Philadelphia to Investigate CPS Medical Kidnappings and Possible Child Sex Trafficking

    Earlier this year we covered the story out of Philadelphia regarding City Councilman David Oh, who presented testimony before the Philadelphia City Council regarding abuses in the state-run child protection services (DHS – Department of Human Services), and how they were continually breaking state law, while not admitting to any wrong-doing. Councilman Oh states, on the record, that he was threatened when he began looking into cases of CPS abuse: "There have been threats made, threats intimated, that there will be retaliation, that there will be political consequences – all types of threats. And I wonder why? Why is that, when all we are doing is our duty to provide an oversight to an administrative agency that is responsible for protecting children. Why the threat, why the problems?" According to Megan Fox of PJ Media, the Philadelphia City Council has now passed a resolution to look into the matter.

      Philadelphia City Councilman Endures Threats To Expose Corruption in CPS and Child Sexual Abuse

      Earlier this month (May, 2019), Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh presented testimony before the Philadelphia City Council regarding abuses in the state-run child protection services (DHS - Department of Human Services), and how they we continually breaking state law, while not admitting to any wrong-doing. In fact, the councilman claimed that DHS "routinely and intentionally" violates state law. He claims to be representing over 50 "not-at-fault" mothers who all have solid evidence of wrongdoing, and have approached other elected officials many times over the course of years, with no results. He states that they were: "...never accused of doing anything wrong. They were never accused of being abusive or negligent. It was determined by DHS that the allegations were unfounded. Yet, they have been denied their children for years. Their children are being placed in multiple foster care situations where they are abused, they have run away, they're depressed, they're medicated, they're sexually violated. And it continues." During his testimony, Councilman David Oh states that "In the course of pursuing this....." And he then pauses for about 5 seconds, very obviously carefully considering just what exactly he wants to say next: "There have been threats made, threats intimated, that there will be retaliation, that there will be political consequences - all types of threats. And I wonder why? Why is that, when all we are doing is our duty to provide an oversight to an administrative agency that is responsible for protecting children. Why the threat, why the problems?"