Will Congress Protect Americans From Untested Chemicals?

    Most people think that manufacturers must prove chemicals safe before they put them on the market. They’re wrong. Instead, federal law presumes that most chemicals are safe until proven toxic.

      Are Your Casual Clothes Toxic?

      A Greenpeace report has found that several major sportswear brands—including Adidas, Nike, and Puma—contain polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs), and phthalates. All of these chemicals are linked to major health issues. PFCs, which make items stain-proof, are linked to problems like low birth weight and prostate cancer; phthalates are linked to attention deficit disorder, asthma, breast cancer, obesity, and behavioral and neurodevelopmental issues; and NPEs degrade into hormone-disrupting chemicals. Experts advise that consumers avoid clothing that is crease-free, moth-repellant, stain-resistant, or fire-retardant, as these properties are typically achieved by using the above-mentioned toxic chemicals. In workout clothes, screen-printing and plastic prints are an indication of the presence of phthalates. Natural and organic fabrics like silk, cotton, and wool are the safest choice, as they are naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial and good at thermal regulation.

        At Chicken Plants, Chemicals Blamed for Health Ailments are Poised to Proliferate

        When Jose Navarro landed a job as a federal poultry inspector in 2006, he moved his wife and newborn son to a rural town in Upstate New York near the processing plant, believing it was a steppingstone to a better life. Five years later, Navarro was dead. The 37-year-old’s lungs had bled out. Under new proposed rules, which could be finalized as soon as this summer, the number of chemical treatments used on the birds is also likely to increase further, according to agency documents and USDA inspectors.

          White House stalls critical EPA report highlighting chemical dangers to children

          A landmark Environmental Protection Agency report concluding that children exposed to toxic substances can develop learning disabilities, asthma and other health problems has been sidetracked indefinitely amid fierce opposition from the chemical industry.

            Scented Consumer Products Emit Unlisted Hazardous Chemicals

            by Dr. Mercola
            Widely used fragranced products, including those that claim to be “green”, can give off chemicals not listed on the label. Some of these chemicals have been classified as toxic.
            Twenty-five commonly used scented products were found to emit an average of 17 chemicals each. A total of 133 different chemicals were detected — nearly […]

              Hypocritical pediatricians push for stricter chemical laws at the same time they inject babies with toxic vaccines

              by Ethan A. Huff
              (NaturalNews) The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently issued a policy paper condemning the current Toxic Substances Control Act (TSC Act) for failing to properly regulate the tens of thousands of toxic chemicals used in various consumer products, many of which are especially dangerous to pregnant women and young children. […]

                12,000 new chemicals registered daily: Most not tested for hormone-like properties

                from Living On Earth

                Forty-five million different chemicals are commercially available around the world — and many of these chemicals go untested. Host Bruce Gellerman talks with Professor Patricia Hunt from Washington State University who wrote a letter in the journal Science, calling for more stringent review of chemicals. Her letter was co-signed by scientific […]

                  Mind Games: How toxic chemicals are impairing children’s ability to learn

                  Photo from orionmagazine.org
                  BY SANDRA STEINGRABER
                  Orion Magazine
                  WHEN MY HUSBAND AND I SET OUT to find a nursery school for our daughter, Faith, nearly ten years ago we took the decision seriously. I looked at large parent-run cooperatives and visited small home-based operations. Jeff studied the pink towers and chiming bells at the Montessori school on […]