Tesla Downfall Near as China’s EV Sells More Cars and Offers Free FSD – Is Tesla About to Crash the Entire U.S. Stock Market?

Heading into the 2024 U.S. Presidential elections, Elon Musk used his X bully pulpit and an interview with Joe Rogan the day before the elections to state: "Vote like your life depends upon it!" The implication was that if America did not elect Donald Trump, our lives would end, or become much worse. I wrote on election day: "Elon Musk Wants Americans to Vote because 'Your' Life Depends upon it, or 'His' Life Depends on it?" Now, almost one month into the Trump 2.0 presidency, we can clearly see that it was Musk's life that was in danger if Trump lost the election, because consumers overwhelmingly are turning away from his over-priced and over-hyped Tesla Electric Vehicles (EVs), and the main thing that has saved him since the elections is his close relationship to Donald Trump, as he is using the Trump presidency to eliminate the agencies who were investigating him, and investigating how dangerous his Teslas are on American roads. Still, Musk cannot go on fooling the public forever, and at some point he has to actually produce what he has been promising for a decade and a half, which is a Full Self Driving (FSD) vehicle where Tesla owners can become rich millionaires by renting out their Teslas as Robotaxis. Even though these FSD Teslas that can allegedly be used as Robotaxis are still not available, Tesla earned over a half $billion in sales last year from its "Full Self Driving system", which Tesla drivers across the U.S. have been led to believe will make them rich, at some point in the future. Well, there is just one problem with selling AI hype for over 15 years now. Eventually the day will come where everyone will wake up and realize that they've been scammed. That day may have just arrived last week, as the China-produced Byd electric car, which surpassed Tesla as the world's most popular EV in sales at the end of 2023, announced that they were now going to also include their FSD feature, for free.

China Now Dominates the U.S. in 57 of 64 Critical Technologies as U.S. Stands on the Brink of Economic Collapse with the AI Bubble

Shock waves rolled through American Big Tech companies last Sunday, as it was reported that the Chinese AI program, DeepSeek, was performing better than any U.S. AI program, for a fraction of the cost. Meta (Facebook) was one of the first American Big Tech companies to sound the alarm. When the U.S. stock market opened the next morning on Monday this week, American Big Tech companies had lost over $1 TRILLION in value. They gained back much of that this week, until today, Friday, Jan. 31st, when the market turned sharply down in afternoon trading over fears of Trump's tariffs that are supposed to be announced tomorrow, Saturday Feb. 1st. (I will report on that story after I see what the actual tariffs will be.) However, in an article published in the Russian media this week, it was reported that the U.S. has lost its edge over China in more than just AI models, and that the U.S. is now behind China in 57 of 64 critical technologies. And as the U.S. has spent $billions in military weapons sent to Ukraine and to Israel the past few years, China has largely stayed clear of any armed conflicts, choosing instead to focus on building its military and technology to protect its own mainland, prompting a U.S. military report published last summer to conclude that the U.S. had no chance of defeating China in an armed conflict. China has already surpassed Tesla in producing a better and less expensive electric vehicle that now outsells Teslas in China, and they have already surpassed Apple in producing a better and less expensive smartphone than Apple, which has decreased sales for both Tech companies in China and around the world, as was reflected in their annual reports earlier this week. But all these technology companies had to do was sell more hopium about the future of AI to investors this week to keep their stock prices up, as Elon Musk, who has been promising fully autonomous self-driving vehicles for about a decade and a half now, has now promised to have them on the streets by June this year (2025). And investors on Wall Street continue to keep believing him and all the other Big Tech American CEOs, as their stock values rose this week in spite of slumping sales, at least until today when Trump's threats of tariffs cooled down the market some. The only thing that has continued to bring huge earnings to Big Tech companies since the elections last November, has been the hopium drug everyone is on since Trump promised them the moon if he won the elections. But this hopium drug high won't last much longer, as this is perhaps the largest stock bubble of our time, maybe since the Great Depression. Reality will eventually correct the markets, if not destroy them.

Which Country is More Tyrannical? China or the U.S.? The Myth of China’s “Social Credit Score” System

With the evidence growing every day that the U.S. is about to start a second military operation against China over Taiwan, in addition to the one that is already swallowing $billions of U.S. resources in Ukraine, and with U.S. politicians publicly stating that sending America's sons and daughters to die in battle for Taiwan to fight against China is an option they are considering, I think it is time to step back and critically look at the current state of affairs between China and the U.S. But to take a critical view and make an honest evaluation of China's perceived threat to the U.S., we have to first admit that the western media, and especially the corporate media in the U.S., is primarily a propaganda machine that is totally untrustworthy in determining truth, and look at other perspectives as well, before we spend $billions more on another war, and potentially lose American lives over a conflict with Taiwan. I have no intention here of writing an article that supports China, which I know ahead of time is exactly what some people are going to accuse me of, but in evaluating the current world situation here in 2023, I think we as Americans have to honestly ask ourselves: which country today is more tyrannical and spies more on their own citizens: The U.S. or China?

Beijing and Moscow are Uniting the Middle Eastern Oil Rich Countries – Sunni and Shia Muslims Making Peace

We are living in unprecedented times. I think it is safe to say that nobody alive today has ever seen such a massive realignment of countries in the Middle East coming together to put aside their differences and start working together to try and stop the endless wars, and work together for economic prosperity. And the two countries that are spearheading the uniting of these Middle Eastern countries, are China and Russia. This was a historic week of new meetings between countries in the Middle East, many of which have been bitter enemies with each other, sometimes for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of these historical events that took place this past week.

China And Brazil Strike Deal To Ditch The US Dollar

According to the Brazilian government, China and Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the United States dollar as an intermediary entirely, AFP reported. The deal, Beijing’s latest salvo against the almighty greenback, will enable China, the top rival to US economic hegemony, and Brazil, the biggest economy in Latin America, to conduct their massive trade which amounts to $150 billion per year, and financial transactions directly, exchanging yuan for reais and vice versa instead of going through the US dollar. In doing so China extends its bilateral, USD-exempting currency arrangements beyond countries such as Russia, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to now include the Latin American exporting powerhouse.

Is the U.S. Preparing to go to War Against China?

While China recently laid out a peace plan for the Ukraine conflict, the U.S. is sending signals that they are about to go to war against China, claiming that China is about to join the war in Ukraine. Adding to the demonizing rhetoric against China the past few days, now all of a sudden it is OK to blame China for creating the COVID-19 "virus" in a laboratory where it allegedly leaked out, something that the corporate media has been proclaiming is a "conspiracy theory" for the past couple of years. Clayton and Natali Morris of Redacted News do a great job of analyzing all of this propaganda and showing how the U.S. Government is lying, and in some cases even admitting that they have been lying to the public. Is China a real danger to attacking the U.S., or is the U.S. spreading propaganda as a pretext to drawing China into a military confrontation?

Every American Executive and Engineer in China’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Resigned Last Week due to Biden’s Sanctions

A Twitter thread translated by Rhodium Group China expert Jordan Schneider - whose blog, China Talk, provides keen insight into the effects of the Biden administration's new export controls on the chip industry. To review, the Biden administration last week laid out new rules on chip exports based on US concerns that China will use AI to improve military capabilities, support surveillance for human rights abuses and "disrupt or manufacture outcomes that undermine democratic governance and sow social unrest," according to Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration Thea D. Rozman Kendler. The sweeping regulations will curb the sale of semiconductors and chipmaking equipment to its #1 geopolitical rival - which, as Bloomberg puts it, is "sending shockwaves through the $440 billion industry." In a Friday Twitter thread which he translated from Hedgehog Computing Group founder Xinran Wang (@lidangzzz), Schneider lays out the carnage in English: "To put it simply, Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship," Schneider writes, adding "One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump."

Waiting in Line for Hours to Withdraw Funds Bank Runs Increase in China as Bank-Issued Digital Currency Use Expands

China continues to lead the world in implementing the Globalists' Great Reset, as financial systems around the world begin to collapse. Watching what is happening in China, if you can find the heavily-censored news, will give a preview of how things are likely to unfold in other countries. Bank failures now seem to be accelerating in China, as panic begins to set in among the public, and it is being reported that in some areas people are standing in line for many hours trying to withdraw funds from their accounts. The run on banks is apparently a reaction to the story we covered last week where over 1 million residents in China’s Henan Province were prevented from withdrawing their money from their bank, with many losing their entire life savings. As protesters were heading to Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou to demand to get their money back, Chinese health authorities used their COVID-19 tracking app to turn up “red,” forcing them into quarantine, in order to stop the protests. When the current banking system can no longer meet the demands of its depositors, the Globalists will move on to the next phase of the Great Reset, which is to replace currencies and hard cash with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). While many of us in the Alternative Media have been warning about the dangers of CBDCs for years now, most in the general public are totally unaware of how using a Central Bank issued digital currency will eliminate almost all of your privacy, and make you a financial slave to the system. Not only will they be able to track every single one of your financial transactions, they will be in a position to enforce social behavior as well as a condition for you to have access to funds in "your" account on their servers, such as comply with COVID-19 or other health mandates, like mandatory vaccines. China leads most of the world right now in rolling out their State Bank-issued digital currencies, so let's take a look at how they have done it so far, as both Russia and the U.S. scramble to try and catch up with China and issue their own Central Bank digital currencies.

China is Stockpiling Food in Preparation of Looming Food Shortages While U.S. Increases Exports

While killer lockdowns in China are leading to starvation and mass suicide, as well as serious disruptions to exports, China has been quietly stockpiling food for the past couple of years in what appears to be preparation for coming food shortages, and is increasing imports of food. In December of 2021, RT.com reported that China had the world's largest stockpile of grains. Today, RT.com is reporting that China is addressing "food security concerns" by increasing their imports of soybeans, mostly from the U.S. Soybeans are high in protein and the #1 ingredient in livestock feed today. People in the Washington D.C. are stating that these increased exports of food to China are good for American farmers, apparently ignoring the fact that the U.S. should also be stockpiling food as part of our own national food security. Not only can soybeans be used in animal feeds, it can be turned into biodiesel and combined with petroleum diesel to help keep our trucks on the road in the event that fuel becomes scarce or too expensive to operate the nation's trucking fleet. So as China increases their food security, the U.S. Government seems to be destroying our own food security here in the U.S.

Killer Lockdowns to Begin in Beijing China as 22 Million are Force Tested – Grocery Store Shelves Empty

Claiming that new cases are breaking out in the Chinese capital city of Beijing, the Chinese government has ordered its 22 million citizens to start massive testing in what will eventually lead to locking down the entire city as is currently still happening in Shanghai. Seeing what is happening in Shanghai, residents of Beijing began buying up all the food in stores in preparation for the coming lockdowns. Forced mass testing for COVID is being reported in the corporate media as a means to stop the spread of the "virus," but of course just the opposite will happen when you start testing tens of millions of people. Look for this blueprint to be followed in weeks ahead in other places, like the U.S., where $BILLIONS have already been made by test manufacturing companies with over 400 COVID-19 tests currently enjoying emergency use authorizations by the FDA, giving them a guaranteed market. As these lockdowns spread to major cities in China, crushing local businesses, a new Black Market is developing. I fully expect a parallel economy and "black market" to develop here in the U.S. also if they start locking people down again, and enforcing COVID passports showing proof of COVID vaccination, as about one third of the U.S. population still remains unvaccinated, or only partially vaccinated.

China’s Troublesome Influence on the New York Stock Exchange Just Exposed How Vulnerable Our Economy is to China

Pam and Russ Martens' daily publication "Wall Street on Parade: A Citizen Guide to Wall Street" is part of my newsfeed, and I recommend that it become part of yours as well. Because these businesses on Wall Street are run by the people who control our nation, not the puppet politicians, and Pam and Russ are incredible watch-dogs in this field. The last two issues have had Pam and Russ analyze what just happened in Communist China with the private education sector, and how that affected Wall Street and U.S. economics. I know that we are mainly bearers of bad news these days, but I cannot make any apologies, because the only way we can face what awaits this nation in the future, is to get solid news outside the corporate propaganda news sources. And whatever awaits our fate here in the U.S., I am pretty sure China is going to have a big part of that. We cannot get so distracted in domestic issues that we do not recognize this huge threat.

There May Not be Much Time Left: “Hot” War with China Could be Imminent!

The U.S. has been in a "Cold War" with China for some time now, including a "trade war." Could a "hot" war be imminent? And if so, what would that war potentially look like? Many analysts are now saying that a hot war with China is imminent. If that is the case, everything we have seen so far with the lock downs, loss of jobs, and rioting in the cities might pale by comparison. Are you ready for this America? I don't want to promote fear, as fear is the tool of the enemy. Fear of a virus has already destroyed our economy and ripped away many of our liberties because the public, for the most part, has reacted incorrectly and submitted to the tyrants. Instead, we are trying to wake up the masses so people can take precautions, before it is too late. Knowledge and taking action to prepare for the break down of societal structures is what is desperately needed today, so that you are not caught unaware when these things happen, and will not be overcome by fear. If you are still watching or listening to propaganda from the corporate media, stop immediately! They will take away your attention from what really matters in life right now, by continuing to promote partisan politics and the upcoming "elections." As F. William Engdahl, our featured author today who is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer and holds a degree in politics from Princeton University, says: "A full unrestricted war of China and the USA would be more than a tragedy. It could be the end of civilization as we know it. Is this what characters such as Bill Gates and his superiors are trying to bring about? Do they plan to introduce their draconian dystopian 'Reset' on the ashes of such a conflict?"

As U.S. Faces Meat Shortages, Pork Exports from the U.S. to China Increase

Last week (April, 2020), we published a report on the state of America's hospital system in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak, and I wrote then: "The so-called Coronavirus pandemic crisis is very quickly taking a back seat to more serious crises in the U.S. right now, and perhaps none more critical than the closure of hospitals and emergency rooms, along with doctors and nurses being laid off, which is happening all across the country." The other crisis facing the U.S. right now that may soon dwarf the Coronavirus "crisis" is the nation's looming meat shortage. The nation now faces meat shortages, America's primary source of protein, as processing plants across the country have shut down or reduced operations. 80% of the U.S. meat processing plants are owned by only 4 companies. Some grocery stores have already begun to limit meat purchases in advance of the expected shortages. At recent White House Coronavirus Task Force Press briefings, the nation has heard President Trump boast about how he had brokered a trade deal with China back in January of 2020, that includes China buying $12.5 billion of American agricultural products. Trump has been highlighting this as a great deal for American farmers. So which agricultural products did China choose to increase in purchase and export to China after Trump negotiated the trade deal between the two countries back in January? Pork seems to be at the head of the list. China has had major pork supply problems since last year (2019), due to an outbreak of "African swine fever." Some estimates claim that about two-thirds of China’s swine herd has been lost to the disease. So being forced by President Trump into purchasing agricultural products as part of his trade deal, it is no surprise that pork is at the top of the list of exports China wanted. U.S. livestock reports for last week (last week of April, 2020) show a five-week high in U.S. pork exports to China. "The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported export sales of U.S. pork in the week ended April 23 at 50,300 tonnes, a three-week high. China was the top buyer, booking 35,138 tonnes, while actual pork shipments to China totaled 20,683 tonnes, the most in five weeks." As U.S. pork sales soar due to the growing export market to China, U.S. customers are having an increasingly difficult time finding pork in their grocery stores, which may soon be bare of any pork products at all. One has to wonder who got the better end of this trade deal with China?

Facebook to Warn Users about “Fake” COVID19 Cures – Only W.H.O. Approved “Cures” Allowed

Facebook's war against what they consider "fake news" is suddenly taking on a new level of effort on their part. Besides using their own "fact checking" services to censor information they don't like, they are now taking the unprecedented action of actually notifying users who have previously "liked, reacted to or commented on" coronavirus cures that they consider "dangerous and false information." How does Facebook determine what are "bogus cures"? NPR reports: "In the coming weeks, Facebook users who liked, reacted to or commented on potentially harmful debunked content will see a message in their news feeds directing them to the World Health Organization's 'Myth busters' page. There, the WHO dispels some of the most common falsehoods about the pandemic." Zuckerberg, along with Bill Gates and many other American Billionaires, sits on the board of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management in China, hosted by Wang Qishan the vice-president of the Republic of China and established in 2000, with annual meetings. As we recently published in our article: Is W.H.O. Director Tedros a Terrorist? Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and Genocide, China and Bill Gates have been instrumental in installing Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a former terrorist in Africa, as the first non-doctor director of the World Health Organization. It would appear that China and Bill Gates' influence over the WHO is now also involved in the censoring of non-vaccine cures for COVID19 on Facebook as well.

TONS of Vitamin C Arrive in Wuhan China

We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, full in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, qualifies as news. The news media are not reporting this, or any other, significantly positive megavitamin news. We are so used to being lied to that the truth is like a diamond in a five-and-dime store: you can't believe it is real because it is mixed in with the fakes. News of nutrition-centered treatment of COVID-19 has been branded "fake news" and "false information." I say that what is "false" and "fake" is the deliberate omission of any news of health-saving, life-saving measures already underway to help the people of China and the rest of our planet.

More Vitamin C Studies Approved in China to Fight Coronavirus: Therapy Censored in U.S.

On January 27, 2020 we published a press release from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service regarding Vitamin C and its use in treating the Coronavirus. It soon went viral on Facebook, until Facebook labeled it as "Fake News." Facebook partners with a website called "Lead Stories" to discredit news stories they do not want becoming popular on Facebook. Health Impact News is a popular target of "Lead Stories." Since we published this news release in January, however, several hospitals in China have begun to conduct trials on intravenous Vitamin C therapy, so it is hardly "Fake News" as Facebook is claiming. In fact, Facebook is the one guilty of promoting "Fake News" by erroneously claiming there is no proof that Vitamin C can help combat the Coronavirus, when in fact clinical research trials are well underway in China with ample evidence that should be shared with the public, and not suppressed, simply because U.S. sources in bed with Big Pharma do not want the public to have this information. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service editor Andrew Saul has just published an updated report, and he notes: "The World Health Organization (WHO) has, literally, met with Google and Facebook and other media giants to stop the spread of what they declare to be wrong information. Physician-directed, hospital-based administration of intravenous vitamin C has been marginalized or discredited. Scientific debate over COVID-19 appears to not be allowed. Ironically, Facebook, blocking any significant users' sharing of the news of approved vitamin therapy research, is itself blocked in China by the Chinese government. As for the internet, yes, China has it. And yes, it is censored. But, significantly, the Chinese government has not blocked this real news on how intravenous vitamin C will save lives in the COVID-19 epidemic." Hence, the news about Vitamin C therapy helping with the Coronavirus outbreak is found mostly in Chinese language websites, endorsed by the Communist China Government's controlled media, but mostly banned in the English language social media platforms like Facebook, or censored from Google search results.

Gardasil HPV Vaccine Acceptance into China Creates Instant Billionaires

Last month (May, 2018) we published a report from the vaccine marketing trade publication, Fierce Pharma, that Merck's sales this year were beating financial forecasts, primarily due to its entrance into the China market for its top-selling Gardasil HPV vaccine. Fierce Pharma reported at that time that the Gardasil vaccine was fast-tracked for approval into the China market: "Late last month, the Chinese FDA granted Gardasil 9 a conditional approval only nine days into a review." Now, Fierce Pharma is reporting that Gardasil's acceptance into the China market has produced instant billionaires.

As Merck’s Gardasil U.S. Sales Decline Profits Continue to Increase as Vaccine is Launched in China

The pharmaceutical marketing trade publication, Fierce Pharma, announced this month (May 2018) that Merck has beat Wall Street expectations for their Gardasil vaccine sales during the first quarter of 2018, achieving 24% growth with $660 million for the HPV vaccine. The report notes that sales in the U.S. are declining, attributing the decline in sales to the CDC decision to reduce their recommendation of the Gardasil vaccine to be only two doses, instead of three. Nothing is mentioned about declining public opinion regarding Gardasil, nor the numerous lawsuits against the company outside the U.S. The increase in sales for Gardasil is attributed to their entrance into the China market. The original vaccine won Chinese approval last year, while late last month the Chinese FDA granted Gardasil 9 a conditional approval only nine days into a review.

HPV Vaccines in China: What constitutes a Trade Secret?

Why did citizens of China have to petition their government for access to clinical trial data currently available via multiple national and international government sponsored internet sites? Why is information regarding HPV vaccines which is open for public view throughout most of the world deemed a ‘trade secret’ in China? These questions are particularly relevant when you consider the heated controversy surrounding HPV vaccination programs in so many countries around the world. Is it possible that Director Bi Jing-quan, leader of China’s State Bureau of Food & Drug Administration knows information contained in clinical trial data would reveal substantial safety concerns surrounding HPV vaccines? Does Director Bi Jing-quan think the citizens of China would be eager to use HPV vaccines if they knew the true rate of adverse events is not known because no inert placebos were used during clinical trials? Is that one of the reasons HPV vaccine clinical trial data is a ‘trade secret’ in China?

Dr. Sin Hang Lee recommends China postpone HPV vaccinations

China’s population consists of approximately 143 million females age 9-25. If human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine manufacturers can convince the Chinese government to vaccinate every woman in this age group with 3 doses of HPV vaccine via a Publicly Funded Program as proposed by two of their paid consultants, the revenue generated could amount to over $64 billion USD (using price of HPV vaccines sold in the USA at $150/dose). This staggering amount of money would provide an enormous impact to their bottom line. But the question is at what cost?