A Do-It-Yourself Cinnamon, Honey, Coconut Facial for Acne

Acne is an issue that plagues many people. This has led to countless specialized products being developed to combat the acne dilemma, many of which are more harmful than helpful. Since everyone’s skin reacts differently to so many different things, finding just the right product that is both healthy and helpful can get pricey and frustrating very quickly. Instead of wasting time and money searching for a product to purchase without harsh chemicals that works for you skin, make your own DIY facial using safe ingredients. Making your own specialized products with high quality ingredients is easier, safer for your health, far more cost effective and can work just as well, if not better, than the products on drugstore shelves.

Top Coconut Health Stories from 2013

Coconut oil and coconut health continued to make huge headlines in 2013. Find out which stories made our top 10 most-read stories for 2013! Coconut oil how-to and DIY articles once again dominated our top Coconut Health stories in 2013. This reflects a growing trend where many more people know and understand the health benefits of coconut oil, and are looking for ways to incorporate it into their daily lives. As far as new research published on coconut oil, there were several studies published in 2013 regarding coconut oil's powerful effects on skin health. We also continued to document remarkable stories in 2013 regarding coconut oil's ability to help, and even reverse, Alzheimer's Disease and dementia, as well as other neurological diseases like Parkinson's.

2012 Top Stories on Health Impact News

Health Impact News
Articles on the health benefits of coconut oil dominated our top 10 stories published in 2012. Many of these were published in the first quarter of 2012, when coconut oil received a lot of national media exposure, especially in the area of Alzheimer’s support. While we have been publishing these results on […]