Africa this week, and protesters gathered at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg to protest. This is the Oxford University's coronavirus vaccine trial from the UK, funded heavily by the World Health Organization and Bill Gates. The protesters burned their face masks and claimed that the tests were being carried out on poor people who don't understand the risks. "The people chosen as volunteers for the vaccination, they look as if they're from poor backgrounds, not qualified enough to understand" protest organizer Phapano Phasha said ahead of the event. "We believe they are manipulating the vulnerable", the activist and political commentator added. Community activist Walter Mashilo said the vaccine should be tested first on members of parliament and ministers’ children, not on poor people. “We are clear, comrades, we don’t want this vaccine (trial),” he said, addressing the crowd. “We are not going to follow a vaccine because we as healers believe that our traditional medicine is not given a chance,” said Sellwane Mokatsi, 32-year-old compliance officer, who is also part of the traditional healers’ organisation. Given the fact that there is not even an accurate test that can identify the COVID-19 virus, African traditional medicine is probably a far better choice of dealing with the sick in Africa.