Medically Kidnapped Senior Citizen’s Health Deteriorating in Missouri, Wife of 44 Years Forbidden to Help

    It is going on four years since Charley Taylor has been held against his will in a nursing home under the control of a conservator. This is despite having two doctors say that he is competent. It has been a month since his wife Helen has been banned from the nursing home, and the couple is heartbroken. Since that day, Charley’s health has significantly declined, according to his wife Helen. Helen said that her husband has been “throwing up non-stop” since she was ordered off the premises indefinitely, or risk being arrested. She said: "He’s as weak as a kitten, I can’t hardly even understand him. When he talks to me, I’ve got to ask over and over what he said, because he’s so weak."

      Wife of Retired Couple Forbidden to See Her Husband in Nursing Home After Publication of Article

      It appears that an elected official in Morgan County, Missouri, has the power to keep Helen and Charlie Taylor apart no matter how much they want to be together. Shortly after our article was published, the day before Valentine's Day, Helen was told that she is no longer permitted to visit her husband in the nursing home, which is located in Callaway County, Missouri. Helen is devastated. She told us: "He is the love of my life. We just want to be together." During Helen’s visit with Charley Monday at the nursing home, she said 2 nursing home employees told her that the administrator wanted to meet with her in her office. In that meeting, Helen was told that she was not allowed on the premises anymore. Further, if she returned, they would call the sheriff’s department, and she would be arrested, according to Helen. She was handed a letter signed by Conservator Amanda Huffman stating that Helen was interfering with Charley’s care and that the nursing home was to stop all visits from her with her husband.

        Husband of Retired Missouri Couple Medically Kidnapped – Estate Plundered to Pay for Unwanted Medical Confinement

        Last November marks the beginning of the fourth year that 70 year old Charley Taylor of Missouri has been held by Morgan County in a nursing home against his will, after a trip to the emergency room turned into a permanent medical confinement. Although he has doctors who have stated that he is competent and of sound mind, and although his wife Helen had power of attorney to make decisions for him if he was medically not capable, a state-appointed Conservator has been appointed to him by the court to make all decisions, even against his own wishes and the wishes of his wife. Meanwhile his wife Helen, who has been fighting for her husband’s freedom, has also been battling against false accusations herself. She has been sent to jail based on false charges and later released due to lack of evidence, kidnapped and confined to a mental hospital until a doctor determined that there was nothing wrong with her, and has been evaluated five times to prove her own competency. She told Health Impact News: "We were financially set for the rest of our lives after 40 years of marriage until I called 911. Our lives have been destroyed and I am told everything to do when I see him. If this is justice, I don't need it. We want to be together. He is 70 years old, and I am 67." Helen and Charley worked hard for many years for everything that they owned—sometimes working several jobs in addition to their full-time jobs. Helen said, “I’ve worked all my life.” From 1979 to 2005 she was a field representative and managed doctors in medical facilities. She was so good at it that, she was sent across the country to open new facilities and train personnel. Additionally, Helen was also a mayor for two years in the town of Barnett, while also working a full-time job that required frequent travel, as well as a holding a municipal judge’s license. Helen’s former attorney became very concerned for her safety. He asked, “Do they know where you’re at? I’m worried for you.” He told her, “They will kill people for that amount of money.” He advised her not to let those involved know where she is because they would rather kill her rather than be exposed and lose their income.