Big Ag: Don’t Ban Pesticides over Bee Population, Mass Produce High Fructose Corn Syrup and Factory Farm Bees

    Instead of getting rid of the pesticides that are killing the bees, the ag industry wants to create a big new market for high-fructose corn syrup. Since 2006, up to 40% of the bee colonies in the US have suffered Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and neonicotinoid pesticides are to blame. Rather than the agriculture industry addressing the pesticide issue, they are now creating factory farmed bee hives, where the bees are fed sugar and high-fructose corn syrup instead of honey (both of which will contain GMOs). Studies of GMO grains on small mammals show that offspring become sterile by the third generation. What if all the bees were to suddenly stop reproducing?

      Beekeeping Industry ‘Doomed’ – Destruction of Food Supply Soon to Follow?

      California nearly lost its almond crop this year, due to a lack of bees. Once a year, in late winter, 1.5 million bee hives from around the country are delivered to these orchards where the bees’ pollination efforts take place over the course of just a few days. It’s the largest mass-pollination effort in the world. This year, however, the unthinkable happened. Many of the 6,000 orchard owners simply could not find enough bees to pollinate their almond trees, at any price. 80 percent of the world’s almonds come from California, and almonds are the number one agricultural product in California. A general consensus among beekeepers is that the bee die-offs are most definitely related to toxic chemicals. Increasingly, a systemic type of pesticide called neonicotinoids is being blamed for bee die-off’s. Neonicotinoids are now used on most of American crops, especially corn. This newer class of chemicals is applied to seeds before planting, allowing the pesticide to be taken up through the plant’s vascular system as it grows. As a result, the chemical is expressed in the pollen and nectar of the plant.

        Bee deaths: EU to ban neonicotinoid pesticides

        There is great concern across Europe about the collapse of bee populations. Neonicotinoid chemicals in pesticides are believed to harm bees and the European Commission says they should be restricted to crops not attractive to bees and other pollinators. There have been a number of studies showing that the chemicals, made by Bayer and Syngenta, do have negative impacts on bees.

          Colony Collapse Disorder Is a Fraud: Pesticides Cause Bee Die-Offs

          The term, Colony Collapse Disorder, is fraudulent, designed to direct attention from the known cause. Agribusiness, the poison manufacturers making death-producing pesticides, is the other face of Big Pharma.