10 Year Study on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation finds Link to Cancer – FDA does Nothing

    The results of a 30 million dollar, ten-plus year study on the effects of cell phone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) were published this year, 2018, confirming suspicions that cell phone use is carcinogenic. However, the FDA refuses to admit there is any risk in cell phone usage.

      Strategies to Break Small-screen Addiction

      If you are among the approximately 50% of adults and teens who feel addicted to smartphones or tablets, then this article about small screen addiction will be a valuable resource to you. If you are a parent who is concerned about the small screen habits of your young children or teen, then you will find helpful information here as well. The combination of addictive apps and small screen devices has a powerful capacity to elevate dopamine levels in the brain. This causes downregulation of the dopamine receptors on brain neurons, which makes it more and more difficult to experience pleasure. Finally, the overstimulation of neurons by dopamine begins killing neurons in the brain, which is a clear sign of physiological addiction. Thus, small screen addiction is very serious – it modifies and damages normal brain activity!

        Breaking Smart Phone Addiction: Raising Serotonin in the Brain

        During active small screen addiction, there is a constant sense of being drawn to the devices and to use certain apps with the hope of gaining fulfillment, satisfaction, and pleasure. In other words, there are cravings that compel people to do certain things with their smartphones and tablets in the hope of getting a dopamine release and feeling good. Checking your phone every few minutes all day long, spending endless hours on apps such as Facebook, preferring to text rather than speak in person, getting up in the middle of the night to check your phone, texting while driving, losing touch with work responsibilities and family obligations are just a few of the symptoms of small screen addiction. As small screen addiction progresses, excessive dopamine levels in the brain cause brain neurons to downregulate their dopamine receptors. This prevents people from experiencing the pleasure they once enjoyed from their small screens. Eventually there is no pleasure, only compulsive use of the small screens, which is an indication that neurons in the brain have begun to die from overstimulation by dopamine. People with out-of-control small screen usage must also realize and admit that they are dealing with an addiction that has the power to control and eventually destroy their lives. This article will focus on raising serotonin in the brain, which will improve the sense of well-being and help to restore contentment and happiness.

          Smartphone Addiction Related to Sugar, Narcotics, Alcohol, Pornography, Gambling Addictions

          Everyone will be confronted by the power of addiction at some time in their lives – whether it is our own addictions or the addictions of others who are close to us. Simply put, the human flesh desires, lusts, and seeks to satisfy its cravings. Even though addictions are part of our lives, the typical response to the presence of addiction is to deny it exists until overwhelming consequences break down the wall of denial. As will be explained in this article, sugar addiction, narcotic addiction, alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, gambling addiction, shopping addiction, and smartphone (small screen) addiction are closely related. All these addictions damage neurons in the brain and eventually rob us of pleasure and happiness, leaving us feeling empty, lonely, and depressed.

            How Big Technology Companies Control the Minds of the Masses Through Smart Phone Addiction

            With the push of a button, tech companies can make a billion people have the same thought. The tool they use is the smartphone. The thought could be a bit of truth or it could be a lie. Regardless of the content of the message, they have the power to capture our attention and to insert a thought in our minds, even if the thought only lingers there for a few seconds before we move on to something else. This kind of mind control is not accidental but is part of an intentional plan of technology companies to get us addicted to their technology, to steal our time, and to build profitability at our expense. Research shows that it is common for many people to check their phones 150 times a day and to touch the phone 2,617 times every day. The top 10% of users touch their phones more than 5,400 times daily. How many times an hour do you check your phone? Supercomputers have now beaten the best chess masters in the world, and it is these same supercomputers that are used by tech companies to manage smartphone addiction. The process involves collecting information about our interests and using psychological and behavioral methods to get us hooked on their technology. Unless we understand the techniques being used to get us addicted and take steps to control how we use smartphones and tablets, these devices have a high potential for taking over our lives.

              Does the New iPhone with No Headphone Jack Have Health Risks?

              Apple just announced that its newest brainchild, iPhone 7, which touts a thinner profile, exceptional water resistance and superior sound quality, will not feature a standard headphone jack. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) linked with wireless phone use as possibly carcinogenic to humans (aka cancer-causing), with potential for "increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer." The report was issued in 2011.

                Cell phones & wireless internet pose risk to human health & should be banned from schools, rule European leaders

                by Richard Gray
                The Telegraph
                A Council of Europe committee examined evidence that the technologies have “potentially harmful” effects on humans, and concluded that immediate action was required to protect children.

                In a report, the committee said it was crucial to avoid repeating the mistakes made when public health officials were […]

                  Important Information on the Biological Effects of Cell Phones and Wireless Technologies

                  by Dr. Mercola

                  On the site linked below, you can listen to an interview with Dr. Karl Maret. Dr. Maret is the president of the Dove Health Alliance, a nonprofit foundation that focuses on the creation and promotion of global research and education networks in Energy Medicine.

                  Dr. Maret trained in both electrical and biomedical engineering […]

                    5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Exposure

                    by Dr. Mercola
                    For several years, doctors, scientists and activists have been raising concerns about the possible connection between cell phones and brain cancer.
                    And recent research by scientists at NIH and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory conclusively determined that a cell phone’s electromagnetic field can indeed cause changes in brain activity.
                    CNN reports:

                    “Brain […]

                      5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Exposure

                      by BRYAN WALSH
                      Time Healthland
                      For the past several years, a small band of doctors and activists have been raising concerns about the possible connection between cell phone use and brain cancer. The cell phone industry — along with nearly all major national and international medical associations — have always responded with the same answer: there’s […]

                        Does Long-Term Cell Phone Use Lead to Brain Tumors?

                        by Dr. Mercola

                        The highest-quality research data available shows that long-term exposure to microwaves from cell phones can lead to an increased risk of brain tumors.

                        Researchers performed an in-depth analysis of research on the health risks associated with cell phone radiation exposure.  To date, eleven published studies have provided data on the risk of developing […]