Colloidal Silver’s Advantage Over Pharmaceutical Antibiotics

    Could the use of colloidal silver, a natural antibiotic that has been used for thousands of years, be a key answer to today's problem of pharmaceutical antibiotic overuse leading to drug-resistant pathogens? The beginning of the end for pharmaceutical antibiotics is blamed on its overuse, both with overly prescribing for humans and overuse with Big Ag and Dairy livestock. This rising problem is known as antibiotic drug resistance. Ironically, the more complex the chemistry of pharmaceutical antibiotics, the easier it is for pathogenic bacteria to figure them out and develop a resistance to them. This has been occurring with almost all pharmaceutical antibiotics. But this phenomena doesn’t exist with natural colloidal silver. Pathogenic bacteria haven't figured out a way around silver even after centuries of use. Before methods of suspending silver particles in distilled water as colloidal silver, silver coins and containers were used to prevent harmful bacteria from forming in the foods, beverages, and water contained. Antibiotics are prescribed even when patients have viral infections, adding to their overuse. Colloidal silver is not only an antibiotic, it is also anti-viral and anti-fungal. Antiviral pharmaceuticals tend to be ineffective and dangerous with huge side effects or long-term lowered immunity and sub-clinical issues created by upsetting the intestinal microbiome balance. So why aren't MDs recommending it?

      Ebola: WHO Turns To Experimental Drugs, But Not Proven Natural Remedies

      As the world starts looking to invest millions of dollars for ebola drugs, the Catch-22 of drug economics (no one will spend the exorbitant sums needed to run clinical trials if the product can’t be patented and turned into a huge money-maker) practically ensures that natural treatments will be ignored. But could some of our oldest natural antivirals be used at least to inhibit the transfer of the virus—or even cure it? Silver has also showed great promise as an antiviral, in both attacking the virus and in inhibiting transmission. So far, silver has been tested on HIV and herpes. Silver has also been used to clear HPV warts; inhibit the replication of the hepatitis B virus; kill the H1N1 virus; fight ocular infection; and kill the tacaribe virus, which also causes hemorrhagic fever, as well as the bacteriophage viral strain. Since disinfecting contaminated environments is the most effective method of halting Ebola’s spread, silver could be a most potent weapon in the battle. But we don’t see the WHO getting behind anything natural, whether effective or not.

        FDA Protects Big Pharma Products by Declaring that Silver Has No Therapeutic Value

        While the FDA says that silver has no therapeutic value, in an effort to protect the interests of Big Pharma, the EPA, on the other hand, allows its widespread use as a germ killer in clothing, bedding, cosmetics, electric shavers, baby bottles, and food containers. Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for thousands of years—that’s why forks, spoons, and platters were traditionally made out of silver. Nanosilver sprang out of the new science of nanomaterials, which involves creating objects smaller than 100 nanometers. Objects this small can penetrate parts of the body that larger sizes of silver cannot and thus potentially increase silver’s antimicrobial effect. The difference between drug company products and silver is of course that the latter is natural. As such, it is not easily patented, and not being patentable, no one can afford to spend $1 billion on FDA approval. This is a scandalous situation. How many millions of people will have to die as a result?

          Colloidal Silver is the World’s Oldest Known Antibiotic, and Shows Promise for Anti-cancer Therapy

          Silver is the world’s oldest known antibiotic. There’s written evidence that the ancient Egyptians made use of it; the ancient Greeks and Romans stored their water, wine, and other liquids in silver vessels to prevent spoiling and contamination; ancient Chinese emperors ate with silver chopsticks, and wealthy Europeans in the Middle Ages used silver utensils to protect themselves from illness (we still call our eating utensils “silverware” despite it being made from other metals these days). Silver has been used medicinally throughout the ages, with great success. And now some very promising research is being done on silver as a cancer treatment. Patients have previously been treated with chemotherapy drugs containing another metal, platinum. In a head-to-head comparison against a leading platinum-based chemo drug, cisplatin, a silver-based drug was found to be just as effective—and far less toxic to normal cells than platinum. Dr. Charlotte Willans, the lead researcher, calls the research an important step in the quest for effective, non-toxic cancer treatments.

          Natural remedies and tips to prevent, relieve and eliminate painful shingles outbreaks

          by Tony Isaacs
          (NaturalNews) Every year, millions of people suffer from outbreaks of shingles, a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus (the same virus that causes chickenpox). Mainstream medical science tells us that there are no cures for shingles and that only mainstream drugs can effectively manage symptoms. In actuality, there are a number […]